
Sunday, March 14, 2021

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! I am pretty excited about embarking on my trip tomorrow. I thought there were going to be problems. I submitted my PCR COVID test results, and they contacted me saying I needed an RT-PCR test. I was fit to be tied, because the paperwork only said PCR. It was resolved that my test was acceptable, but I was scared for a bit there. I don't think I have been off for more than a 3-day weekend since 2019. Crazy, right? 

I wrote so many posts this week, so that the next two weeks are scheduled. It was exhausting, but I am leaving early Monday morning and getting back late next Monday night. Kind of stinks that I am flying into a time change right when Daylight Savings Time start. I am going to be so out of wack.  

Let's Discuss!
  • Tanya laments the curse of the 3-star review
  • Amber shares how she weeds her shelves
  • CW tells us some tips for busy bloggers

On the Blog:
  • Monday: Blog Tour - It's Kind of a Cheesy Love Story by Lauren Morrill
  • Tuesday: TTT - Spring Cleaning 
  • Wednesday: CWW - 10 Truths and a Dare, Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
  • Thursday: One Old, One New - The Wedding Game, The Romantic Pact


Slow week with approvals. It's been hard to resist requesting some of the newer books, but I am maxed out through June. Only requesting books for the second half of the year now. 

My daughter sent me her $25 Amazon gift card. It takes me forever to decide on books to buy, though I have many on my wishlist. I also have many on my Kindle unread, so there's that. I do my eye on some books coming out soon. I will probably cave and one-click at some point. 

What I Read Last Week

My favorite book of the week was You Were Made For Me. I really love Guillaume's humor, and the story was told in a fun way too. Very cute. 


What I Am Currently Reading

Jimenez's books always make me cry, and I was shedding tears left and right as I read this book. All the women in the heroine's family died before the age of 30 due to ALS. Because they cannot identify the gene causing it in her family, she doesn't know how much time she has left. So many emotions, but I am loving this book. There are appearances from her other two couples too, as the hero is Josh's (book 1 hero) cousin. 

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Ooh have a great trip! I hope it's awesome. the time change always throws me off too, though- I hope it's not too bad for you.

    Life's Too Short and Twice Shy look fun. I must like yellow covers. :)

    Take care and have fun!!!

    1. Thanks! It's exciting to be going somewhere. Life's Too Short was so good! I always enjoy Jimenez's books.

  2. Wow, that was close! I'm happy for you, finally going on a trip with your daughter. Have a fun and safe one!

    Ha! You finally got approved for "You've Reached Sam". They have reached you 😄.

    1. Thank you! Very excited to see the kid and get out of the house. I heard they are locking down again in your neck of the woods. Is it true? Usually I can get approved somewhere (NG or EW). It's rare I get rejected at both, but it happens, as it did with the new Shalvis book. I was utterly broken hearted, but my library always gets her books. It will be read!

    2. Most of our regions are in lockdown again - not mine so far, but I'm afraid it's just a matter of time. Cases are ramping up. And BTW, I'm on wages guarantee fund again for three weeks (for now...).

    3. Sorry to hear that, Roberta. Hope you and yours are safe.

  3. Oh yay for a trip! So excited for you that you still get to go! I need a trip myself, but nothing I like is really open. Lol. I'd like to hope for fall events, but I'm honestly not banking on them. So it looks like it's two years of nothing for me. Sigh...

    Nice new read too! that's a new to me one but I hope you enjoy it!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. When my daughter and I talked about it, she said we should go. It's an outdoor trip, and I think she is tired of being trapped in her apartment. Fingers crossed the vaccinations bring about more openings.

  4. Have a fun trip! I haven’t been on a vacation since 2015, so I understand the excitement.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I scrimp and save to go on vacation once a year. It's my thing. Last year just wasn't right without my annual trip.

  5. Yay for getting out into the world again! I hate this time change because we lose an hour. At least you'll be getting your travel time back when you return. Have a lovely trip! I can't wait to see some pictures, Sam!

    1. No. I lose time when I return since the east coast is ahead time-wise. The struggle will be real next Tuesday when I have to go to work.

  6. I hope you have an amazing time on your trip, Sam!

  7. I hope you have an awesome trip, Sam!!

    1. The weather is the wildcard (isn't it always?). We are off-roading tomorrow and I really don't have anything warm enough, as I didn't account for the early morning excursion. Hope I don't freeze tomorrow.

  8. So glad the test thing worked out---that would have been so infuriating if they wouldn't accept it! Have fun on your trip!!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I thought you guys were going to read about me being arrested or something. I was near full melt down.

  9. YAY!! Have the most wonderful time ever, I can't wait to hear all about it!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

  10. So excited for you taking your trip, Sam! Thank goodness the testing issue was resolved. What a last minute hassle that would have been. Can't wait to hear all about it. Thanks for the mention of my 3-star review post!

    1. I thought I was going to be bumped. I was sweating it.

  11. I hope you have a good trip! Sorry you have to deal with Daylight Savings Time. Yay for getting two weeks scheduled though. I need to do that myself.


    1. DST needs to end. I have no idea why we even still entertain this nonsense.

  12. I hope that you are having a good time on your trip, Sam! I am out of wack just from changing the clock so I don't know what I would do if I changed time zones at the same time! Have a great week!

    1. I was so tired yesterday, but it's worth is. This place is amazing.

  13. Going into a different time zone is always tricky - I can't imagine a time change on top of that! I hope you'll have a good time!

    1. It so beautiful here. I was tired yesterday, but I still enjoyed the day.
