Friday, December 22, 2023

Discussion - Appealing Adjectives

This Week's Topic

Appealing Adjectives

I forget what made me think about this. It could have been a Top Ten Tuesday or when I was writing a review, but I was thinking about what makes me add a book to my TBR. I think most understand my brand. I like books that lean on the lighter and fluffy side, but also want them to be packed me emotion. I want to FEEL something at the end of it, usually happy. 

As I pondered this, I realized I am easily swayed by the right adjectives. There are certain words that once I see them in the synopsis or a review, I can stop reading because I know this book is for me. There are quire a few words that fit this category, but for the sake of having some sort of focus, I limited it to ten. 
  1. Heartwarming or Heartfelt - Seriously, who doesn't like to have their heart warmed? I am all about those things that tug at my heartstring and leave me warm and fuzzy. 
  2. Uplifting - The world is an ugly place, and sometimes, I rely on my entertainment to get me out of that hole we life. There have been many books in my life that have done that and left me cheering at the end. 
  3. Hopeful - More or less, see above. It can be difficult to maintain some optimism when life gets in the way, a good book can inject me with some hope to keep me going. 
  4. Thought-provoking or Compelling - I love finding books that make me think. These books tend to stay with me and give me a new or renewed appreciation for things when I have lost sight of them.
  5. Humorous - What can I say, I like to laugh! 
  6. Moving or Touching - And I like to feel. I have had quite a few books imprint themselves on my heart. They simply stirred up so many emotions. 
  7. Delightful or Charming - A pleasant reading experience is a good one. In my mind, delighting or charming me goes a bit further than the dictionary definition of the words. These are the books that bring a gentle smile to my face and a subtle warmth which stays with me. I am always here for that. 
  8. Whip-smart or Witty - I like my entertainment to be sort of intelligent and will always revel in that which is witty or whip-smart. I feel a special jolt of excitement as I read that sort of writing. 
  9. Magical - The word just makes me feel special. I like the idea of being removed from the ordinary because, again, the world is an ugly place. 
  10. Zany or Quirky - Stuff that is a bit, just a bit, out there, makes me feel like I belong. I have many quirks and am not everybody's cup of tea. I find I can be among "my people" when they are zany or quirky. A side product is usually a lot of comedic moments, and as previously stated, I like to laugh. 

Now it's your turn!

What adjectives appeal to you?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Charming is a big one for me - sometimes I just want a clean, feel-good, low-stakes book, maybe is a little quirky - that's what "charming" means to me!

    1. Exactly! Feel-good is another great descriptor for me. I adore you definition of charming

  2. I like heartwarming romance but I also like intrigue and danger.

    1. I don't think that I don't like intrigue and danger, but they are not my go-to. I have been surprised by a few books this year though, so I never write them off.

  3. I've never thought about synopsis adjectives before! I think my appealing adjectives would be all the opposites of yours. :)

  4. I'm not sure if I have adjectives that make me want to read a book. I usually need whole blurbs LOL. But I love "quirky" as a word! Also "offbeat", of course 😂.

    1. It's in the context of the synopsis/review, but these words just stand out and draw me towards a book.

  5. If a book is described as humorous, I will probably try it. I love books, especially romances, that make me laugh.

    1. Same. I need humor. I don't mind some drama/heavy parts, but the humor is necessary to balance it out

  6. These are great adjectives, and ones that definitely draw my attention to a book, too. I think riveting, twisty, and page-turner are also ones that grab my attention, but they're more in reference to thriller/mystery reads.

    1. You do read a LOT more suspense/thrillers/mysteries than I do. I can see those catching your eye.

  7. Replies
    1. Both great words. Whimsical is a definite for me, and I tend to love those curmudgeons too.

  8. Adjectives don't have much parsley for me to read a book. I seen so many books as the next Harry Potter. As someone who didn't grow up with HP its eye rolling. Same with any book being describe as the next X book.

    1. Book comparisons can be tricky. I read a lot of romance, and every book promises to be like one of Emily Henry's. I can't say they are always right, though, every once in a while they are.

  9. I hadn't really thought about this, but I definitely tend to like books that are described as heartwarming, and quirky is often a plus for me too (though there can definitely be books that are a little TOO quirky for me. LOL!). I tend to use delightful when I'm talking about a certain type of book I loved, so that one would work too!

    1. I don't know if I have found the too-quirky book yet. I seem to have a very high tolerance for quirk. Just the word is enjoyable to day - delightful!
