
Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

This week felt sooo long. Not sure if it's because I am excited about my daughter coming home or what, but it felt long to me. My child is flying in on Sunday and will be here until the beginning of next month. What a treat! She can be my new "co-worker" as we toil away on our computers all day. 

My sister is doing Thanksgiving, as always, but the kid and I are making a dessert. Look, I don't often eat dessert, but when I do, I want to make sure there is something I want. We are going to try this pumpkin cobbler recipe Kiersten found. There's pumpkin and spice in it, so you know I am fully on board. Fingers crossed it turns out good. The kid is making her signature mashed potatoes as well. They have lots of stuff in them and taste amazing. If you are celebrating, is there a dish you are excited about? 

I have to mention the Animal Crossing update, because it was delightful! You have to understand, since March, I have been walking around my island, and my neighbors would be sitting out on the beach or under a tree, and I couldn't partake. It was like Mean Girls - you can't sit with us. The reason being, that I could only sit on furniture. Well, the latest update brought me the ability to do yoga, exercise, AND sit with my neighbors. I was really busy at work this week and didn't have much time to "sit" around, but Kiersten was sending me pictures all day. 

I could not stop laughing when I saw this. 

Let's Discuss!
  • Sammie tells us how she is not her trauma
  • Amber shares twelve books that made her feel less alone
  • Lory wonders if memoirs should be considered fiction

On the Blog:
  • Monday: #AmReading YA - Love & Olives, The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling
  • Tuesday: TTT - Dog-Gone Good
  • Wednesday: CWW - This Will Be Funny Someday, If You Come Softly 
  • Thursday: Tiny Tidbits - Six Feet Over It, A List of Cages, Suffer Love



What I Read Last Week

It was a solid reading week. A few books didn't quite live up to what I thought they would be, but they were still good. I was throughly entertained. Nothing blew me away, but I only had two DNFs, so that's pretty good. 

What I Am Currently Reading

I was such a hot mess at the end of If You Come Softly, that I had to pick up something guaranteed to give me the warm fuzzies. As expected, Shalvis is delivering for me. I will probably be done with The Forever Girl by the time you read this, but needless to say, I am throughly enjoying it. 

I haven't started my audiobook yet, but it's been on my radar. I really enjoyed The Hurricane Season and was looking forward to reading more from this author.

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving! I can't wait. :) And yay for the AC update!!

    Haha I can relate to that panda! And I love the cover of Enjoy the View.

    1. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving too! Panda was really reading my mind there.

  2. AHH so happy you're seeing your daughter so soon, that's wonderful <3 I hope you'll have a good time together <3
    I'm glad to see you enjoyed Happily Ever Afters, this book is one of my most anticipated reads for next year, it sounds so good! :)
    Have a lovely week and take care <3

    1. There were an ENDLESS amount of Harry Potter references in Happily Ever Afters, but I appreciated the overall story.

  3. Pumpkin cobbler sounds like the best thing ever! I’m most excited for pie. I’m buying a pumpkin pie and a chocolate pie. I’m not patient enough or motivated enough to make the pies myself. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. My sister never has anything "pumpkin" for me, so I am taking matters into my own hands. The cobbler with the syrupy sauce and vanilla ice cream - *chef's kiss* I am not a hug pie eater (I don't really care for the crust), but I love the fillings -- always. Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

  4. Oh yay! Glad your daughter is coming in for the holiday! After many years of trying to find the right peanut butter pie I uncovered the ultimate winner a few years ago and have been making that pie every year since! Can't go wrong with a winner, I only make it at Thanksgiving, so that's the pie I make. Though it was only fairly recently my niece started asking for one of her own so now I make two!

    Nice new reads! Totally new to me ones but I hope you will enjoy them all!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. PB pie - YUM! That's the way to make people love things more. Make them only at certain times of the year. Then we can yearn for it.

  5. So excited for you that Kiersten will be there for more than just a few days! The pumpkin cobbler sounds divine. We're keeping it super simple this year. We've basically cancelled Thanksgiving (for obvious reasons) so there will just be three of us (me, Robert, and my mom). So it will be a small meal. Still looking forward to it, though.

    Seeing the Meghan Quinn book reminds me that I want to finish the last book in her Getting Lucky series.

    1. If it turns out good, I'll make the kid take a picture of the cobbler. The ingredients sound like a sure thing to me, but only time will tell. I need to check out the Getting Lucky series. That's the one with the brothers, right? I've seen a lot of good reviews for it. I hope my Hoopla gets the audiobooks at some point.

    2. Yep, the Getting Lucky series is about the Knightly brother. One book for each of the four brothers. I just love the whole crazy family! :)

  6. "It was like Mean Girls - you can't sit with us."

    You and your daughter are real pals, aren't you? You love the same things! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. We do like the same things, and we can tolerate each other for long periods of time too. We understand the necessity of companionable silence.

  7. that tortoise wearing jeans is probably the weirdest thing i saw in a while. hahaha.
    I've been eyeing The Education of Margot Sanchez since it came out and up to this point, I'm still not fully convinced to get it but from the rating I'd say I'm not missing much.

    1. It's weird, but at the same time, hilarious. I actually have an ARC of Margo Sanchez (probably from BEA). It slipped through the cracks, but I saw the audio, and gave it a go. It was a messy coming of age type of story. I was entertained.

  8. That tortoise wearing jeans is something else!

    1. It's amazing the things people come up with, but I have to admit, I laughed so loud when I saw it. It is the oddest thing to see.

  9. Nice that you get to have your daughter visit for so long! I totally know what you mean about dessert. I don't eat it often, I crave salty foods more, but when I do I want something I want to eat. I make a pumpkin pie that has a mixture of brown sugar butter and walnuts on top that gets broiled and melted. It's served with a spicy whip cream (brown sugar, heavy cream, nutmeg, cinnamon, chilled and then whipped). You could seriously go into a sugar coma eating it, lol! But I look forward to stuffing & mashed potatoes smothered in gravy, and green bean casserole! I need to go grocery shopping when I get back.

    Have a lovely Thanksgiving, Sam! :)

    1. Your pie sounds amazing 🤩 I am not a sweets eater, but I do like to indulge in a holiday setting, but I am picky. You have great Thanksgiving too!

  10. I am so happy that your daughter will be with you! And yes that will be nice to have a coworker! My husband is mine since nearly 8 months now. Have a great week Sam!

    1. Too bad she's not a co-worker who knows my job, but at least we can share some space.

  11. hope you have a good thanksgiving. thanks for the smiles.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  12. Oh, I hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy your dessert! It sounds lovely.

  13. Aww, yay, that sounds like it will be a lovely long visit with your daughter!

    I always make my grandma's stuffing for Thanksgiving - it's simple but so yummy.

    1. Yum! We have several recipes of my grandmother's we use for Christmas (cabbage, sauerbraten, etc). Such a wonderful tradition

  14. It looks like I am cooking for Thanksgiving. It will be a small group and I am not making anything fancy but there will definitely be some kind of dessert that I like. I think that my favorite dish might be deviled eggs. They can be a pain to make but oh so yummy. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your visit with your daughter.

    1. I don't even remember the last time I had deviled eggs. They are yummy though.

  15. It sounds like you are about to have some lovely family time!

    I just bought my daughters a Switch each for Christmas in our pre Black Friday sales, I’m looking forward to having a shot of Animal Crossing!

  16. Oh my gosh the dogs with the spaghetti are just too cute. And I kind of feel that panda is my soul sister.
    Have a great week with your daughter!

    1. It's funny, because you can tell they knew they did something wrong.

  17. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your daughter and a great Thanksgiving. A pumpkin spice dessert sounds delicious!

    1. Pumpkin a fall thing, and we are not having another Thanksgiving without something pumpkin. No sir. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving too

  18. I'm so happy you liked Madsen & Quinn's book! I loved those 2. I hope you enjoy your time with your daughter.

    1. I usually enjoy their books. There were a few by Quinn, that were rather crude and I wasn't in the mood for, but for the most part, I like her books. Madsen always brings the fun and cute, and her yet to let me down.

  19. Weeks where you’re waiting for something always go by slower. I know you’ve not seen your daughter in a while so I understand your excitement. You’ve also made me hungry talking about what food you’ll be sorting for thanksgiving.

    1. Thanksgiving is all about the food. I actually like it a bit more than Christmas, because it's simply family time. No gift pressure.

  20. That's wonderful that you're getting an extended visit with your daughter. And what is this pumpkin cobbler you speak of??? That sounds amazing.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Cobbler made with what sort of sounds like pumpkin pie filling. I am not a big fan of pie crust, so I think I will love this. And it looks gooey in the picture too. Slap some vanilla ice cream on top. Mmmmmmm

  21. YAY for your daughter coming back home! And for staying that long, that's amazing! And I'm the same as you. Anything with pumpkin and spice is always delicious in my book lol! Here's hoping it turns out yummy! I'm making my Grandma's pies - chocolate cream pie and coconut cream pie. And also sugar cookies that are loft house style with frosting, I'm addicted to those lol. But I have a pumpkin cheesecake in the freezer from Trader Joes and I can't wait to bring that out!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. YUMMM! My grandmother didn't bake. She was a cook, and we do her recipes for our German style Christmas. I am glad my dad started cooking with her towards the end, because she is one of those "a bissel this, a bissel that" type of cook.
