Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday - Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Somewhere Over the Rainbow!

Well, that's not really the topic. We were supposed to highlight books with our favorite color on the cover or in the title, but my favorite color is orange, and I was struggling. So, I will just be featuring books I have read and enjoyed that fit a color of the rainbow.

The Epic Crush of Genie Lo
F.C. Yee
Series: The Epic Crush of Genie Lo, #1
Publisher: Amulet Books

RED: Genie Lo was such an incredible character, and I could not get enough of the banter between her and Quinten. So. Much. Fun. There was also a ton of action and Chinese folklore, which made this book even better.

Turtles All the Way Down
John Green
Series: n/a
Publisher: Dutton Books

ORANGE: This book reminded me about the things I loved so much about John Green books. Green did such an incredible job conveying Aza's struggle with OCD, and that ending was probably one of the best I have ever read in a John Green book.

Not Now, Not Ever
Lily Anderson
Series: n/a
Publisher: Wednesday Books

YELLOW: This book was so nerdy and hilarious. I loved every second of it. Anderson is a master at writing smart and witty dialog, sweet romances, and a stellar ending.

Isla and the Happily Ever After
Stephanie Perkins
Series: Anna and the French Kiss, #3
Publisher: Dutton Books

GREEN: This was my favorite in the French Kiss trilogy. There was just something so pure and wonderful about these two. There was little drama, because this was just about two kids crazy in love, and I adored it.

Words in Deep Blue
Cath Crowley
Series: n/a
Publisher: Knopf Books

BLUE: This book still kind of owns me. If nothing else, it owns a piece of my heart. It was just so beautifully written, and the grief was so palpable. I just loved every word and emotion Crowley wrote for us. 

In Search of Us
Ava Dellaira
Series: n/a
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

INDIGO: This book was so beautiful and painful and I was totally swept into Marilyn's romance and grief. I swooned, I cried, I smiled. This book delivered a memorable and wonderful experience for me.

The Date to Save
Stephanie Kate Strohm
Series: n/a
Publisher: Point

VIOLET: Strohm is my go-to when I need a fun read. She always knows how to make me laugh, and this book definitely brought the funny. I adored the format and all the quirky characters, and look forward to many more books from Strohm.

A Quite Kind of Thunder
Sara Barnard
Series: n/a
Publisher: Simon Pulse

BLACK: This was one of the most precious first love stories I have ever read. I adored Steffi and Rhys, and learned so much about deaf culture and selective mutism.

Marie Lu
Series: Warcross, #1
Publisher: Putnam 

WHITE: I may be a solid contemporary reader, but Marie Lu is one of my favorite authors. Her Legend series is one of my all-time favorites, and depending on where she goes with Warcross, it could join Legend on that shelf.

The Strange Fascinations of Noah Hypnotik
David Arnold
Series: n/a
Publisher: Viking

RAINBOW: David Arnold never fails to create these odd and engaging characters, who capture my interest and my heart. He also has a knack for writing these incredible coming of age stories, which I cannot get enough of.

What's your favorite color?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Oooh! Awesome list! I loved all the colors of the rainbow too!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  2. I like your take on this week's topics. I can only think of two orange covers aside from the one you picked, so I can see why you were struggling. I've read and loved several of the books in your rainbow and am looking forward to reading the rest of them at some point.

    1. I found 6 on my read shelf (2 that I would have featured are on this list), but I like to do the full 10. All of these books were winners for me, so I hope you do get to read some of them (and like them too).

  3. These are all so striking, and eye-catching. I LOVE Genie Lo -- the colour and the bad ass pose? So good!

    1. The Genie Lo cover is such a stand out for the use of color and how bad ass Genie looks in the picture.

  4. I actually haven't read any of these but I'm definitely adding some to my TBR. Particularly Words in Deep Blue since you speak so highly of it.

    1. Gah! Words is such a lovely story. Becky at A Fool's Ingenuity reviewed it yesterday (I think), and I pretty much echo her sentiments.

  5. Yeah you don't see orange on a lot of covers, do you? I do like the cover of Turtles All the Way though. Isla is another one, and Warcross- yes! LOVE that cover!!!

    1. Not a lot of orange. I think I found like 6 or so on my read shelf, but I commit to 10 every week or I don't do it. I was not a super fan of the Warcross cover when I first saw it, but I like it more after reading the book, because it fits the story.

  6. I did blue, I like your variety. I have seen words in deep blue on another post as well!!


    1. Blue was really popular, and when I was scanning my read shelf, I saw lots of blue. I knew my blue book had to be Words in Deep Blue because I loved it so much.

  7. THE DATE TO SAVE is SO on my list of 2017 fails that I need to get to. I loved IT'S NOT ME, IT'S YOU. Also, I must read a David Arnold book pronto!! Love the ROYGBIV-ness of your post!!

    1. The Date to Save had all the fun of the first book and lots of alumni appearances.

  8. Yeah, orange would be a hard one - I can hardly think of any covers with orange! But I love your take on the topic, very pretty!

    1. My requirements just make it harder, because I only feature books I read and liked too. I found a few, but I like to do 10. Cheating was the only way.

  9. I need to read the Genie Lo book. It looks so unique and sounds like so much fun. I love your rainbow choices!

    1. Genie Lo was so awesome! I was super giddy when I saw we were getting a sequel, because Genie was such an incredible character.

  10. Orange is a hard color. I love the Turtles All the Way Down cover!

    1. Orange was hard, but I still love the color. I wasn't sure about the cover of Turtles until I read the book. Now I think it's quite fitting.

  11. Ooh, I like that you chose to feature the whole rainbow. Orange is one of my favorite colors, too! I thought about choosing orange for this topic, but it turns out that I don’t own many orange books.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Whoo hoo! Oompa Loompas celebrate! *high five* Yeah, there seems to be a dearth of orange books on my read shelf, but the rainbow ended up being fun.

  12. This post is very aesthetically pleasing. You know, I think I'd struggle to find enough orange books to fill my post too. Hope you enjoy your Tuesday!

    1. Thanks! I feel like orange needs more love though. XP

  13. The cover for 'The Epic Crush of Genie Lo' By F.C. Yee is beautiful! :)

    1. I think that cover is so striking and really conveys the strength of Genie.

  14. I like the way you made this topic work for you!

    Lisa @ https://hopewellslibraryoflife.wordpress.com/2018/05/08/top-10-tuesday-books-with-my-favorite-color-on-the-cover-or-in-the-title/

    1. I was determined to try and do the actual topic this week, since I cheat so often. A little tweak, and I was there this week. =)

  15. You're the second person I've run into this morning whose favorite color is orange (and so is my younger daughter's). I do love your take on the theme though, such lovely covers.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

    1. Your daughter has great taste in colors. I do paint myself into a corner, since I require that I have read and liked the book, but part of the fun of TTT is the challenge of building the list and spinning the topic.

    2. I totally get that - I wouldn't be likely to pick a book I hadn't read or liked either. :) (And yeah, my kid's pretty cool)

  16. Ooh love the way you've done the topic this week!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/05/08/top-ten-tuesday-158/

  17. Great covers! Isla is my favorite from this list! :)

    1. Isla is really pretty. I like the French Kiss covers that are in that style. I saw they did people for book 1 and 2, but I am fan of the cityscape covers.

  18. I loved be that you did all the colors and even had a rainbow cover.

    1. It's easier to find 1 book in 10 different colors, than 10 books in 1 color.

  19. I hate when that happens! I always feature books I have read on TTT unless it is an anticipated read type list. I want to pimp the books I have enjoyed.

  20. I love the spin you put on the topic! All the covers you picked are gorgeous, but I think Warcross has my favourite cover. The hardback edition is even more gorgeous with the dust jacket off!

    - louise // exploring by starlight

    1. I was not a huge fan of the Warcross cover when it was unveiled, because Lu has put out some incredible artwork, but after reading the book, I like it more. It totally fits the feel and storyline of the book.

  21. OOh nice color choice! Haven't seen that one today! Yay for Warcross!! One of my favorites!!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Yes, lots of blue and purple today. I like to color outside the lines.

  22. I love the green ombre on Isla and the Happily Ever After. So gorgeous. And I loved the multi-colored confetti on In Search of Us.

    1. I like all the French Kiss books with those covers. The people covers are cute, but the cityscapes are more aesthetic.

  23. I love what you did with this week's topic. It would have taken me hours to find covers that were all the same color. I like this mix.

    1. I was scanning and had tons of blue and purple, which were featured heavily this week on many blogs, but if I was going to not do the topic, I might as well not do it with flair. XD

  24. This is such a pretty rainbow, I love it! Seriously orange would be HARD to do. I'm glancing at my shelves and I have *maybe* 3 books? This is a very fun choice! Noah Hypnotik always reminds me of like, late 80s tshirts haha.

    1. I had Genie Lo, Jane Sinner, Turtles, but then it got dicey, because I like to feature books I LIKED on TTT. I love Noah's cover. I guess they are going for a hypnotic feel. Not sure about that, but I do like all the colors, and yes, the 80s vibe.

  25. I love your take on this list! Why limit yourself? (And I love that orange is your favorite color---you don't see that often.)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I am actually a fan of the entire autumn palette. It looks good with my brown hair and all that. =)

  26. Now that I think about it I feel like orange is a rare cover color - the only ones I can really think of are the ones you listed at the start. But I love all the different colors here - it really is like the rainbow! Isla and the Happily Ever After is actually the only Anna book I haven't read *hides face in embarrassment* I didn't really love Lily's Undead Girl Gang, but I still want to try Not Now, Not Ever. Everyone seems to enjoy it.

    1. Isla was the best of the series for me. I always felt Anna was overhyped, and I struggled a little with the 22 year old boyfriend in Lola, but Isla was just two crazy kids in love. Adored it! I have head mixed things about Undead Girl Gang, but Not Now, Not Ever was hilarious.

  27. for some reason I LOVE Turtles All the Way Down's cover! And I want to read it so badly!

    1. That cover grew on me more after I read the book, which I loved.

  28. I like that you went with a rainbow theme! I still need to read Turtles All the Way Down but I love John Green in general. :)


    1. People almost convinced me to pass on Turtles, but I am glad I didn't, because I really loved it.

  29. I love what you've done with the list this week. I couldn't think of many orange books apart from the ones you've mentioned. :-)

    1. Orange is not a super popular cover color and then I require that I have read and liked the book I feature too, but my cheat worked out well for me.

  30. This is a gorgeous collection of books! I have a friend who also loves orange. It can sometimes be a hard colour to find. Turtles All the Way Down is on my shelf, and you have reminded me that I should get to reading it one of these days. :)

    1. I really liked Turtles. Aza was a great character

  31. I love your take on this topic! I especially love the cover of Warcross!

    1. Warcross grew on me, because it fits the story

  32. Orange is my favourite colour too! Especially sunset orange, if we are being specific here. I loved Isla and the Happily Ever After too. Not my favourite but I understand why it is yours ;)
