Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Look What I Found Here!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Look What I Found Here!

Let's be honest, I click like crazy every time I scroll through my Goodreads feed. I do a "cleanup" every quarter or so, but still, so many books linger on my TBR. I went back to the oldest books on my TBR, made sure I had access with them, and am putting forth this list, as my commitment to reading these "forgotten" books. I know you will think, six years isn't that long to waste away on my TBR, but that was when I really started pleasure reading again, and getting serious about reading all the books.

Why do books linger on your TBR? This is a burning question for me. Some of these books are books I own, while others I have access to via the library. The only thing I can think of is I get distracted. I add the books with good intentions, but then new, shiny books come along, and they make me forget all about the books I own. Doing lists like this, and being a part of Books From the Backlog, has really helped me read those books that have been on the shelf simply collecting dust.

What's the oldest book on your TBR?
Let us know in the comments!

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