Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month!

Since May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, I thought I would share books written by authors, who are of Asian or Pacific Islander descent. These are all books I have read, but I also have a ton on my TBR.

When Dimple Met Rishi
Sandhya Menon
Series: n/a
Publisher: Simon Pulse

This book was one of my favorites of 2017. Rishi was perfection, the romance was adorable, and the whole story just left me wanting to dance in a meadow.

You Bring the Distant Near
Mitali Perkins
Series: n/a
Publisher: Farrar, Straus & Giroux

This was such a beautiful, multigenerational story. One of my favorite things was being able to watch the character age, grow, and change. I loved seeing the way the lives of these five fierce women were intertwined with thoughtful observations on culture and race.

Marie Lu
Series: Legend, #1
Publisher: Putnam

This is the first book in one of my favorite series. It has action, adventure, romance, mystery, and family drama. I still want to know what happened after the last book, because I loved June and Day so much.

I Believe in the Thing Called Love
Maurene Goo
Series: n/a
Publisher: Farrar, Straus & Giroux

This book was so adorably fun. Desi was hilarious, and I adored seeing her and her dad interact, as they shared a special bond. I also liked learning so much about K-drama, and appreciated the other cultural aspects of the book as well.

To All the Boys I've Loved Before
Jenny Han
Series: To All the Boys I've Loved Before, #1
Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Lara Jean is one of my favorite literary characters. There is just something special about this old-fashioned girl, who so fiercely loves her family. Her romantic escapades were quite amusing, and I enjoyed every second of this series.

Riley Redgate
Series: n/a
Publisher: Abrams

I am a fan of all Redgate's books, but this one had so many fantastic elements, which won me over. I am a fan of boarding school settings, and that along with the whole accapella culture and bromance between the members of Sharpshooters made this quite an exceptional reading experience.

The Epic Crush of Genie Lo
F.C. Yee
Series: The Epic Crush of Genie Lo, #1
Publisher: Amulet Books

Genie Lo is one fabulous character! I laughed so much, and could not get enough of her. She was fiery and fierce. I also thought the integration of Chinese folklore was very interesting in this book.

The Iron King
Julie Kagawa
Series: The Iron Fey, #1
Publisher: Harlequin Teen

Another of my favorite series. I really adored Kagawa's Fey world and all its inhabitants. I was extremely grateful when I found out the series would be longer, but was so sad when it all ended. This is a world I will miss.

The Reader
Traci Chee
Series: Sea of Ink and Gold, #1
Publisher: Putnam

I loved the characters, and the story within the story, as well as the magic involved. Chee created an incredible world, and I can't wait to learn even more about it.

Three Dark Crowns
Kendare Blake
Series: Three Dark Crowns, #1
Publisher: HarperTeen

I love this series so much, I even read the novellas. I am not a fan of novellas, but this series is utterly addictive. I have so many theories in my head at this point, that if I don't read the third book soon, I may explode.

Who are some of your favorite Asian/Pacific Islander authors?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Those are some cool books up there!! I definitely need to finish the Lara Jean series. I loved that first book. I've also heard super good things about The Reader and Noteworthy.

    1. I was ok with the last Lara Jean book, but I want a jump ahead to see how it all worked out.

  2. Nice topic! I completely agree with everything you said about three Dark Crowns. :)

  3. These are some great clouding books! When Dimple Met Rishi is one I’d like to read. I really enjoyed The IronFey series so much.

    1. I put off reading that final Iron Fey Call of the Forgotten for so long, because I was such a fan of that world. WDMR was a total feel good book. I am a fan.

  4. Awesome list! I love Marie Lu and Julie Kagawa books.

    Here is my TTT: https://fantasyraiders.wordpress.com/2018/05/22/top-ten-tuesday-how-do-you-pronounce-it-names/#more-8421

  5. Great post! Sandhya Menon and Marie Lu are the only ones I've read so far but all of the others are on my TBR.

    1. I had trouble cutting my list down to 10. There are so many wonderful Asian authors out there.

  6. I've read when Dimple met Rishi, but obviously that means there's everything else I should be getting to!

    1. Well, that book was so wonderful, it should count twice. XD

  7. Okay, I LOVE the spin you put on this week's topic. Such a great post <3 Thank you for the recs <3

    1. I always cheat, when I cannot think of anything good for the week's topic, but I have been wanting to do this anyhow.

  8. Nice list! I have only read When Dimple Met Rishi from this list. Jenny Han books are on my TBR and Maurene Goo books too :)

    My TTT: http://flippingthruthepages.com/2018/05/ten-diverse-books-of-2018-on-my-tbr-with-character-names-in-the-title/

    1. Jenny Han books are so fabulous. My co-blogger, Amrutha, sings the praises of Shug, which I have not read, and I believe is a really early Jenny Han book.

  9. I've only read When Dimple Met Rishi but I am curious about some of these other books. Fun topic!


    1. I am a fan of all these books, and am even improved that I have some SFF books on the list.

  10. Yes to the Iron King and Legend! I love both of those series, but I still need to finish both of them (I'm SO BAD at keeping up with series). I started When Dimple Met Rishi last summer, and I just couldn't get into it. I think it was my mood at the time because it sounds like the kind of book I'd love. Great list!

    1. OMG! Champion still makes me cry. It's poetically beautiful, and I was happy with the way Kagawa ended the series too. I am shocked you couldn't get into WDMR. You usually like most of the books I like.

  11. Thanks for the recommendations! I’ve heard of most of these. I’ll have to check out You Bring the Distant Near. I love multigenerational stories.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. You Bring the Distant Near spans so many years, and I love seeing people's lives change over long periods of time. I had wanted a little more with the 3rd generation, but the first two generations stories were spectacular.

  12. Gloria Chao impressed me this year with her debut American Panda.

    1. I also really enjoyed American Panda. I had so many wonderful Asian authors on my read shelf, it was hard to pick just 10.

  13. I loved When Dimple Met Rishi! It was such a cute fun read that I ended up not being able to put it down! Great list! I need to check some of these other books out.

    1. I gobbled up that book as well. It was pretty much a perfect read for me.

  14. I love THE READER. Have you read the sequel? I haven't but hope to soon. Good twist on this days' theme. My TTT Dickens Names

    1. Yep, I read The Speaker, and I am pretty eager to get my hands on that third book.

  15. I haven't read any of these, but a couple of them are on my TBR.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/05/22/top-ten-tuesday-160/

    1. I hope you get to read a few, because they are all so wonderful.

  16. Wow I feel dumb, I thought it was in April! Anyway great list! I need to read I Believe in a Thing Called Love!

    1. If you want to laugh, Thing Called Love will deliver.

  17. Argh! So many books on here I want to read!!!

  18. I've been loving the To All the Boys I've Loved Before series. I Believe in a Thing Called Love also looks great.

    1. Thing Called Love was so much fun, and I was sad to see LJ go off to college, but I am keeping my fingers crossed for a Kitty spin off, where she is aged up and we find out what happened with Margo and LJ.

  19. I still need to read so many of these! I especially want to get to Dimple. You know my adoration for the Three Dark Crowns Series, so I don't even need to mention that. nd Julie Kagawa is another favorite of mine.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I have to catch up with the Talon books (I read the first 3), but Kagawa is an auto-read for me.

  20. What a great way to celebrate the month. I finally got my hands on You Bring the Distant Near and am looking forward to finally reading it.

    1. YBtDN was so wonderful. The complicated relationships between mothers and daughters as well as the clash of cultures is explored in a thoughtful and honest way.

  21. When Dimple Met Rishi is on my TBR list :)

  22. I have read none of these but plan to listen to the audio of When Dimple Met Rishi soon. My daughter read a Jenny Han book today and enjoyed it as well.

    1. There is just something really special about Lara Jean. I will always have a lot of love for her. I hope you like WDMR!

  23. SO happy to see Legend and The Iron Fey here, as they're some of my all-time favorite series. I also love Kendare Blake, but I do love her Anna Dressed in Blood books more than I did Three Dark Crowns. I have When Dimple Met Rishi and The Epic Crush of Genie Lo on my TBR!!! ♥

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. Those are also two of my all-time favorite series. Genie Lo is a most fabulous heroine. I hope you get to read it soon.

  24. Obvi Lara Jean is life! Cannot freaking wait for the Netflix movie!

    1. I was pretty excited to hear the movie was a go. I hope it does the books justice.

  25. I'd really like to read When Dimple Met Rishi someday. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday

    1. If you like cute, adorable contemporaries, you will enjoy WDMR.

  26. This is an awesome list! I've actually read most of these (and enjoyed them all, yay!) And most of the others are on my TBR! This is a nice choice of topic this week!

    1. Whoo hoo! I am impressed, because you have some high standards.

  27. I only include books I have read on my TTT lists, and I have not read any of Stacey Lee's books, though they are on my TBR.

  28. Genie Lo was so awesome - I'm glad that there will be a sequel! :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. Me too! I think Genie and Quinten have lots of stories to tell and baddies to defeat.

  29. I have yet to read anything by Marie Lu. I even own the Legend series but... just hasn’t happened. And despite my usual shying away from fantasy, I really do want to read Three Dark Crowns!

    1. You know if I liked an SFF book it's pretty accessible. Legend is just so good, and TDC has this like soap opera appeal for me.

  30. I haven't read any of these books or books by any of these authors D: I own two Jenny Han books though, and I recently bought the entire Legend series by Marie Lu, so I will definitely be reading books by both of them soon. American Panda is also one I want to read which I have heard great things about.
