Friday, July 20, 2018

Discussion: Audiobook Love

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where we discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

This Week’s Topic: What Do You Love About Audiobooks?

First, I must make a confession. I was a longtime opponent of audiobooks. I would repeat all those arguments, which many people before me had made. 
  • They're boring.
  • They put me to sleep.
  • How am I supposed to know what's going on? 
But,  let's be honest, how many times do you just listen to the TV and do something else while your show plays? I am guilty of doing that for almost every show I "watch". Therefore,  listening to an audiobook is sort of the same thing. 

Once I resolved that audiobooks were acceptable for me, I had a few missteps. I tried listening to books in different genres, some were successful, some were not. What I found was that the difficulties I had with just listening to a TV show also applied to audiobooks. I know, no big surprise there, but once I figured out what worked for me, I sort of fell in love with the format. 

Why I Love Audiobooks
  1. I am able to listen to them while I work. Not only am I passing the time during the day, but I am knocking books off my TBR. TWOFER!
  2. If I am having a bad eye day, I can still tackle my TBR. I just slip in my earbuds, and get lost in a book. 
  3. Sometimes, there is just nowhere quiet on the train, and when there is too much noise, I cannot read. So, once again, plug in and tune out. 
  4. I really only use my library for the electronic media, and there are quite a few books only available in audio format. By listening to audiobooks, I have expanded the number of books available to me. 
  5. There are a LOT fantastic narrators out there, and they have really enhanced my enjoyment of a story, because their delivery was so good. 
  6. I can do other stuff while I listen to an audiobook, which I could not do if I were reading. For instance, today I drove, when food shopping, cleaned my bathroom, did the laundry, and ironed all while listening to a book. You can multitask a lot more with audiobooks. 
Now it's your turn!

Do you listen to audiobooks? What do you like about them?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. For *years* I had this strong anti-audiobook stance (for me, not for everyone LOL). I was a total purist and stubbornly believed that wasn't reading. You couldn't listen to an audiobook and say you had read the book. Boy, have I done a total 180! Now I love audiobooks! I love listening on my commute (relatively short though it is). There are still some books I will always insist on actually reading (favorite authors, etc) but I love the experience of listening to an audiobook done well. And finding favorite narrators which has sometimes even led to me to new books - just because I love their narration. :)

    1. I was exactly the same way. I cannot listen to all stories, but my contemporary romances and most of the contemporary YA books work well for me. I need to start focusing on narrators, because I remember there being some, who were phenomenal.

  2. I've only recently started using them on a regular basis and I love pretty much all of the things you mentioned. I love to use them when I'm traveling, when I'm at work, and when I'm doing something super boring like chores or exercising on the treadmill. I use OverDrive to get my audiobooks. The selection is fantastic and I love that I can keep an audiobook for up to 14 days at a time.

    1. I have only really procured my audiobooks from my eLibrary and Hoopla. I recently switched to Libby for borrowing the books, and I like the app better than Overdrive.

  3. I have such a hard time with audio books for some reason. I get so distrated when listening to them. I did finish one a little while back and thought it was pretty good. I have several of them, but I seem to do much better when I am reading a physical/kindle book.

    1. Not all stories worked for me. My contemporary romances work best, because they tend to be straight forward with no more than 2 narrators (usually)

  4. I’ve only tried one audiobook, and I kept having to rewind it because I’d get distracted and stop paying attention. I should probably try again. Especially because I’ve been listening to podcasts while I run, and I don’t have too much trouble following those. I only have to rewind occasionally when I lose track of what they’re talking about.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Not all books worked for me on audio. It may be a case of trying with a different kind of book. I think audiobooks work really well for me when I am on my walks, because all I really think about is breathing then, which allows me to really get lost in the book.

  5. There was this one year that I listened to so many audiobooks thanks to Nereyda introducing me to them. It was a good year. The narrators really brought to life the books in a different way than just reading. I do remember having a tough time with fantasy though. Contemporary and re-reads were golden on audio for me.
    I've stopped listening to them, not because I don't like them, but I haven't had the time. I think when I start my PhD program, maybe I'll have a bit more time to listen to them while I'm working? A girl can hope!

    1. SFF books were a total fail for me. Too many details to keep track of, and I am more visual than auditory, but contemporaries work perfectly for me. I have seen a lot of bloggers use audiobooks for re-reads, especially when a new book in a series is being released

  6. Yes I agree with a lot of your reasons! I love the library has so many audios. I also love getting stuff done and listening. Multitasking at its finest!

    1. I have not paid for any of my audiobooks. Between Hoopla and the eLibrary, I have a ton to select from. They also tend to have a ton of contemporary romances, and they are my faves to listen to.

  7. Replies
    1. I totally agree. They seem to make the time go much faster.

  8. I don't read audiobooks (because of the reasons you stated above XD), but I would love to be able to support fantastic narrators! They have excellent talent, and deserve to be known. ♥

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. I always thought that way until I found the RIGHT books.

  9. Amen, sister!!! I used to never listen to audio books either. I wasn’t against them I just didn’t do it. Now I adore them. They up my reading numbers, make boring, monotonous task way more enjoyable and are a fun and different way to read books. I love them!

  10. Yes, SAME! I discovered audiobooks a few years ago and I love them so much! I get so much more reading done and I feel like I'm being twice as productive when I'm working around the house and also reading. Great post!

    1. That's the best part for me,being able to multitask.

  11. I used to hate audiobooks, I said they put me to sleep but I found some fantastic narrators and ended up loving them. It started with Sleeping Giants and their amazing cast. Also if I speed up the audiobook its much more enjoyable

    1. I think it's similar to books. You just need to find the right ones for you. I can speed it up a little, max 1.5x, but not if it's a female narrator with a high voice. 😖

  12. Fantasy books are lost on me. Too many details. I listened to one recently with like 5 POVs and it was tough

  13. I've started listening to audiobooks a lot in the past year. My commute got longer, so it finally made sense for me to try them in the car. It definitely makes the ride go a lot faster!

    1. It's such a great way to pass the time, and they are really great for me when I drive, because I need something to keep my mind off of how obnoxious Jersey drivers are.

  14. Audiobooks made it easy for me to read two books at once: one as an audio, one reading. It’s also offered me a chance to give new genres, authors, thpes of books a chance which yeah surprising and cool

    1. That is my MO too - I always am listening to one and reading one. I feel like I take more chances with audiobooks too. One reason is that I always borrow them from my library, so no money spent/lost. The other reason is that I listen to them while doing something else. When I read, I have to take a time out from everything else and fully dedicate the time to reading. When I am listening, I can do other things. Therefore, if I am not feeling it, I have no qualms about DNFing and starting another one.

  15. I've tried to get into audiobooks. I've tried multiple times and I've failed. I just cant focus on what's going on and do things... Maybe one day I'll try *again* but for now I'll stay in my NO to audiobooks stance.
    That said, my kiddo loves them and the professor likes them so maybe, one day, I'll be convinced to love them too.

    1. Everything is not for everybody, but I am impressed your son likes just listening to stories. I would think younger ones would need all the pictures, graphics, and images to keep their attention.

  16. I am still not won over by audiobooks. I finished my first one a couple of weeks ago and I need to try another. I struggle to find time for them in the same way I do reading, though. I do feel like I should try them, though. I can do other things but usually the other things I want to do are watching TV or playing video games and I quite like listening to those things. I don't like trying to listen on my commute as I can tune out the audio as I'll start browsing my phone so I'm doing something with my hands. I think it's simply finding a listening schedule which works for me, though.

    1. Yeah, you can't really watch TV or play games while you listen to an audiobook. They are great when you are doing mindless things - food shopping, house chores, etc. I like to bring one with me when I go out to eat alone too. I get some QT with my book AND my meal. Winning.

  17. I never had anything against audio books, but falling asleep while listening to them in the beginning was a normal occurrence. I like to think that I've gotten better at it and finding the right narrators helps tremendously. I love how practical and relaxing they are :)

    1. I have only really encountered one narrator, who didn't work for me. Her voice was so annoying. I guess it depends on the story. My co-worker has caught me crying a whole lot when I listen to my stories, so not really relaxing for me.

  18. I really need to start listening to more audio. I think i've listened to maybe three in my lifetime? I am SO picky about voices though--and i need to get over the feeling that it's "cheating" and not quite reading BECAUSE IT STILL COUNTS!!

    1. It's the same story, just being delivered in a different way. It's sort of like ebooks also being reading. I really love them now.

  19. Yes to everything you said! I love being able to multitask and listening at work is such a huge plus for me. I think that some of the narrators are so good that they are actually able to make the story better than it would be in print.

    1. The narrator, who stands out to me was from Tangled - Sebastian York. He breathe so much life into that character.

  20. All the reasons above! I love that I can multitask! And of course, it keeps me company during my daily drive!

    1. Audiobooks keep me company and SANE during my drive. They are a good escape from all the crazy traffic.

  21. I don't read audiobooks, because every time I tried them (which is exactly three times, so I gave up pretty easily like I usually do haha) I kept getting distracted. I do think I should try one again. (On a side note, I'd *love* to see you write a post about the books with the best narrators.) Great post!!

    Veronika @ The Regal Critiques

    1. It took me time to find the right way to listen and the right books to listen to. I stutter stopped on my road to loving audiobooks, but I now know when and how and I love that I can tackle my backlist this way. I don't really *officially* review audiobooks for the blog, but I have considered listening a little harder to try and make note of those standout narrators.

  22. I can't get into audiobooks for the life of me because I cannot stay focused. I always get distracted because I like to multi task and not just listen - and then I miss bits and pieces. Even when I just listen, without turning pages myself I start to daydream and lose attention. Ugh. I feel like my reading would be so much more productive if I listened to audiobooks as well.

    1. That's how I felt when I was listening to SFF books, but I am good with contemporaries. The stories have less details and work well for me in that formst.
