Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a great week. Things were interesting at work this week. There is going to be a lot of movement on the team, and we lost one person from my role. I am happy for everyone who was promoted, but it's going to be a struggle filling that spot and training. Unlike other roles on my team, the work I do has to be done every day. If one of us is out, someone else has to do it. I just have to go with the flow and hope for the best. 

It was another short week for me. I had scheduled a vacation day because there are no holidays in April. Then I had all those doctors' appointments. I probably should have canceled the day, but I have been so exhausted, so I had a day of doing NOTHING! I did go to the chiropractor. I am hoping a few adjustments can resolve the pinched nerve in my neck. My arm throbs and hurts to lift. It's been going on for four months which is unusual, though I have had this issue before. 

I caved and ordered a new kindle. I think I made a good decision because my Oasis has been acting funny this week. I got the Paperwhite Signature Edition. It's probably overkill, but it had good reviews. And now, my kindle graveyard grows. I keep them all for some reason unbeknownst to me. Maybe for a kindle emergency? 

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - One Last Shot, Mistakes We Never Made
  • Tuesday: TTT - The DNF Files
  • Wednesday: CWW - A Happier Life, Rules for Visiting
  • Thursday: Reviews - Secrets of Starshine Cove, A Quantum Love Story
  • Friday: Five Star Friday - April 2024
  • Saturday: Sloth Goes Places - New York

Let's Discuss

  • AJ tells us petty reasons she gave books low ratings
  • HE Edgmon talks about the tricky gray area of upper YA
  • Krysta asks if there could be too many retellings

Stacking the Shelves

I finally got approved for the new Heather Webber book. That made me really happy. I was excited to get a copy of the new Emily Stone, too. Both authors always delight me, and I am looking forward to both books. 



Read Last Week

Another high quality reading week. I realized that ALL these authors were new-to-me. Rules for Visiting was such an interesting and heartwarming read. I am so glad I stumbled upon it at the library. Just Some Stupid Love Story was one of my anticipated reads. I had a feeling I would love it and I DID! It was a ton of fun with an interesting concept. Spanning several years, I had a lot of time to get to know the hero and heroine, and I was terribly invested in their relationship. The third-act breakup had me sobbing. I was such a hot mess. It was as if I had no idea that it was a romance, but it did end in traditional romance fashion, and it was wonderful! 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

I was so excited when I was able to snag a copy of Funny Story from the library. I have been a fan of Henry's since The Love that Split the World, but I have had no luck getting ARCs of her books since Beach Read. It's amazing to see how her popularity has grown by crossing over to adult romance. Seriously, look at the holds and number of copies at the library. 

As I write this, I have not started Funny Story, but I have no doubt it will be a hit.

First Base is a sweet fake-dating/image rehab sports romance. I am eager to learn the heroine's full story. There is something painful I have yet to learn. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Sometimes we just need a whole day off to do nothing! I hope you enjoyed your day off and that you can find a quick solution for the pinched nerve in your neck. Looks like you had a great week of reading though—two five-star reads sounds like a win to me! I just bought How to End A Love Story and it sounds like it has great 'pull on heartstrings' potential. I hope you enjoy Funny Story and all your other reads, Sam. Have a great week ahead!

    1. Buckle up, How to End a Love Story was a roller coaster ride, but the couple was so easy to love.

  2. We've had a few resignations recently, too, and it's so hard to fill up the lost roles. D: I hope you can manage! Same with your arm... did the chiropractor help? I hope this next week will be so much better for you, Sam!

    1. Nobody resigned, but they opened more senior roles on my team which allowed people to stay with the team while moving into a role where they get more money and vacation. My arm still hurts, but it does usually take a while to get the alignment back when I haven't been in a long time.

  3. "Unlike other roles on my team, the work I do has to be done every day."
    That's unfortunate, to say the least...I hope you can train a new person soon, but of course, that must be yet another pain in the ass. I hope the chiropractor can help you (and hey, never feel guilty about taking a day off, especially since it sounds like was badly needed!).

    "And now, my kindle graveyard grows. I keep them all for some reason unbeknownst to me. Maybe for a kindle emergency?"
    😂 How many do you have? Enough to start a museum? 😉

    1. Kindles - old paperwhite, paperwhite signature, pink kindle fire, large fire, and my Oasis. Two were gifts, one I won, and two I bought. I don't feel guilty about taking a day off because our day are a use-em-or-lose-em sort of thing. I just hate using too many in the beginning of the year. I always panic that I won't have any left at the end of the year.

  4. March and April are tough because after president's day we don't have another holiday until Memorial day! It feels so long. So, I understand wanting to take it. I don't know what I am going to do when my Oasis dies. I'm so sad they don't make the Oasis any more. I have my old paperwhite as well. I'm gonna turn into Sheldon Cooper with the storage space of everything he ever owned. Hahaha!

    1. We had Good Friday in March because the stock market was closed. Mostly, I get one a month which is all I need to recharge. I don't feel the Scribe is a worthy replacement for the Oasis. It's gigantic. That's what the tablets are for. My Paperwhite Signature came last night. It's fine. I don't think it's as responsive to touch as my Oasis, but what can I do.

  5. I hope the chiropractor could help you Sam! And I get being tired and enjoying a day of doing nothing!!

    1. Me too. I have had three adjustments and my arm still hurts, but I am trying to stay optimistic.

  6. Love my Kindle Paperwhite. I have the waterproof version since I sometimes read by the pool or in the pool in the company of rowdy children. My grandkids! It is nice to have a day off with for no specific reason. Hope the chiropractor app helps with your neck. I've used heated neckrolls, (the kind that are filled with sand or barley (?) not sure) to help with pain and they help. A pinched nerve takes a while to resolve. Not fun.

    I'm currently reading Happy Medium and enjoying it. Hope you love Funny Story as much as I did. It's one of my all-time favorites of hers to date.

    1. The Oasis is waterproof. I think my old paperwhite was too, but it was slow compared to the Oasis. The Paperwhite Signature is ok. It's the Oasis.My chiropractor does not use heat, only ice. He says it not good for never issues. I was sad because I love heat. I got good stim though. I only had three adjustments and I have been doing the exercises from when I did PT for this same issue, but I have no patience. I am enjoying Funny Story but I am not sure it will usurp People You Meet on Vacation as my fave.

  7. I hope you get some relief after going to the chiropractor, Sam. I had neck and arm issues and it turned out to be a rotator cuff tear, I hope that isn't your problem. I bought myself a new kindle last December and looked at the Paperwhite, but ended up just getting the kindle paperwhite, not the signature, but it does everything I need. It looks like you have some good reading ahead. I hope you enjoy your upcoming reads. Have a wonderful week, Sam.

    1. Last time I went to the ortho with these symptoms, he told me it was my neck. I don't know. Doctors always make me feel like I am making stuff up. I can tell you that the Signature is not an Oasis. I miss my buttons and it's not as responsive to touch as my Oasis. I suppose I will get used to it.

  8. I only have 2 Kindles, but I have 5 old Tablets. I don't know why I keep the ones that aren't working right anymore.

    1. I am paranoid to toss old electronics because I am afraid someone will get all my information. Once a year, my job has a safe disposal collection day. I have brought old computers for those.

  9. The Kindle graveyard - ha! It's like when we get new smart phones and can't bear to throw away the old ones, just in case! Having a day off to do nothing sounds like a dream!

    1. I don't keep phones. I know I will never use an old one again. I run mine into the ground. My job had us install and authenticator app for logging on remotely. I cannot install the newest version because my android OS is too old and cannot be updated. My phone is an S9 which isn't even that old. These phones are like $800 - $1000. I don't go around getting a new one all the time.

  10. Congrats on the new Kindle! I had a graveyard too until I discovered the trade in options through Amazon. I definitely recommend!

    Also, I'm glad to see you enjoyed The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers as much as I did!

    1. I bought it without trade in though I always consider it.

  11. I had a pile of old Kindles too but then they started giving me credit to trade them in when buying a new one so I go with that - or give it to people I know that want but can't afford one. I do still have a couple laying around though. Why? I don't know lol I also have my exploded Samsung tablet (the pieces started separating and coming apart).

    Glad you had a do nothing day!

    1. I know they give you trade in credit. I am too lazy to deal with it. I am not sure I would keep the broken ones though

  12. A day to do nothing is necessary sometimes, right?! I hope your neck feels better soon. And yay for a new Kindle! I can't seem to get rid of all my kindle books either. I really need to go through them, though. I also picked up an ARC of Emily Stone's next book and I'm excited to read it. Hopefully we both enjoy this one!

    1. My neck is ok, it's my arm. Maybe it's not a nerve. I am tired of being disappointed by doctors at this point. Stone has been solid for me. I hope her new book is a hit for us both.
