
Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Romance Reader Book Tag

As a romance reader, I was delight to be tagged by Dini. I saw this tag a bunch of times last week, and I thought about how difficult the questions are. BUT, I am going to do my best to answer each question. NOTE: I will be making selections from my recently read books, though I am sure there are many from back in the day that would be great. 

What age did I start reading romance?

I am in the just over 50 demographic, so I have to dig deep for this one. I would say 13 or 14. As a teen, I devoured teen romances. My high school was right across the street from the library, and I would stop in almost daily to pull some romance paperbacks from the teen section. I couldn't tell you any of the names, but they were contemporary romances. 

The college years were my "dark ages" when it comes to reading. Engineering school was hard, and the only books I was reading were text books. Then I had jobs and moming - just no time for pleasure reading. I started book-worming again in 2013. At first, I was reading my daughter's books, but then I got involved with lots of romance reader groups on Facebook, and I followed a ton of romance blogs. Maybe this would be where I really became a romance reader? 

Which romance hero would I want to meet and why?

I seem to love those heroes that a little rough around the edges, some may even call they grumpy, but have hearts of gold. They aren't all about sweet talk, but rather show their affection and dedication via their actions (which we all know speak louder than words). 

I recently read three books where the heroes had these characteristics:
  1. Matthias Vaughan from Codename Charming by Lucy Parker
  2. August Cates from Unfortunately Yours by Tessa Bailey
  3. Ryker Matthews from Change of Plans by Dylan Newton

Who are my favorite romance authors and why?

How does one pick a favorite? I have so many auto-reads at this point. If we are talking about most-read, I would say Jill Shalvis (40 books read), Sawyer Bennett (38 books read), and Lauren Layne (33 books read).  Shalvis and Layne always deliver stories that are packed with warmth and humor, while Bennett is my go-to for hockey romance. 

Recent favorites from these authors:

Book recommendations for non-romance readers

This is really a struggle. I am almost thinking a women's fiction book with a romantic sub-plot would be the ticket, or a romance book where there is a LOT more to the story than just the romance. I feel like someone picks up romance because they want to be part of these characters' love story. They want to be there every step of the way as they fall in love and get their HEA. A non-romance reader may not want that. They may not embrace certain types of heroes like the alpha male and such, so I would suggest books with more of the cinnamon roll type heroes. The list below are books I have seen tagged as romance even if I did not tag them as that myself. 

Which is my favorite sub-genre and why? 

My favorite, by far, is contemporary. I read contemporary fiction almost exclusively. Of the three options presented (contemporary, suspense, and historical), I read historical the least. It's the total opposite of my norm (contemporary), and I just was never like all the Austen lovers out there. I like reading about people falling in love in present times. Not sure why. Maybe because it's easier to imagine myself in their stories. Who knows? Sometimes I enjoy a bit of suspense, but some of those books tend to lean darker, and we all know I am the light and fluffy fangirl. I don't tend to seek out suspense book, for the most part. 

Are you a romance reader?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Totally agree with your assessment of the grumpy hero. I am sold a whole lot faster by their actions that I am the words of a charmer.

    1. It's the same way I feel about people in general. Actions speak louder than words

  2. I was exclusively a romance reader some years ago but now I switch genre every book 🤣

    1. It's great you find enjoyment is some many different kinds of stories

  3. What a fun tag! I am amazed that you have read 40 Jill Shalvis books! That seems like a lot but I have probably read quite a few myself - she's such a great author!

    1. I am such a Jill Shalvis fan, and I must admit, I like her newer books even more than her older ones which were more straight romance. I get warm and fuzzy for her books, and she makes me laugh.

  4. I loved reading your answers! And I loved seeing LL as a current favorite. That book was good!

  5. Great fun book tag! Loved seeing your answers and getting to know you a bit more. I love contemporary too although I never used to lol Sawyer Bennett is great and I definitely need to read more of that author for sure. I used to enjoy Jill Shalvis, but kinda lost interest as my interest in contemporary has changed from trad publishing quite a bit. But her older stuff is really great.

    1. I am more fond of Shalvis' newer books. I like that they lean more women's fiction which could be me changing as I get older.

  6. I absolutely love Jill Shalvis and Lauren Layne too! Did you see Lauren and her husband wrote a new book? I'm keeping my fingers crossed we love it!

    1. I have an ARC of LL's cowrite. I am over the moon! I always love her books. I am sure it will be another hit

  7. A library across the street from your high school? How awesome was that?! I've only read a couple from Shalvis but The Sweetheart List is definitely my favorite. Really enjoyed that one. I'm with you when it comes to contemporaries. I have enjoyed a historical now and then, but really I want my romances set in the here and now.

    1. The town where I was a teen is one square mile, and we had three school - one elementary, one middle, and one high school. It was a small town. *high five* to my fellow contemporary lover
