Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tell Me Something Tuesday: Vampire or Werewolf?

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where we discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

This Week’s Topic:
Would you rather be a werewolf or a vampire? Why?

Say I was faced with getting a scratch from a werewolf or a bite from a vampire, what would I chose? In order to make an informed decision, I needed to gather some information on both these creatures.

• Forever young • Age like humans
• Immortal • Mortal
• Require a steady diet of blood • Eat a normal human diet
• Usually possess a magnetic personality • Known to be aggressive
• Have enhanced senses • Super strong and super fast, as well as heightened senses
• Must always be invited and are can be killed with common household items • Nearly invulnerable, but may be harmed by silver and wolf's bane
• Can simply take a shape they want • go through a painful physical shift from human to wolf, which may be uncontrollable and result in lots of shredded clothing.

Based on these facts, I think I would want to a vampire. To be young forever is such an attractive thing, and as long as I keep on the down-low, I should be able to enjoy lots of different historical time periods, which I always found one of the more fascinating things about vampires. I am also sort of in love with the allure factor that vampires have. They are know to be charming and charismatic, and always dead sexy. Who wouldn't want that? The drawback is the blood thing, but I think I could overlook that for all benefits one has in vampirism.

**This decision is largely based on me being turned when I was in my 20s.

Now it's your turn! Vampire or Werewolf?

Would you rather be a werewolf or a vampire? Why? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Cool topic! There definitely seems to be a few more perks to being a vampire, so I think I'd lean that way as well.

    1. Right? With all my old lady aches and pains, being a vamp is super appealing

  2. I thought vampire at first but I think the immortality might be lonely. So I think I have to say werewolf!!

    1. Other perks of the lupine kind are being able to go out during the day. So you wouldn't have to give up trips to the shore.

  3. I don't know if I'd want to live forever - like Grace said, it seems awfully lonely. At the same time, I'm a wimp so changing every month would SUCK. haha I go with vampire.


    1. When I think of immortality, I always flash to Tessa from TID and Magnus from TMI. They shared the good and the bad with us readers

  4. What a great topic!! I would pick Vampire to, the being immortal and being able to see so much is a draw. The blood I agree would be the hardest part.

    1. I think it is the unlimited experiences that seems attractive to me.

  5. Well, I've always been more interested in vampire stories - I will say that! :)

    1. I was just looking at my PNR shelf, and I have a lot of books featuring vampires. Not too many wolf books.

  6. Immortality sounds fantastic until I think about it in real terms---then suddenly it doesn't seem all that great. So, I guess I'd pick werewolf (even though I am a wimp and hate the idea of all that pain).

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Well, at least you are nearly invulnerable as a werewolf, and if you could control your change, it could be pretty cool to shift when you need to get somewhere quickly and whatnot. The vision I keep getting is from the Parasol Protectorate books. I think that one described the problems some wolves experience really well.

  7. OOoh interesting! I might have to borrow this post idea! It sounds like fun too! I was always a vampire girl myself, but in recent years I started leaning more towards werewolves. At least in my "first" werewolf book I read, the werewolves weren't immortal, but they did age slower than a human and can look like they're in the mid-20s for years and look like they're in their 30s for years and so on. I can't remember the exact science to it, like if they aged physically 1 year for every 10 or something like that. I have no idea, what it truly is. So in a way, werewolves do live longer lives than humans!

    At least that's the way I'm going with things! It's some of the perks of vampirism but still has its own flaws too!

    1. Aging slowly would be nice. I originally thought I only really read about werewolves in the Cassandra Clare books, but now I realize Gail Carriger featured them too, and she had a lot of details about their lives and problems in her books too. If you like this topic, you will probably like next week's Tell Me Something Tuesday, it is about paranormal powers.

  8. Oh man. That's a tough one. Such great pros and cons for both but I think I want to say vampire. I'm a night owl anyways so steering clear of sun isn't a huge thing for me. But yeah, the blood. Yuck. lol

    1. I am not a sun worshipper at all, so I would be ok with that.

  9. But there is so much lore out there about magic that could make me a day walker.

  10. Definitely Vampire!! The blood thing is a bit gross, but maybe I could be a vampire in the True Blood world where we can just drink synthetic blood??

    1. The beauty of there being so many different versions of the lore out there. =)

  11. Ooh fun topic. :) I'll go with werewolves cause you're still partly human (I think?) and not undead. You could still have a normal life when you're not, you know, howling at the moon lol. Although looking at your pros and cons list the vamps do seem to have the advantage, huh? The forever young thing has a lot going for it.

    1. My understanding with werewolves is that you are human, live a human life, but shift from time to time. The one thing, besides the finite life, that wolves seemed to have was invulnerability. Just silver and wolf's bane to watch out for, but I think there are more items and more common items that can kill/harm a vamp.

  12. Hmmmm I initially thought werewolf but there are some perks to vampire. Now, I would want to date a werewolf!!
    I'm not sure I would want to live forever...that might not be the perk it sounds!

    1. Again, if the wolves are like Lord Maccon from Parasol Protectorate, count me in for a boy-wolf too.

  13. I've actually had this debate with a friend lol. It's hard to choose but I would say a werewolf. They can go out anytime unlike Vampires that are night creatures. This is a fun post.

    1. I love that you have had this debate. I seem to always have the black sheep opinion though, and my choice was largely driven by my wanting to be in my 20s again. 😂

  14. This one is a no-brainer for me. Vampire, for sure. I am not an animal person. and I am *not* an outdoorsy person. And being a werewolf just calls to mind a lot of time spent outdoors in the woods or something. Not happening. I'll take whatever comes with vampirism to avoid being all wolfy outside. LOL

    1. These are the best reasons I have heard, and I am with you, I am not the outdoor type.

  15. Werewolf stories always seem somewhat tragic to me. Like, if you're a vampire, you're kind of just a vampire, and once the initial world you knew dies out, you just carry on. But if you're a werewolf, you're living a double life, and people you care about could get hurt by you, and would probably reject you if they knew your secret..Ursula Le Guin has a great short story called "The Wife's Tale" I think, that is awesome.

    All of which is to say I wouldn't want to be either. Fun question to ponder though!

    1. That's a really good point to raise. You would have to find someone you can really trust to mind you during your change in order to protect your loved ones.
