Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Flight Season by Marie Marquardt

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week I can't wait for Flight Season by Marie Marquardt!

Flight Season
Marie Marquardt
Series: n/a
Release Date: February 20, 2018
Publisher: Wednesday Books
Waited on by: Sam
Back when they were still strangers, TJ Carvalho witnessed the only moment in Vivi Flannigan’s life when she lost control entirely. Now, TJ can’t seem to erase that moment from his mind, no matter how hard he tries. Vivi doesn’t remember any of it, but she’s determined to leave it far behind. And she will.

But when Vivi returns home from her first year away at college, her big plans and TJ’s ambition to become a nurse land them both on the heart ward of a university hospital, facing them with a long and painful summer together – three months of glorified babysitting for Ángel, the problem patient on the hall. Sure, Ángel may be suffering from a life-threatening heart infection, but that doesn’t make him any less of a pain.

As it turns out, though, Ángel Solís has a thing or two to teach them about all those big plans, and the incredible moments when love gets in their way.
I absolutely LOVED Marquardt's last book, The Radius of Us. I was taken through such a wide range of emotions, as I read this beautiful book. It was a heartfelt story filled with fantastic characters, who I grew to care so deeply for. Frankly, I want more of that, and that is the number one reason why I want to read this book.

From reading the synopsis, this sounds like Vivi is trying to overcome something major and reclaim her life, TJ is trying to fulfill his dreams, and Ángel is just trying to survive. I think these three characters combined will result in something incredible with Marquardt running the show.

I may have also read a review from one of my Goodread's friends, Madison, and I swear, it brought tears to my eyes. If the book inspired her to write such a moving review, I can only imagine all the feels I will experience when I read the book.

What are you waiting on?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Omg this sounds so interesting and Madison's review is great. Thanks for bring this to my attention, Sam. Hope you have a lovely week.
    -Helena 💋 xoxo

    1. Madison's review made me really excited about this. I am super excited to read it.

  2. Ohhhh! This sounds wonderful, Sam -- great choice! Is it weird that I want to know more about Angel? I love characters like his!

  3. You have piqued my interest in this one! I have seen the cover before, but never really read the synopsis. I love books that have a survival type of theme. Definitely adding this to my 2018 TBR. Thanks for sharing it. :)

  4. This sounds so good! I like the sound of all three of them coming away with more than they bargained for. And it also seems like this could majorly trigger some tears.

  5. This is new to me! Sounds great and I might need to add!

    1. I had lucked into Radius last year and absolutely loved it. Always willing to give an author another look, if I have previously had success with their work.

  6. I hadn't even heard of Marie Marquardt until I stumbled upon this one a couple of months ago, but obviously I've been majorly missing out. I hope you love this one as much as you loved The Radius of Us :)

    1. I have read a few reviews, and they are positive. So, I think this may be great too.

  7. This sounds like a really touching story, and I love that cover!

    1. That is what I am hoping for, and I agree, great cover.

  8. I read her debut and wasn't the biggest fan though it had a lot of potential. This one sounds really good though and I'm totally willing to give the author another chance.

    1. I have the debut, but never read it (because the print is too small). However, I adored Radius and am hoping this has a similar emotional pulse.

  9. I hope it lives up to your expectations and you're moved as much as you anticipate. That's such an awesome feeling when a book/author can do that!
    Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review

    1. I love to find new go-to authors, so I hope this one is as fabulous as her last book.

  10. Just saw this some blogs back! Not really my kind of read but I hope you will positively love it once you read it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  11. This sounds like it's going to be such a moving read. I hadn't read Marquardt but you certainly have me interested in giving her a try.

    1. If your library has The Radius of Us, you should check it out. It was excellent.

  12. Hmmm, interesting... I'd not really heard of this author. Contemporary isn't my thing though so this doesn't surprise me. The moving reads are always the ones I avoid. :D I hope you enjoy this book when you get the chance to read it!

    Have a great week, Sam. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I figure you more for fantasy YA. Contemporary is definitely my thing and the more tears, the better.

  13. I have been meaning to read The Radius of Us. I agree, it means good things if a review brought tears to your eyes. Hope you enjoy this when it comes out!

    1. The Radius of Us was wonderful. Very emotional.

  14. This one is new to me but I do hope you enjoy it.

  15. Let's hope it's as good as Marquardt's last book. I have a good feeling about this one.
