
Friday, July 14, 2023

Mid-Year Book Freak Out - 2023

I am a little late to the game, but I have posted this for several years and really enjoy reading everyone else's mid-year check-ins as well. This is always hard for me, but I will make an honest attempt here. 

First and foremost, let's see how many books I have read so far this year. Though my reading is down, as I am not listening to as many audiobooks, I am still on track for the 250 I always hope to read each year. 

2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Samantha (WLABB) has read 181 books toward her goal of 250 books.

I am chugging along with my other reading challenges. I did miss one prompt. What can I say, I just don't read books like Bridgerton. I hate forcing myself to read books I am not really into for a challenge. That's just who I am. 

I think my biggest blogging drama this year was moving back to Blogger. I had to throw up the white flag with my self-hosted site. It was more trouble than it was worth, and I have to say, it's been smooth sailing since I switched back. No regrets, other than losing two years of posts. 

I have been sticking to my guns with my reading goals. Reading more books from the library, my shelf, and KU than ARCs. And, I cannot complain about the quality of my reading. I have rated 32 books 5-stars which is about 18% of the books I read. Not terrible at all. 

Best Book

How do people pick a favorite? I recently finished this book, and I have to say, it made a huge impression on me. I think that's why I am picking The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. 

Best Sequel

Change of Plans by Dylan Newton

I do not read many series, but I love companions. I stumbled upon the first book in this series at the library and instantly fell in love with these brothers. The final book was such a warm, wonderful, and feel-good story. Hands down, my favorite of the three. 

New Release I Want to Read

I think everyone is familiar with my love of grief books. That aspect definitely drew me to this story, and I am excited to learn more about this museum of ordinary people. 

Most Anticipated Release - Second Half of 2023

We Are the Brennans was such a surprise hit for me. Another book I found when scanning my eLibrary. It was such a hit for me, I recommended it to various family and friends, all who adored it. Obviously, I am chomping at the bit for more from Lange. 

Biggest Surprise

Oona Out of Order by Margarita Montimore

I had seen this one around and it was sitting on my TBR for quite a while. I think it was Ali's review that gave me that nudge to finally put the library hold in. I have read many time travel books, but there was something special about the way Montimore used this plot device and structured her novel that made such an impact on me. A really memorable experience. 

Favorite Debut Author

Mikki Brammer

The Collected Regrets of Clover was simply an amazing book. The subject matter, Clover's personal journey, the people in her life -- all these elements added up to something wonderful. This story was everything I want a book to be - touching and uplifting. I am looking forward to reading more from Brammer. 

Favorite New-to-Me Author

I had exhausted Sarah Addison Allen's catalog and looking for some more "magical" books to read. I was so glad I found Webber because her books have delightful enchanted elements and always include friendship, family, and wonderful small towns. The standout elements are similar to those of Allen which is probably why her books have been such hits for me. 

New Favorite Character

Vera Wong from Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murders by Jesse Q. Sutanto

Sutanto has a knack for writing quirky and endearing characters, but Vera Wong is my favorite by far. She was far from subtle, but she did everything with the best intentions and with lots of love in her heart. She was honest and feisty, and to paraphrase, nobody puts Vera in a corner. She worked her way into my heart, and just hearing her name brings a smile to my face. 

Made Me Cry

On Fire Island by Jane L. Rosen

How could I not cry? This is a book about a young woman who dies from cancer and is getting one last summer, as a ghost, on Fire Island. She is given the opportunity to observe how her loved ones are coping with her death, but she also gets to see what an impression she made on their lives. A beautiful and that pulled at my heartstrings. 

Made Me Happy

Happy Place by Emily Henry

The word "happy" may be part of the title, but this book started with a cloud of sadness over it.  I wouldn't say I felt happy throughout this story, but I felt I was rewarded in a big way. Sitting here, thinking about this book, I am wearing a stupid grin on my face. 

Need to Read by End of 2023

The Roommate Pact by Allison Ashley

Ashley won me as a fan with Would You Rather last year, and I know I want more of that type of story. I have high hopes for this book, but feel confident that Ashley will deliver. 

What is the best book you have read this year?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I love this tag! My book club is reading The Midnight Library next month, and I'm so excited!

    1. I am so excited for your book club. I hope you all really enjoy Nora's journey.

  2. The Boyfriend Candidate has been one of my favorites of the year! Great job on sticking to your reading goals!

    1. I did not have much luck with that author, but it seems this book was done well. Been seeing a lot of raves for it

  3. I always go for biggest impression when it comes to best as well. Otherwise, it would be too hard to pick! I would also like to read Ashley's book before the end of the year. I loved the last one. It looks like you are having a great 2023!

    1. My library let me put a pre-release hold on The Roommate Pact, so at least I know I can get my hands on it. Hope it's a hit for us both

  4. Good grief that's a lot of books. I made my goal 100 books for the year and I'm on 60 right now so far that I finished.

  5. Wow, seeing The Midnight Library as your favorite is impressive. On Fire Island was definitely a "you" book but I think it might be too much for me. I get way too invested and then it weighs on me. (Telling myself these are fictional characters does absolutely no good. lol)

    1. On Fire Island was sad because a young person died, but it's a celebration too, and ultimately, it's a feel-good book. I also didn't have to see the character suffer. She's dead from the onset. I think that makes it easier

  6. You're nailing your Goodreads challenge! I requested a copy of The Midnight Library from my library after seeing your post and I just downloaded it for 7 day with the "skip the line" feature. We'll see if I can fit it in before that expires. Otherwise, it's a long wait. I look forward to it. Yes, Blogger isn't always the most versatile option for blogging but it seems to be simple and works pretty well...for the most part. I don't have it in me to switch to anything else.

    1. It was a long wait for me for The Midnight Library, but it totally worth it. WP wasn't too hard to learn, but the self-hosting had its own set of issues. Life is simpler now.

  7. I've read 20 books so far. Well below the hundreds I used to read but I'm enjoying reading again so it's a win for me. I'm also reading way outside my usual comfort zone and it seems to be working/

    Here's to meeting goals and 5 star reads for the rest of the year for you!

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. It's about quality, not quantity. It's wonderful if you are enjoying what you are reading. Yeah!

  8. Damn I reallise that Happy Place aside, I haven't read any of these!! I have a lot to catch up with LOL

    1. You read a lot more fantasy and mystery/thrillers than I do. I can understand not having read many of these.

  9. What a fun tag! I don't do a lot of challenges largely because I don't want to feel like I need to read a certain to book to meet the requirements. I kind of want to stop grabbing all of these arcs myself. It can be stressful at times!

    1. I try to pick challenges that are fun for me, not "challenging". I rarely have to suck it up with a pick, and I DON"T want to have to be "pushed" outside my comfort zone. To be honest, I don't let the ARC deadlines get to me, but it's very freeing to have so many "freebie" books to put on my TBR.

  10. I was not a fan of Oona Out of Order, though I appreciated the premise...but then I read it during COVID. That should explain everything.

    Today I am discussing favorite summer novels. Please join in the discussion Do You agree, summer novel?

    1. Maybe it was Covid, or maybe it just want not your thing.

  11. I also loved Happy Place, and I just stared The Roommate Pact, so it's good to know you enjoyed it, too. Someday I want to read a Tracey Lange book.

    1. I didn't request an ARC for Roommate, but I have a hold at my library, so I will be reading it.

  12. Loved reading your reply for this tag! I have Happy Place on my TBR and am looking forward to reading it. I've heard great things about The Midnight library, as well, hearing that it's a favorite... well, I might have to add it to my TBR, as well! :)

    1. Both those books were so good. I am feeling the feels right now. I hope you get to read them both.
