
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: They Made Me Do It!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

They Made Me Do It!

This week's topic is books I bought/borrowed because ________ (fill in the blank). I have talked about my obsession habit of searching high and low for new books, so I do feel as though I have my finger on the pulse of what's new. However, I am not always sure, if I want to commit, and read the book. Therefore, my spin on this topic is listing some books, which I was convinced to read, because of fellow book pushers. These were all wonderful, and I enjoyed them immensely. So, a big thank you for helping me decide.
  • The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller - I definitely saw this listed by Mandy, multiple time, and her love for this book was infectious. 
  • Boys, Bears, and a Serious Pair of Hiking Boots by Abby McDonald - I remember seeing this book on so many Top Ten Tuesday lists, and I am pretty sure the find bloggers over at Book Princess Reviews turned me onto this one too. 
  • I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios - EVERYBODY was raving about this book, but I feel like it was Tanya, who gave me that push to really commit to reading it. 
  • Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center - It was Jenea's review, that first brought this book to my attention, and I am so happy I fell for the hype on this book, because it was stupendous! 
  • Man Up by Kim Oclon - This recommendation came from Nicole, and I enjoyed being part of David's journey. 
  • Six of Crows duology by Leah Bardugo - For the most part, if you see me reading a non-contemporary book, it was most liked pushed upon me by my favorite blogger, Kiersten. She has known me her whole life, and I trust her so much with selecting books for me.  
  • Legend series by Marie Lu - This was another series my daughter, Kiersten, convinced me to read, and it's one of my favorites (believe it or not!)
  • The Anatomical Shape of a Heart by Jenn Bennett - Not only did Shannon make me want to read this book, she introduced me to the greatness, that is Jenn Bennett. For that, I am truly grateful. 
  • The Tourist Attraction by Sarah Morganthaler - The cover and blurb caught my attention, but it was Jana raving about this book, that convinced me to download and read it. I am glad I did, because it fantastic!
  • Cracked Up to Be by Courtney Summer - Michelle is a lover of Summer's books, and she convinced me to give them at try. In all honesty, Sadie was my first Summer's book, but I picked this one, because I liked it even more. 

Has anyone ever convinced you to read a book?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Six of Crows, Legend, and I'll Meet You There have been on my TBR the longest time - I've heard such good things!

    1. All three were as amazing as everyone says. Legend and SoC are bigger commitments, as they are series, but if you are looking for some feels, I'll Meet You There will deliver.

  2. A girl at work tried to get me to read Harry Potter back in 2001 but I wasn't interested. When I was off work sick two years later I joined a mail order book club and the first four books were at £4 for the set as a joining offer so I bought them on a whim and became hooked!

  3. I have lots of those on my tbr not have not read any of them yet. Love a good recommendation from a friend.

    1. Sometimes I really need that extra push, and if it comes from someone I trust, I am way more likely to take the chance

  4. I am beyond happy to be the one who gave you the not so gentle nudges to read I'll Meet You There. :) That book is so special to me and made a huge impact on me. I'm so glad it was a good one for you, too!

    1. I feel as though you nudged me no less than a dozen times 😂, but it was definitely a good decision to take your advice on that book

  5. This is a fabulous take on the TTT this week Sam -- I know I've tried things I wouldn't normally because of book bloggers!

    1. I seldom find new books (other than the ones I cannot get, which are featured by international bloggers), but I have definitely been convinced to give certain books a try by other bloggers. It was fun making the list.

  6. I probably never would have read the Harry Potter series if one of my college roommates hadn't told me to give it a try!

    1. That surprises me, because it's so hyped and wildly popular.

  7. I haven’t read Six Of Crows yet, but I’ll eventually read it because of the internet hype.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I can be rather weary of hyped books, which is why I needed a trusted source to give me that nudge to take the plunge.

  8. quite a variety and i see a few i wouldn't mind having on my list
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. These all ended up being highly rated for me, and some were a definite push out of my comfort zone as well.

  9. I love book recommendations! They really can be so much fun and I've found some of my favorites that way.

    1. I think these worked for me, because the people pushing me understood the type of books I like, not just that they liked the book. I read many books I love, but I know aren't necessarily to everyone's taste.

  10. I love finding reads that I wouldn't otherwise have read!

    1. I hem and haw over books sometimes, therefore, it's great to get that push to take the chance on it. That's what all these people did for me, and it was a great success.

  11. Book bloggers convince me to read books all the time! But I think the book recommendation I'll always remember the most is the librarian that suggested I read Legend because I loved Divergent. Marie Lu is one of my auto-buy authors (along with Veronica Roth) now!

    1. I have only been inside the library to donate books or renew my card, so I cannot say I have gotten any recs from librarians.

  12. Great idea of this weeks theme. I have so many books that others have convinced me to buy, some I’ve actually got around to reading and others are still gathering dust. I’m seeing a couple of books on here I’ve enjoyed. It was ages ago that I read it but I remember enjoying The Summer I Became a nerd, it had some flaws but as a whole it was pretty good. And I’ll meet You there! I adore that book, that will live on my shelf forever it was just brilliant. I want to reread it now. Honestly, everytime I see that jenn bennett book I get confused, it was released as Night owls here in the UK so I am always thinking I’ve missed a book. I haven’t it’s ok.

    1. Nerd just really hit the spot. Light and fluffy goodness, and it made me laugh. Did you hear Bennett signed another contract. There will be more books!

  13. Nice picks!! Six of Crows and Legend were faves of mine too! I still need to read Rebel and plan to re-read the graphic novels and sort of "cheat" to get the recap I'll need to read this final add on installment! Lol!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I was so happy with Rebel. It gave me the closure I never felt like I got with Champion

  14. Tanya's great at getting me to read books based on her reviews, too. I'm glad you found all of these!

    1. I was years late with I'll Meet You There. Tanya would always tell me to read it, every time it came up in a post.

  15. Great list! I really need to read Six of Crows soon!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. It's excellent. I think you would enjoy it, and there are only 2 books in the series too

  16. I am so glad that you enjoyed Legend! It is sometimes hard to leap into a genre that isn't in our contemporary comfort zones. Those book pushers can push us into some great reads. ;)

    1. When I first started pleasure reading again, I was reading all my daughter's books. She is a big dystopian reader, but soon enough, I returned to my romance roots. Contemporaries will always be my faves, but it's good to branch out every now and then

  17. I have Man Up to read soon, also recommended by Nicole. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it!


  18. I’m so glad you loved Things You Save in a Fire! I’ll Meet You There and Six of Crows are two that I’d like to read. I’ll have to check out the other too now.

    1. Both were so good. I am not that surprised that I loved I'll Meet You There, but SoC was outside my zone. Still, a hit!

  19. Love your spin on this week's topic. I think Jenea's was one of the reviews that convinced me I needed to read Things You Save in a Fire too. I also love that some of your daughter's recs made the list. :)

    1. I had seen many reviews, but for some reason's, her's stands out. My daughter has yet to recommend a book I have not liked. She knows me, and I love being able to talk about the book with her after

  20. This is such a great topic---I know I pick up LOTS of books because others recommend them to me. (I definitely need to read Foolish Hearts, by the way, but I went looking for it the other day and couldn't find it! I have it marked for what bookcase it's in and everything---guess I'll have to search again. Sigh.)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I promise you will have a smile on your face at the end of Foolish Hearts, or any Emma Mills book for that matter. They just burst with goodness, and I love the wonderful friends and family she packs into her books.

  21. Yes! The Six of Crows duology is one of my all time favorites. :)

    1. Book two broke me a little, but I definitely enjoyed the series.

  22. I so love book recommendations! Then I know I'll have someone to gush with if I love it, too!

    1. I am always afraid to be like, "here, read this book," but I have had some success stories with my co-workers. It felt good to have found the right book for them

  23. Aw this is SO fun! And I am VERY glad to have introduced you to Jenn Bennett, for she is kind of the best! Also very glad you were pushed to read I'll Meet You There, because goodness, that is a fabulous book!

    1. She really is kind of the best. Well, in all honesty, without you and Nicole buying me the book for being a monthly Discussion Challenge winner, I probably still would not have read I'll Meet You There.

  24. I haven't read any of these but there are a few I'd like to! The Tourist Attraction in particular. :)

    1. It was so fun, Nicci! I just smiled and laughed and enjoyed.

  25. Six of Crows is wonderful, and I've heard great things about Legend.

    1. I was surprised by how much I loved SoC. It's far from my norm, as is the Legend series, but it had enough romantic elements to win my heart

  26. Well Sam Tanya too made me read and love I'll Meet You There LOL

    1. She really did a great job as a book pusher with that one.

  27. I absolutely adore Six of Crows and I'll Meet You There. And thanks for reminding me to read some more backlist Summers!

    1. You will have to tell me which Summers' books you read. I definitely plan to read more, but so far, I have only read only Cracked Up to Be and Sadie.

  28. YES YES YES to Summer I Became a Nerd. It's just all the cuteness, and it just brings all the cheese. I'm so glad that my pushing ended up with a pretty good read for you!!!

  29. Oh yeah, I definitely relate to taking people's recommendations into account! I really loved Legend, The Anatomical Shape of a Heart and also am going to be reading Six of Crows this month seeing as everyone keeps shouting at me to try it!

    1. I think you would like SoC. It was a stretch for me, and I loved it. The story, the character -- it was all top notch
