Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - My Summer TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

My Summer TBR!

Happy Tuesday! This week we are sharing some books from our TBR. The summer is always heavy with new releases, and because of that, I have a ton of ARCs ready to go for the summer months. When I was looking at my TBR, I realized that there are no new authors featured below. I am sure I have some new-to-me authors to read but they are just not on this list. Obviously, I have high hopes for all these books since I adore all the authors who I am sure will delight me. 

  1. Hate to Fake It to You by Amanda Sellet
  2. The Ex Vows by Jessica Joyce
  3. A Certain Kind of Starlight by Heather Webber
  4. Heavy Hitter by Katie Cotugno
  5. The Break-Up Pact by Emma Lord
  1. Elizabeth of East Hampton by Audrey Belleza, Emily Harding
  2. Miranda in Retrograde by Lauren Layne
  3. Prime Time Romance by Kate Robb
  4. Eddie Winston is Looking for Love by Marianne Cronin
  5. All I Want is You by Falon Ballard

What's on your summer TBR?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. These all look so cute! I hope these authors continue to deliver for you!

    1. These are some really dependable authors, so I feel good about these books.

  2. These are all such wonderfully summery covers 😍 I still haven't read Jessica Joyce's debut but I'm already excited for The Ex Vows. The cover is stunning and it just sounds great. I hope you enjoy all of these reads, Sam!

    1. I adored Joyce's debut. It was so much more than I expected.

  3. It always pains me to see the low ratings for Cotugno's books. Heavy Hitter's early reviews seem more positive so maybe this one will fare better.

    1. You know, Cotugno is one of those authors where very few readers seem to fall in the middle. She goes for it, and some people just don't like that. Rebecca Serle is another author I think is received in a similar way. I love the idea of Heavy Hitter and Cotugno's books always do well with me, so I am hopeful.

  4. I am certain many of these will end up on my TBR once you will have reviewed them Sam!

    1. Let's hope they are all as good as I think they will be.

  5. These look adorable. I hope you enjoy them all!

  6. Looks like a fun lineup. Enjoy!

    Happy TTT!

  7. I'm thinking about The Ex Vows. Hope you enjoy all on your list, Sam!

    1. I really liked Joyce's last book, and this one sounds great too.

  8. We do not share any books but I DO want to read Heavy Hitter at some point. I also looked up A Certain Kind of Starlight and wow, that looks good too, I think I need to add that to my list! Eddie Winston looks very sweet too! And honestly all of these covers are on point! Hope you love them!

    1. I fell in love with Webber's books. I had exhausted all the Sarah Addison Allen books and was led to Webber whose books have a similar feel. I hope we both love Heavy Hitter.I think KC will do a good job with it.

  9. I hope you're enjoying these this summer! I think I've only read Emma Lord, but I see several authors I recognize. Happy reading!

    1. I am about halfway through, and so far, only one DNF
