
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - Feeling Festive

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Feeling Festive!

Happy Tuesday! Let's be honest, I don't really read many books that qualify as atmospheric. I would have to dig pretty deep and feature books I have already featured for the same topic. Because of this, I am twisting it a bit and featuring books with a sort of atmosphere, one that is festive! Each of these books feature celebrations. Most are Christmas books, but others are weddings, Thanksgiving, and even the winter solstice. 

  1. Faking Christmas by Kerry Winfrey
  2. Bright Lights, Big Christmas by Mary Kay Andrews
  3. Secret Santa Face-Off by Victoria Denault
  4. Sister of the Bride by Lauren Morrill
  5. Emergency Contact by Lauren Layne, Anthony Ledonne

  1. The Christmas Orphans Club by Becca Freeman
  2. A December to Remember by Jenny Bayliss
  3. The Christmas Cafe by Eliza Evans
  4. A Winter in New York by Josie Silver
  5. The Takedown by Carlie Walker

Favorite festive books?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I like your spin on the topic! I've done the "atmospheric" topic too many times, so I just skipped TTT this week. You're more creative than me. :)

  2. I love that you went holiday atmosphere with this one! I wish I would have thought to do that. I loved LL's new book and it's perfect for this list.

    1. All I can think about is when they were visiting with Tom's family. They were so sweet

  3. Great idea for going off topic and still staying in the same lane. I've been reading more and more Christmas books as we get closer and closer to the end of the year.

    1. Holiday books are just a great idea on any day. They make me happy

    2. Yes, I love to read a holiday book when I need something uplifting.

  4. Love your twist on the topic. :) I hope to read Josie Silver's new one next month.

    1. It was cute, and they celebrate several holidays, as it spans several months. I hope you enjoy it when you read it

  5. I like holiday festive! Bright Light Big Christmas is especially fun.

    1. That book was a lot of fun, and there was a great community element too

  6. I love your twist on this week's topic! I've read and loved 4 of these and all of the others I'm hoping to read before the end of the year. :)

    1. All gems, and truly festive. Hope they get you in the holiday spirit!

  7. These all look fun and festive! I especially like the cover for FAKING CHRISTMAS. It's adorable.

    Happy TTT!

  8. Cute twist on the topic! I love a good holiday read.

  9. I love that the holiday themed books are expanding to include all sorts of holidays and festivities.

    1. The holidays are always a good time (especially when I don't have to do anything). Mostly Christmas, but there is a Thanksgiving and Winter Solstice celebration.
