
Sunday, April 14, 2024

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a great week. Nothing that interesting happened this week. I went for a follow up with the orthopedic doctor. I am going to be getting an EMG to test the nerves in my foot in a week, but I have no idea where they can go from there. I try not to google because it always seems to find the worst possibilities. I guess I wait and see. 

I also got a summons for jury duty. I have not been called for jury duty since I left teaching, so over 10 years, and I have no idea what is going on. It used to be one day or one trial, but this notice said one week or one trial. The impression I got from my research is once I am called, if not selected, I am set free. Sounds like one day or one trial. Now they do some of the trials on Zoom. I won't know until the night before if I have to go out to the courthouse or just log in. Either way, the commute is a lot shorter than going to work. It's only 15 minutes by train to the New Brunswick and then the courthouse is within walking distance.  

On the Blog

  • Monday: Reviews - Effie Olsen's Summer Special, Lovers and Liars
  • Tuesday: TTT- Love & Sports
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Summer of Perfect Mistakes
  • Thursday: Reviews - After Annie, Dear Edward
  • Friday: Discussion - You're Invited
  • Saturday: Five on My TBR - Recommended

Let's Discuss

Stacking the Shelves

Got a bunch of invites (the real kind) this week. I think the widget gods were thinking of me because I really want to read A Love Like the Sun. I was very excited about that one. 



Read Last Week

After a bit of a dry spell, I had THREE five-star books this week. I sort of expected Jimenez and Fortune to get all the stars from me. They never disappoint, but I was so delighted with Mrs. Quinn's Rise to Fame. This book was not on my radar until I saw Jen's post. It seemed like a "me" book, and it totally was. Super uplifting and I love the message that we are never too old to reach for our dreams or try something new. I did well with my audiobooks, too. Checking off some states and prompts for my monthly reading challenges. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

I have not really started Begin Again, but Running Mate is fun and sweet, as expected. I have read a few books by Brunner, and I am really enjoying her work. This is a marriage of convenience story, and I can already tell these two will make a great couple. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Three 5-star reads is amazing! 😍 I'm excited to read Jimenez's book and Mrs. Quinn wasn't on my radar before but you've piqued my curiosity so I'm off to check it out and possibly add it to my TBR. I hope all goes well when you go for the foot check up, Sam. Thanks so much for featuring my post this week too! 😃

    1. Mrs. Quinn was such a lovely story. I want more people to read it. You're a bit younger than me, but as I age, I love seeing stories with older protagonists who still believe they have a lot of life to read. It's encouraging.

  2. That drama video made me laugh so hard! And I have never been called to be part of a jury! So you'll have to tell us all about it if you are allowed to Sam!

    1. I never knew cats were so nosy! I have had jury duty several times, just not recently. I hope I get to Zoom in. Then I wouldn't mind a week of it

  3. I hope the EMG test will lead to some better solutions for your foot. At least if you get picked for a jury the commute isn't as bad. Hopefully, your employer compensates you!

    1. This is the last thing I am doing related to my foot. I am tired of all the time and money I have invested with little results. I will get paid time for jury duty. My company is good about that. The state will give me a whole $5 which won't even pay for my lunch or train ticket. I hope I get a Zoom trial, then I won't have to worry about any of that.

  4. I've been called to jury duty several times but each time I call the night before to see if I have to show up, I'm no longer needed.

    1. Here, I have to go to the website, but from the way I am reading it, I have to do that for one week. I only ever had one day before.

  5. Glad you had such a great reading week. My husband got summoned for jury duty as well. He has never done it before. I am ineligible due to my hearing, so I will never be called again.

    1. I didn't know they excused for disabilities. It's been a long time, and it seems things have changed quite a bit.

  6. I hope things go well with your nerve testing! And I also hope you enjoy Sweet Spot. I like Jenshak's books.

    1. I was just talking about sports romances, and golf makes this one a bit different. It sounds cute, too.

  7. Hope they figure something out about your foot. I totally agree about Googling. It always makes me jump to the worst conclusions as well.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  8. I haven't been summoned for jury duty for a while now, but the last time I was, I had to call some phone number every day for a week to see if I needed to report. If after that week, they still didn't need me, that was the end of it. Yay for 3 five star reads! I swear Jimenez's books just keep getting better and better.

    1. Jury duty is all online now. I filled out the questionnaire on line, watched an orientation video, and I can check if I need to report online as well. That's what I thought the "one week" would be like. I will never not want to read a Jimenez book, and don't ask me to name my favorite.

  9. Hooray for no earthquakes this week, ha! So far I've only been called for jury duty once and I think it was when I was back in college. Positive thoughts for your tests!

    1. You know, I never felt any of the aftershocks that other people did. Ignorance is bliss.

  10. Great on all those five star reads. I haven't done jury duty in forever.. not that I want to. Had no idea that it can happen on zoom as well.. crazy.

    1. I am hoping for a zoom trial. It would be so much easier for me.

  11. I hope the test helps your foot! I've only been called for jury duty once, but I couldn't go to it because I had COVID. Jury duty sounded a lot more interesting than work, TBH.

    1. HA! It's very boring. I guess if you were on a jury it would be more interesting, but my previous experiences has been sitting in the room for 8 hours waiting to be called.

  12. Great week you have had there. Jury duty!! haha what fun for you. Hopefully its just the one day. Never done jury duty though. Hope you are enjoying your week so far.

    1. I am hoping for not being called or getting to Zoom in. I hate going to New Brunswick.
