
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - Summer Breeze

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Summer Breeze!

It's been too long since I posted a Top Ten Tuesday. I am still updating my 2023 reviews and posting them here, but I really wanted to participate in TTT. With summer approaching, we are talking about covers that say "summer" to us. 

When I was a kid, summer was about going to the beach, playing in the fire hydrant, no school, going Upstate to the "farm", swimming in the lake, getting Otter Pops from our milk man, barbecues, and block parties. Now, as a grumpy old woman, I think of the heat and how much I abhor it. 
For this post, I embraced the traditional elements of summer - beaches, camp, swimming, vacations. These are things I think about when I consider summer, and warmth, so warm colors like yellow and orange give me that feel. While scanning my read-shelf, I found a lot of covers that show water or the beach which are solid symbols of the season. Below are ten books I loved that give me summer-feels. 
  1. Summer Stage by Meg Mitchell Moore - ★★★★ 1/2
  2. The Summer that Made Us by Robyn Carr - ★★★★ 1/2
  3. Mrs. Nash's Ashes by Sarah Adler - ★★★★
  4. Kismet by Becky Chalsen - ★★★★★
  5. The Good Luck Girls of Shipwreck Lane by Kelly Harms - ★★★★ 1/2
  1. Our Place on the Island by Erika Montgomery - ★★★★ 1/2
  2. Happy Place by Emily Henry - ★★★★★
  3. The Sweetheart List by Jill Shalvis - ★★★★ 1/2
  4. Same Time Next Summer by Annabel Monaghan - ★★★★ 1/2
  5. On Fire Island by Jane L. Rosen - ★★★★★

What cover elements scream summer to you?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. So many gorgeous summery covers. I think summery covers are my all time favorites. Same Time Next Summer and Mrs. Nash's Ashes made my list this week too.

    1. I LOVED Same Time Next Summer. Nash was solid, but it didn't dazzle me the way I expected. Hope you enjoy them both

  2. These colors just scream summer. LOL, I hate the heat, too!

    1. Not looking forward to the heat and humidity.

  3. I love all your choices! Summer makes me think of a lot of the same things. I haven't read any of these books yet, so I need to try to add one or two in. Great list.

  4. I agree that every one of these books looks very summery!

  5. These have a nice summery feel. I like all the bright summery book covers.

  6. I almost did this TTT because I have a lot of summer books that I've enjoyed and really embody summer. Meet Me At the Lake was a recent one that gave me all the summer feels with that rustic lodge on the lake. As you know, I loved Happy Place and The Summer That Made Us too! Very summery both in cover and in content.

    1. I agree with Meet Me at the Lake (especially as someone who vacationed at the lake)

  7. I can definitely relate! Summer used to be so much fun but now that I am old. It seems like just as much work as the rest of the year but with sweat added. I am not a fan of sweating.

    1. Once my daughter was done with school, I wasn't vacationing in the summer. So there really isn't anything other than the heat and humidity now.

  8. I embraced the traditional elements too!

    1. I would like to enjoy those elements more, but we can't have it all

  9. I've been missing your TTTs! There are some new ones here for me, and I'm excited to check them out. I just finished Happy Place this morning and I loved it so much. I'll be reading Our Place on the Island in a few days! Great list!

    1. Happy Place was my happy place. It was so emotional and so satisfying. I am so glad you enjoyed it. Fingers crossed you like Island as much as I did

  10. Now I'm singing...Summer breeze...makes me feel fine.... lol

    1. YES! Mission accomplished. I pinned my hopes on Tanya, but I am glad someone got the reference.
