Friday, January 5, 2018

In a Nutshell Reviews

In a Nutshell Reviews are my version of mini-reviews, because sometimes, you just want the highlights.

Love and Other Train Wrecks
Leah Konen
Series: n/a
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Rating:  4 out of 5 stars
A twenty-four-hour romance about two teens who meet—and perhaps change their minds about love—on a train ride to Upstate New York in the middle of a snowstorm

One train ride. Two strangers.

Noah is a hopeless romantic. He’s heading back home for one last chance with his first love, whom he broke up with when he went off to college.

Ammy doesn’t believe in true love—her parents being prime examples. She’s escaping from a mom who can’t take care of her to a dad who may not even want her. That is, until one winter night when Noah and Ammy find themselves in the same Amtrak car heading to Upstate New York.

After a train-wreck first encounter between the two of them, the Amtrak train suddenly breaks down due to a snowstorm. Desperate to make it to their destinations, Noah and Ammy have no other option but to travel together. What starts off as a minor detour turns into the whirlwind journey of a lifetime, and over the course of the night they fall in love. But come morning their adventure takes an unexpected turn for the worst. Can one night can really change how they feel about love...and the course of their lives forever?
I really enjoyed Konen's last book, The Romantics, and had high hopes for this book. I am happy to report, that Love and Other Train Wrecks delighted me in many of the same ways.
  • Pro: Noah was a sweet cupcake and I loved him. He was not perfect, as I found out, but he had a huge and beautiful, if slightly misguided, heart. 
  • Pro: I loved the dynamic between Ammy and Noah. Eavesdropping on their conversations was quite a treat, and seeing them go from strangers to enemies to friends to more warmed my heart. 
  • Pro: Both Ammy and Noah were nursing some serious guilt, and Konen's slow reveal really had quite an impact. 
  • Pro: This was a physical and emotional journey for both Ammy and Noah. As they shared their stories with each other, they realized a lot of important things about themselves. 
  • Pro: There is a lot of bookish love in this story, as both Ammy and Noah are book lovers. I have to award bonus points for that. 
  • Pro: There were some humorous travel snafus a la Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. I felt bad to for Ammy and Noah, but I also couldn't hold back my laughter.  
  • Pro: The duel point of view was used quite well, and I was especially fond of when Konen had those little overlaps. I love when we get to experience the same moment from both POVs. 
  • Pro: I am going to give Konen a round of applause for that big speed bump she threw in there. I did NOT see that coming. 
  • Pro: The ending is a big YES! from me. If you read this, you will understand a why I liked it so much. (hint: I got closure.)
This was a trip worth taking

Overall:  I really enjoyed making this journey with Ammy and Noah as each of them "unpacked" some of their emotional luggage and filled in those spaces with much better things.

Gina Ciocca
Series: n/a
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Rating: 3.5  out of 5 stars
Marisa wasn’t planning to be a snoop for hire—until she accidentally caught her best friend’s boyfriend making out with another girl. Now her reputation for sniffing out cheaters has spread all over school, and Marisa finds herself the reluctant queen of busting two-timing boys.

But when ex-frenemy Kendall asks her to spy on her boyfriend, TJ, Marisa quickly discovers the girl TJ might be falling for is Marisa herself. And worse yet? The feelings are quickly becoming mutual. Now, she’s stuck spying on a “mystery girl” and the spoken-for guy who just might be the love of her life…
Busted was an entertaining read, filled with plenty of drama, humor, and plot twists.
  • Pro: This story was a lot of fun. The overall feeling of the book was on the lighter side, and it was quite humorous. 
  • Pro: I had heard a lot of people referencing Veronica Mars when discussing this book, and I have to say, I saw shades of my favorite teen PI as well. There were some interesting and amusing situations Marisa got herself into, and she had that signature VMars wit as well. 
  • Pro: TJ was pretty fabulous. The more I got to know him, the more I loved him. 
  • Pro: Marisa's was awesome and I loved her narration. I also thought she had some really special character traits, and I couldn't get enough of her. 
  • Con: Kendall was the worst. I abhorred her, but I guess that was the intention.  
  • Pro: The romance had some really swoony moments, and I was shipping TJ and Marisa even before they were a thing. They had good chemistry, and their interactions were a delight to observe. 
  • Con: There was this secondary plot, which wasn't bad, it held my interest, but I thought it took away from the original focus of the story. 
  • Pro: Marisa's squad was great. I really enjoyed when they were all together working on the "case". 
  • Pro: Just when I thought I knew where the story was going, another twist was thrown in. There were quite a few surprises, which kept me on my toes.
  • Pro: Siblings!!! Marisa and Nick were great together. Their banter was hilarious, and I could definitely feel the love between those two as well.  

Overall: A fun and fast-paced story with lots of twists and turns, that is bound to hold your interest.

Together at Midnight
Jennifer Castle
Series: n/a
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Publisher: HarperTeen
Rating:  4 out of 5 stars
What does it really mean to be kind . . . and why does it sometimes feel like the hardest thing in the world to do? High school senior Kendall, who just returned from a life-changing semester in Europe, and Max, who is drifting his way through a gap year before college, struggle with these questions when they witness a tragic accident in New York City during the holiday season. Racked with guilt, the two accept a dare to perform random acts of kindness to strangers. The challenge pulls these two teens, who have a history together from back home, closer and closer as they explore a vibrant city filled with other people’s stories and secrets.

Kendall and Max can’t deny their growing bond, even though they both have other romantic entanglements and uncertain futures. As the clock counts down on New Year’s Eve, will they find themselves together at midnight?
I thought this book was going to be about two people committing random acts of kindness around NYC, but it was about so much more. It was about relationships, finding your passion, and finding yourself.
  • Pro: I found both Kendall and Max very likable and relatable. Both had great personal qualities, and I would love to have either of them as my friend. I found myself rooting for them both equally as they struggled with the big question of what to do next. 
  • Pro: Speaking of that big question, I enjoyed that both characters were sort of adrift. They were caught in this in-between, and they could not stay there forever. They had to make some major decisions, and I was glad I got to be part of that process. 
  • Pro: A family focus is always a plus for me, and there were some great family moments in this book. I loved the relationship between Kendall and her brother, but I absolutely adored watching Max and his grandfather connect. There was a lot more to Big E than met the eye. Maybe he didn't wear his heart on his sleeve, but I didn't doubt his love for Max by the end of this book. 
  • Con: I would have liked a jump ahead to see how Kendall and Max were doing. I didn't hate the ending, but Kendall and Max had made some big decisions at the end of the book, but I would love to know how it all worked out.  
  • Pro: The format really added a little extra something to this story. The majority of the book is told from Kendall and Max's points of view, but after each act of kindness, we had a little commentary from the strangers involved in the acts. These additional POVs provided interesting insight and were such a welcomed addition for me. 
  • Pro: I didn't care about the ex-girlfriend or the crush, I was all about Max and Kendall. I was shipping them from the very beginning and really wanted this romance to pan out, because they were so good together. 
  • Pro: I never tire of books set in my hometown, and it was fun running around NYC with Kendall and Max. We did so many fun things, but I especially loved the snowstorm.   

Overall: This book was delightful and heartwarming as it delivered unexpected surprises. I loved the exploration of kindness and connection, and how was grateful to share this journey with Max and Kendall as found their passions and their paths. 

**ARCs received in exchange for an honest reviews.

Have you read any of these books?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I haven't read any of them, but they all sound like great reads. The first one sounds especially good. I do love a good road trip adventure. Great reviews!

    1. I loved Train Wrecks. It was a lot of fun and had just the right amount of drama.

  2. I really enjoyed Together at Midnight. Super cute. I have to check out the first one. Sounds like something I would love. Great reviews!

    1. There were so many things I loved about Midnight, and it made me want to check out Castle's other books.

  3. I keep seeing Together at Midnight around and everyone seems to love it! May have to check that one out for myself.

    1. Together at Midnight was fabulous. I loved the concept, the characters, and it was the perfect blend of fun and soul searching.

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed Love and Other Train Wrecks! I did love Noah. I loved the little twist too. I figured it out a little earlier than the reveal and thought it was a great addition to the book. :)

    1. I saw that twist coming (not too far before the reveal) and was chanting "no way, no way". I was happy with the way Konen revealed and addressed it. I absolutely need to read more of her books, because I am 2 for 2 with her.

  5. You always find the best books! I was looking at Love and Other Train Wrecks earlier this week and am very happy to see that you enjoyed it.

    1. It's because I am a reckless reader! Train Wrecks was a great read for me. I just adored the dynamic between the two MCs and the enemies-to-friends-to-more was well done.

  6. I haven't read any of these novels, but Together at Midnight sounds fantastic. I've been looking for more stories set in winter, so this is perfect for me right now. Adding it to my tbr. Great reviews, and I'm glad all these worked really well for you. :)

    Veronika @ The Regal Critiques

    1. Together at Midnight was a fabulous read. Castle did such a good job incorporating this "dare" into a story about finding one's path. A dash of family drama, a little romance, lots of fun -- it was excellent.

  7. Together at Midnight sounds so super sweet. I really want to read that one!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. It was sweet and adorable and fun, but also deep.

  8. Thank you for these great mini-reviews.

    I already was excited for Love and Other Train Wrecks, but now I think I must order my copy ASAP. The books does feel like it will break my heart, but in the end, it'll be all worth it.

    Busted reminds me so much of Veronica Mars too - the gif you chose was simply perfect! <3 However, I must confess that I was a bit over the fence (not sure if I should read it or not), but after your review, it became a must.

    Happy readings Sam! ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. Busted was fun. I am a character driven reader, and I really liked the characters in this book. The VMars comparison was thrown out there by other readers, because Marisa is a PI, but I would say she also has that witty snark similar to Veronica. Train Wrecks will only make you happy. It's fun and both characters make a lot of progress with their issues over the course of the journey. I loved it!

  9. Love and Other Train Wrecks and Together at Midnight sound like ones I'd enjoy. I might have give both a try. Great reviews.

    1. Both were great, and I can say, both had solid endings (which is really important to me.)

  10. Train Wrecks won my heart for many reasons. It really was a great read from beginning to end for me.

  11. I've only heard of one of these books and that was the first but it doesn't really sound like it's a book I'll enjoy. I am interested in Busted, though. I think it was you saying it had VMars vibes, I am totally down for that in a book. It doesn't sound like a groundbreaking read but it does sound good. I'll be checking that out. Together at Midnight also sounds interesting, I like the idea of random acts of kindness bringing folks together and them finding their passions.

    1. Busted was not, by any means, groundbreaking, but it was fun. I really enjoyed Together at Midnight. Fun premise, great characters, and it had depth too. Both characters were trying to figure out what to do next and I was happy to tag along on their journey.

  12. Love and Other Train Wrecks looks cute. I love that it had a cute romance and funny parts. Great review!

    1. I liked it and I was actually happy with the ending.
