
Sunday, July 9, 2023

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! I feel like a broken record, but I am happy this is a new week. 

Last week started out fine. We went to Paper Mill to see the last show of the season - Rent. The performance was great, but I think the movie was easier to follow. I feel like if I had not seen the film, I would have understood the story as well. 

Monday, I felt like I dodged a bullet. I worked from home and was so grateful when I saw 5 hour train delays due to that pesky Amtrak signal. Tuesday, we had the holiday, and I did very little other than eat hot dogs and whatnot. 

Yeah, I thought I dodged that bullet with the trains on Monday, but NJ Transit had some sort of final destination thing going for me. I guess I should have been leery when my train was canceled on Wednesday, but I am trying be more optimistic. Silly me! I left a little earlier on Thursday because I had to purchase my tickets. The kiosk was only taking cash for some reason, and I did not have $148 in cash on me. So, I bought the stupid tickets on the app which I hate. Look, I am old. I want a ticket in my hand, not on my phone. But anyhow, the Amtrak came at 4.51 am, as expected, but then it didn't leave. It must have been 15 to 20 mins before they announced there was an issue with the overhead wire. Essentially, the trains had no power. Service was suspended, and I was forced to drive to work. I hate that commute. The only good part was that I stopped by the Jollibee and finally got to try it. It was good. 

The rails were in chaos most of Thursday, but it seemed ok on Friday. I got to the station, the Amtrak stopped and left. My train came. I got down to Hamilton, and then there were no other trains. Seems they didn't really fix the wire. I panicked all day about how I would get home, but thankfully there was limited service restored by about 12:30 pm. My train was canceled, but at least there was one eventually for me to get home. 

Then, I get home, and my mother tells me that my 59-year old aunt died. She told my uncle she wasn't feeling well. He offered to take her to the ER, she said no. He went to move the car, came back, and she was gone. I am devastated. My sister and I are the eldest on my mom's side of the family and seeing my younger cousins losing their parents is heartbreaking. 

Needless to say, my reading took a bit of hit due to all the drama and lost reading time during my commute. There was one bright spot though. I FINALLY was able to get these shoes I wanted. This was the 4th time I ordered them. The previous three times, I would get confirmation of my order, and then it would get canceled. This time, the shoes came! They are these super cute Vans, and I am really happy with them. 

I am hoping next week goes a bit more smoothly.

On the Blog

  • Monday: Isn't It Romantic? - Change of Plans, Confessions of a Canine Drama Queen
  • Tuesday: TTT - It's a Grand Old Flag!
  • Wednesday: CWW - Beverly Bonnefinche Is Dead, South of the Buttonwood Tree
  • Thursday: #AmReading - The Lonely Hearts Book Club, Unfortunately Yours
  • Friday: Five Star Friday - June 2023
  • Saturday: Sloth Goes Places - Chicago

Let's Discuss

  • Krysta discusses when writers don't seem to trust their readers
  • Peat talks about having read vs read
  • Eustacia attempts to defend Fanny Price

Stacking the Shelves

My library holds continued to come through at a ridiculous rate. Had to delay delivery on a total of TEN books. I got two awesome approvals this week. I am always excited about a Katie Cotugno book, and Raiders of the Lost Heart called to me with that punny nod to the Indiana Jones movies. 


Read Last Week

My favorite book of the week was The Seven Year Slip. It was perfection for me. I loved every bit, from beginning to end. It combined so many things I love - grief, a bit of magic, and a rather lovely romance. I was hooked. 

My backlog pick was a close second. Webber's books were a delightful find for me. She writes small towns so well, and I love the magic she infuses in her stories. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

I am finally joining the other 1.4 million readers and reading The Midnight Library. At this moment,  I am about 40% through, and I think the hype is real. I am loving it! 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. A week of commuting nightmares! I so hope this coming week will be better. So sad about your aunt. :( To go so fast like that. Those Vans... I could die. :) Haig's book has been on my radar for so long. I can't wait to see what you think of it.

    1. I am so impressed by Haig's book. I have heard his books are very uplifting, and this is such a thoughtful exploration of realizing our worth, how small actions could have big consequences, and the reality of regrets. I have about 30 mins left, but it's well on the road to being 5-star book for me

  2. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear about your aunt. That's terrible. I do not envy your commute. I am so sorry that the trains were not cooperating this week. I received Raiders of the Lost Heart this week too. It looks like fun! The Seven Year Slip was such an amazing book. I hope that you have a great week!

    1. I have been doing this commute for 10 years, and this has to be one of NJT's worst years. I hope Amtrak does the necessary upgrades to correct all these issues. May Lost Heart be great for us both!

  3. OMG. It must have been a remainder of your flying bad luck. And what about your aunt suddenly dying at 59?!? That's absolutely tragic. What a nightmare of a week. Well, that's probably not a huge plus, but at least you were able to receive your shoe order...

    That dog video is so funny 😂.

    1. I feel like I should just stay home. The travel gods have not been kind to me lately. My aunt's death was so sudden. I don't know if it's better or worse that way. That dog is fantastic. Even he knows pigs eat everything

  4. Wow taking the train sounds like more of a hassle then driving. How long would it take you to drive there instead of taking the train? I'm so sorry about your aunt, my condolences on your loss.

    1. Driving was punishing. It over 80 miles round trip and the ride home is bumper to bumper for miles and miles. I hate driving

  5. I'm so sorry about your aunt. And those commuting issues - yikes. My husband used to take the train a lot. Thankfully he doesn't have to anymore.

    1. Believe it or not, the train is better than driving down there. I live off Route 1. It's so congested, they opened the shoulders down in Princeton/South Brunswick area during rush hour. 295 isn't bad, but that's a short part of the trip

  6. Your commute is nuts. I wish you could work from home more, Sam! Happy to hear you had some bright spots in all the chaos with getting your long sought after Vans and visited Jollibee (not sure what that is, lol). So sorry to hear about your aunt! 59 is so young! I wonder what happened. It starts to get scary when more and more people you know around pass away.

    I'm on the queue for The Seven Year Slip at my library. Funny how they all come at once, right? Seems like it happens to me a lot too. Now I want to request The Midnight Library. Isn't it a long book? Looking forward to your though.

    1. It's lately there have been so many issues with the train. Since I got the parking permit and don't have to deal with the loop bus, things have been better. Recently, it's been a lot of cancellations and delays - all related to Amtrak not taking care of things. The Midnight Library was wonderful! Absolutely lived up to the hype and praise.

  7. I like having physical tickets too. :) But oh my I am so sorry t ohear that! All my condolences to your family.

    I hope this week goes better w/ the trains. And new Katie Cotugno!

    1. I only have to commute on Tuesday and Wednesday (the wake/funeral are Thurs/Fri and I am working from home Monday). Let's hope NJT can make those two days go smoothly.

  8. So sorry to hear about your aunt and this difficult time for your family.

  9. Sorry to hear about all the train issues. You read some good books.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. 59 is so young too. :(

    1. I know! She was less than 10 years older than me.

  11. I am so sorry for your loss Sam! And what a week of hell!!!!

  12. I can't imagine having those commute problems. Sounds just horrible to have to deal with there. I am lucky that I get to work from home, but even if I went into the office, its a drive but its in the same city as I live in (and I don't live in a big city so its not crazy to drive there or anything.) Its just easier to work from home and I get more time to read which is nice. Hopefully this week is much smoother for you and you get some rest happening.

    1. We don't have the option to work full time from home. I generally am ok with being in the office, it just can sometimes be a struggle to get there

  13. Gosh, you had quite the week. I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt passing, especially so unexpectedly! July 4th is always a bittersweet day because it marks the passing of my younger cousin when he was only 15. The family still gathers to celebrate, but 9 years later it just isn't the same. I'm sending my deepest condolences to you and your family. I hope this week brings a bit more peace to you.

    1. My heart aches for your family. That must be so difficult.
