
Friday, April 10, 2020

The Liebster Award!

Thank you to Catherine at Based on a Book for nominating me. Let's see if I surprise any of you with my answers.

🤔 Which book have you re-read the most and why?

I honestly have not re-read any book other than the Bible. I have an endless TBR, and I really do want to read ALL the books. Therefore, I cannot bring myself to read something I have already read.

🤔 Which Hogwarts house would you put yourself in?

I never got swept up in the Harry Potter fandom. My daughter liked the movies, when she was younger, but never clamored for the books. Then after J.K. Rowling said one too many annoying things, and I had a few less than favorable run ins with that fandom, I really had no interest. So, essentially, I never sorted.

🤔 What is your favourite fictional friendship?

The first one that came to mind was Dianna and Anne. I was so enchanted by Anne, and her overwhelming love for her best friend was something worthy of my envy.

🤔 If you could bring back one TV show/series what would it be? 

Wow! A toss up between My So-Called Life and Felicity. Though, at least we got an ending with Felicity. So, then, My So-Called Life, because I was just left hanging there.

🤔 Which historical figure would you like to read a book about? 

I love reading about scientists, and I have read many books about them. Einstein is a favorite, because I cannot wrap my head around the thought experiments he did, and what they led to.

🤔 Who was the last fictional character you fell in love with?

I am always falling in love with characters in books, whether it be romantic love or platonic love. He was a little young for me, but I thought Graham Barnett from The Tourist Attraction by Sarah Morganthaler was a fantastic hero. He felt like a kindred spirit to me in many ways.

🤔 What's your go-to karaoke song?

I don't think I have done karaoke since college, so, a very long time ago, but our go-tos were Oh, What a Night and Brown Eyed Girl. I have no idea why, but we went nuts for those songs, and they were oldies even back then.

🤔 Which Disney princess/character was your childhood favourite?

I thought Mary Poppins was the best! I watched that movie so many times. Though, the character I most identified with was Eeyore.

🤔 Listening to any good podcasts lately? 

The last podcast I listened to was Hi, My Name is Mark! Hosted by Mark Hoppus, and I think it was discontinued back in 2016. It was hilarious! I love Hoppus so much.

🤔 Have you read any Charles Dickens and do you have any recommendations? 

A Tale of Two Cities, back when I was younger and more highbrow.

🤔 Any fun websites you like to waste time on?

I have no real free time. It's been a really long while since I have spent any appreciable amount of time on a certain website.

So, what I learned from this exercise is that I used to be more interesting. 
How would answer these questions?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I don't reread nearly as much as I used to. there are just too many new books now clamoring for my attention. Although sometimes i will revisit an old favorite...

    Mary Poppins is so fun. and yay for Eeyore!

    1. That's how I feel. I have a billion books on my TBR. I don't know, I would much rather read a new story, than one I already know

  2. I loved the Harry Potter world but frankly I got tired of JK Rowling's political and lifestyle lectures and now I tune out whatever she is saying. I'm tuneless so I avoid singing in public!

    1. Aside from Rowling, I also had some less than favorable interactions with HP fans. Left a bad taste in my mouth, and you know, I saw the films, which satisfied my curiosity

  3. Mary Poppins fits you so perfectly Sam! Always upbeat and living magic!

    1. Glad you think so, since my family calls me Sam Black Cloud. LOL

  4. I forgot you're not a rereader, I just love revisiting old faves especially when I'm in a slump. It does mean I haven't read as many books as I could but oh well. I loved My So Called Life (although I watched it after it ended) it's so sad that it just stopped. I hate how many shows that's happened to. Eeyore was my favourite from Winnie the Pooh, Tigger was just too much. I feel like sometimes I'm a bit to anxious like Piglet but oh well.

    1. I think I get the "rereading" effect by listening to an old favorite song or looking through photos. Lot less time commitment and it satisfies my need for nostalgia. I think I was pregnant when My So-Called Life was first run, which is when I watched it. Though, I do think I would put it on, every now and again, when it as being re-run on MTV. Wow! An Eeyore fan. Look at that! I think I like him, because I related to him so hard.

  5. i don't reread much any more either. i have a kindle full of books and a few stacks around the house
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. It's not like I don't understand some people's motivations for rereading, it just doesn't interest me. I want to discover something new, maybe knock a few books off the TBR.

  6. I rarely re-read now. If a series I love has a new book out, I will sometimes re-read because I have such a terrible memory. But when I was a kid, I re-read CONSTANTLY. Over and over and over. I don't know if that's a developing reader thing or what--a lot of kids seem to do that.

    1. My sister used to re-read every Harry Potter book, before the next one came out. Not just the one before, but all of them. I definitely feel like I have forgotten everything, when I first open the sequel, but then it all starts to come back to me. I don't even think I read many books over and over again as a kid. I liked to reread my fairytale book, but I suspect I was more into seeing the beautiful pictures.

  7. I’m not much of a rereads either. There a couple of series that I’d love to catch up on but the series so far along now that it would take me retreading the previous books to know what’s going on or I’d probably just be lost. My daughter reread all the Harry Potter books though. Love Mary Poppins. I sing all the songs through all the Disney movies so my husband doesn’t watch them with me anymore. Lol...

    1. I have seen Nicole talk about recap sites for series. I would be more likely to do that than reread. Mary was the best. I remember wanting her to come live in my house.

  8. The good news about a quarantine is that there is always time to reconnect with passions!

    1. True, unless you like to do stuff outdoors and with other people (not the case with me)

  9. I'm the TOTAL opposite; I LOVE to reread old favorites! It brings such comfort to me!
    I love all your answers! :)

    1. So many people feel the same way as you. I love new experiences, and with so little free time (normally), rewatching/rereading is not a thing I do

  10. I reread, and I try to make it a goal so I will do it more, just because I like revisiting characters and stories. But yeah, sometimes I get that feeling that I could be using my time to get to even more books on my TBR!

    1. My thought is that your time is your time. If rereading makes you happy - do it!

  11. You did surprise me with some of your answers! LOL And looks like we enjoy some of the same music:)

    1. *High Five* Those songs were staples with my sorority sisters, but they also served as the soundtrack to the block parties I loved as a kid

  12. I never really read the HP books, but I loved the movies. I am still impressed with how realistic they made everything in the films.

    1. I thought the films were wonderful, and I enjoyed all the tie-ins too. I had a great time at the park, as well. I was actually awed by how amazing it looked, and I'm not even a real fan.

  13. Loved My So Called Life and Felicity, too! Yep we were left hanging with MSCL. *sigh*

    1. I will never stop lamenting series that left me hanging. Kiersten did a TTT post of 10 unfinished series. Cable networks seem to be a bit kinder with this stuff. Like, the way they let Shadowhunters do a wrap up. Every canceled series should get that opportunity.

  14. I love re-reading favourites. I wish I was able to (re)read my favourite series every year but that would mean less new books and I want to read them too... Never enough time! :(

    As for HP - I loved it. I hate the movies and I haven't re-read the books in YEARS but it will always hold a special place for me. The fandom can be a bit much though and JKR is a bit of an arse... I've given up on her.

    The only Dickens I've read are Oliver Twist and A Christmas Carol but both were a long time ago. I think I'd want to re-read A Christmas Carol one day but we're circling back to the time thing. :)

    1. I think I have seen more Dickens movies, than read books. You hated the HP movies? Even with films that were not exactly like the books (Beautiful Creatures, anyone?), I can still appreciate it as entertaining or not. Did you not find them entertaining?

  15. These answers do not surprise me! Mary Poppins - that is so on brand for Sam. Mary Poppins probably reads as fast as you do!!!

  16. I love to re-read books but that has a lot to do with the fact that I don't seem to really remember books until I have read them twice. I listen to audiobooks while I am working so listening to a book I have read before makes it easier to keep up with what I am doing. I had fun reading all of your answers! (I used to be more interesting too!)

    1. I know a lot of people will re-read via audio. I would consider that, because my listening and reading time allotment have no overlap. Didn't we all used to be more interesting? HA!

  17. I love Mary Poppins! And yay for Eeyore too. He has always been my sentimental favorite. I would love to see My So-Called Life brought back too. I always hated how abruptly it just ended.

    1. I love the idea of all the Pooh characters, and how each one is the embodiment of part of Milne's son's personality. I hate when all shows are pulled without coming to some sort of conclusion. It's one of the main reasons I stopped watching TV

  18. It's funny, I love the movie version of Mary Poppins, but absolutely did not like her character in the book, she was kind of a b-word. And I have always identified with Eeyore, even to this day. I love him and have a collection of Eeyore items.

    1. The book is darker than the Disney movie version, no?

  19. I don't reread books either, and find that is rare among book lovers! I love Mary Poppins, and so does my daughter, who has a Mary Poppins doll she loves to carry around everywhere. I love oldies, and Oh, What a Night and Brown-eyed Girl are two of my favorites! Fun post Sam! Congrats on your nomination :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I am not alone! I do feel like everyone else rereads, but I don't think I have done that since I was a small child. You and your daughter have great taste. Mary is superior to all.

  20. This is so fun! I am not much of a rereader either. I think the ONLY book that I reread other than Hunger Games, which I reread every year, was Divergent and Insurgent when Allegiant was coming out (and pre-blogging). I don't care for Charles Dickens tbh. My dad made me read David Copperfield when I was 10 and I think I now hold a vendetta against Dickens. I VERY much feel you with not having time to waste hah. Also FELICITY, that was such a good show. Is it too soon to answer The 100 for mine to bring back? I sob, Sam. I sob. I'm not a big Harry Potter fan myself, but apparently I am the biggest Hufflepuff that ever existed. I have come to terms with it 😂

    1. It's never too soon to ask that your lifeblood series be brought back. I am shocked to hear you are not an HP fan. I really thought you were. I only vaguely understand the house traits from the films, so I cannot weigh in on your Hufflepuff-ness, but they were the nice ones, no? If so, you belong there.

  21. I guess the Bible is the book I have reread the most as well! And I'm also the same when it comes to the Harry Potter fandom. Never really got into it and then recently read the books to discover I didn't like them.

    1. *High Five* for reading the Bible (more than once) My church in FL did a yearly read though every year, and I liked to participate. Wait! You didn't like the HP books? I thought everyone loved them, though, my co-bloggers, who are big HP fans, said the writing gets better in the later books.
