
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Easter to all who celebrate! If you don't, Happy Sunday! My mother wasn't willing to eschew all our Easter traditions, so I had to go out to the Polish butcher, and get our ham, pierogies, and whatnot. We ordered by phone using a credit card. Then, when I got to the store, I was instructed to park in the lot, and call the store, to let them know I was there for pickup. Then someone walked my bag out, left it atop a flat of kielbasa, and he backed away. It was a very well orchestrated exchange. And, yes, masks were worn by all parties.

Things are getting intense out there. I happily only leave home once a week to do the shopping. Thursday, I thought I would try to get out before the weather moved in, and apparently, so did everyone else, because the entry line wrapped around 3.5 walls of the building. It was long. I went back later, and only had to wait about 35 mins to get in, but now we have an armed police officer enforcing masks. By the time I finished the shopping, over two hours had passed, and I am drenched in sweat and tears. Needless to say, shopping day is not my favorite day of the week.

I always miss my daughter more on the holidays. Since I am not sure, when I will see her next, we have been visiting each other on Animal Crossing. Here's some snaps from our last visit.

Let's Discuss!
  • Jackie says it's okay not to read
  • Amanda talks about her favorite romance tropes
  • Veronika shares some bookish things she hates
  • Noura put together Project Self Care BINGO

On the Blog:
  • Monday: #AmReading - Date Me, Bryson Keller, Man Up
  • Tuesday: TTT - They Made Me Do It!
  • Wednesday: CWW - My Eyes Are Up Here, Three Day Summer
  • Thursday: One Old, One New: Four Days of You and Me, Defending Taylor
  • Friday: Leibster Award


Last week, I was sad that I had so few approvals, and this week, BOOM! A billion! It was raining approvals this week, and many of these are highly anticipated titles. Something that definitely brightened up my week.



What I Read Last Week

Do you see all those stars? Yes, the book gods were very good to me this week. By the Book was so super cute and fun and perfect. I read a review, where they compared it to an Emma Mills book, and I say, yes. It has that family and friendship focus, that is so Emma Mills, and I loved every second of it.

I had seen Shannon talk about these books, and there the audiobooks were, just waiting to be checked out. ZERO regrets! The Aven Green books were pure, unadulterated happiness. If you need something to make you smile, and restore your faith in humanity, check out the Cactus books.



What I Am Currently Reading

I am just starting My Life Gone Viral, but am eager to get to it. The MC made a decision in the last book, that infuriated me. I hope that she fixes it in the sequel.

Costar is fun. It's hate-to-love, and finally getting past the angsty parts. I have an angst limit, and I reached it. Time to get to the gooey romance part.

What I Plan to Read

Only one ARC on the TBR - who am I?
How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I'm glad you're all safe and healthy, Sam. But I totally get you on missing your daughter. It's harder when we don't know when we'll see our loved ones again. Thank goodness for the internet, games, and the possibility to 'see' each other with video calls.
    Your new books look great, and I'm so happy you read so many good books last week. That really helps, don't you think?
    Sending you cyber-hugs for Easter. Have a good week ahead and stay safe and healthy :)

    1. Reading has always been my escape. I have been happy to find so many that have been working for me. I try to imagine what it was like for the people, who went through the last pandemic. They weren't as "connected" as well are, and it took so long to get information. We are a bit luckier in that respect. Cyber hugs to you too!

  2. Happy Easter! Sorry you're not getting to see your daughter, we're all missing our families at the moment, but that's pics of you visiting each other on Animal Crossing is so cute. I still don't get the appeal of the game but I am enjoying folks cute pictures from it. Sounds like shopping is becoming the most high stress situation everywhere, I do not envy you and your shopping trips because I've seen armed police and they are terrifying at the best of times but having them enforce wearing masks? Wow. We're not at the facemask level here, although maybe we should be. They can't get them for all medical staff and carers though so how do they expect normal people to find them I do no know. But I'm not getting on a rant about that.

    After your stressful shopping trip I'm glad the book gods were kind and you read so many good books you totally deserve it. And some of them have such pretty covers and I've not heard of them. I will look for your reviews because you know I'll end up wanting to buy them.

    Hope you have a good week, here's hoping the book gods are just as kind for you (and for me).

    1. My neighbor made my mask, and I have seen many videos for no sew masks. We don't need the level of protection that our health care workers need, but if it helps to prevent the spread, I will wear the mask.

  3. Ahh, shopping day is truly the worst. Love that cute puppy with the heart on his belly! So many great books - I'm checking out BY THE BOOK and Ben Philippe's book. Great post, thank you for sharing :)

    1. I hope that heart is real and not photoshopped. That would ruin the beauty of it. By the Book was so adorable. A total made-me-happy read. I loved Philippe's last book, and his next one sounds just as fabulous. Hope you get a chance to check them out

  4. Oh wow, your shopping day sounds so intense, that must be physically and emotionally draining. It's not as bad here, but still thinks forever by the time I disinfect everything that comes into the house. Yay for all the approvals! Happy reading :)

    1. My state has the second highest infection rate in the US, so they are clamping down on us. I am fortunate, that I only have to go out the one day. My heart is with all the essential workers still out there and their families.

  5. Yeah, shopping day is usually intense! Though when I made my run yesterday, it wasn't too bad. There were a few packs of toilet paper, so I threw one in the cart, got lucky when the staff was just putting out a few bottles of refill soap, so I got one of those. Still no Lysol, but that's to be expected. Hoping we'll get lucky with that at some point as we've been using more of that lately when we come home from wherever as we spray down on shoes. At least you were able to get your Easter fixings easily enough! That's always a plus when the curbside crew has it down to a science!

    Nice new reads! Those are all new to me ones but I hope you will enjoy them all!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. We were lucky and had two cans of Lysol on our shelves. I heard certain disinfection products are not being sold to general public at this time. That they are being reserved for healthcare workers.

  6. Finding Easter food this year was tough. All of the local stores are out of inexpensive candy. My dad finally found a cheap bag of Christmas M&Ms on Amazon and ordered them for us. They’re red and green, but they still taste good. Merry Easter, I guess. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Dad for the win! Yeah, the pastel candy is pretty, but it all sort of tastes the same. I am not a candy eater, but I would have liked a nice cake or something for today. I didn't realize the candy would go so fast this year, being as many cannot do the usual outdoor hunts, etc.

  7. We are trying hard to stay out of the stores right now. They are saying that you need a mask to shop now but I haven't been since that started. I am trying to focus on eating the food we already have in the house. I can understand why shopping day is your least favorite day!

    I am glad you are getting to interact with your daughter in Animal Crossing. There are so many neat ways to stay connected right now. I hope you have a wonderful Easter! Have a great week and enjoy all of your new reads!

    1. I was reading the paper this morning, and our Gov is requiring masks for take out, shopping, and mass transit. Let's see how that goes. Philly tried enforcing masks, and that lasted about 24 hours, after a person being removed from the bus went viral.

  8. An ARMED police officer?!? Yikes. There's a security guard where I go, but I couldn't see any weapon. It must be unnerving to see one so up-close when you're in line to shop.

    Weapons aside, trips to the supermarket are THE WORST right now. I hear you about being bathed in sweat and tears. *sends hugs*

    LOL, you're having virtual playdates with your daughter! That's cute. You're the character with the bob, I assume? 😉

    Hang on, and Happy Easter!

    1. All our police are armed, when I see them. So, not unsettling, just an odd fixture at the market. Most stores simply use security guards, but I guess these are desperate times. I am the character with the bob. I try to stay true to life. HUGS to you too

  9. OMG, so jealous about The Heir Affair!!

    I'm sorry your shopping trip was such a bad experience. We also went on Thursday (I stayed in the car while Tom went inside), and the parking lot seemed pretty empty.

    1. I had to remind myself to breathe when I saw that email. I was so excited!!! The Royal We is a favorite, and I am eager to see where they take the story. I live in a pretty populated area. We have over 100K residents. The market is always crowded.

  10. Happy Easter! Those shopping trips sound so stressful. I went out with the hubby yesterday but stayed in the car and was just shocked by how many people were out and about and unmasked, which just made me want to scream.

    Wow, you had so many 5 star reads last week. That's wonderful! I hope your reading week is just as good this week.

    1. Shopping has never been my favorite chore. For some reason, I become very anxious at the market. I was alternating one week market, one week Target for my shopping, and I was showing up at the market at 6am, when it opened. Now the first hour is reserved for the seniors, and I have to do all the shopping at the market, because I am shopping for my parents. I wear my mask, when I know I won't be able to get distance from people (shopping, take out pickup), but not for driving by myself or walking outside. It's to protect other people from me, so why would I wear it, if I was walking alone?

  11. Bwahahaha your meat deal made me think of a drug deal Sam!!!! LOL Now as you've seen on the blog this week, shopping day is not my favorite day either! Stay safe and happy Easter all things considered!

    1. I really did feel as though I was engaging in something illegal, when I got the ham. Glad I am not the only one, who finds shopping stressful. You be safe as well

  12. Happy Easter, Sam!! So much accomplished this week! :) I'm loving that you gave By the Book a five-star rating! I've been waiting to read this one for so long!
    I hope you have a great week! :)

    1. By the Book was pure adorable fun. I am so in love with that book and that family. I can't wait for everyone to read it.

  13. Charming as a Verb sounds like so much fun! I just added it to my TBR stat. I always love seeing all the books you hauled to give me books to add, haha. Hope you have a wonderful week, Sam! :)

    1. Philippe's first book was so funny. I am anticipating his fantastic humor in Verb too. Isn't that why we all love each other's hauls? More books for our TBRs

  14. We had ham today too. It's one of our few Easter traditions. :)
    I love how the butcher did the hand-off... Slightly un-related but it's almost exactly what I had to do when taking Vesta to the vet a couple of weeks ago! lol. Phone from car, pay by phone, approach and place cat carrier down then back away, wait in car until they'd sorted her out and then repeat drop off in reverse. 😆
    This is going to be the new normal for a while!

    I'm glad you're getting to "see" and spend time with your daughter online even though you can't see her in person for a while. Hopefully, it won't be too much longer before restrictions start to ease a little.
    At least you managed to get some nice new books to keep you going for a bit! :)

    1. I don't mind the extra steps in the name of safety, and at least it allows the butcher to still operate, while protecting their workers. Good to see a similar approach is being used in other places. I have no idea, when or if I will see my daughter. I hope out trip in Oct happens, but if not, hopefully we get to spend the holidays together in Nov/Dec. It's already been months since I saw her. Hope your ham was yummy.

  15. Happy Easter to you! This is the first time in almost 30 years that I'm not at my grandparent's farm for the family gathering, but I'm thankful that everyone is being safe.

    I celebrated my birthday on Friday at home, and it was a bit strange. Take out sushi has never tasted so good though!

    1. Holidays, for me, are really about family and gathering, so this doesn't feel like a real holiday to me. I just hope that by doing all this, we can eventually see our loved ones again. Happy belated birthday! I am glad you were able to celebrate in some way.

  16. Wow, that was one crazy line at the store. And it's wild that police are there now, but I'd actually be reassured by the masks being enforced. We typically shop at the Commissary on the Navy base and they enforce it as well. You can't even get on base without a mask. And at the commissary you must have a mask to gain entry. And no visitors/guests are allowed. It's so surreal that the simple act of grocery shopping has become something that results in stress and fear. I love the cover of By the Book. It's good to hear that the inside was just as good as the outside. :) Speakeasy was wonderful... I know you know the True North series, too. The cover of What I Carry is simply stunning!

    1. I liked Speakeasy too. I was surprised by all the readers, who hated Alec. I liked him, and him and May together. I am reading What I Carry right now, and it really good. I lucked out seeing it, when it first popped up in the eLibrary.

  17. We have been lucky to get most of our groceries from Shipt or walmart delivery. I had panic attacks in big stores before this happened....I can't even imagine how bad it would be now. Plus, I have terrible allergies right now, so people look at me with disdain and I want to scream "its just allergies!!!".
    I LOVE animal crossing!! I have been playing daily. Glad you found a way to connect with your daughter long distance and during quarantine!

    1. I probably should not have bought the switch, because I get really obsessive about my Animal Crossing. It's been fun though. If I was just shopping for myself, I would not be going to the market, but I shop for my parents and get their meds, which are at Wegmans Pharmacy. It's once a week. I try to mentally prepare myself.

  18. That sucks you have to wait in a line to get back in your building! Too bad you can't go at a less busy time. Stay safe and have a lovely Easter, Sam!

    1. I went back twice that day, and the line was much shorter the second time. I have not waited less than 30 minutes, though. The lines inside a long too. If I was just shopping for myself, I would be able to do self checkout, but I have too many items, when I shop for my parents. You stay safe as well

  19. Wow. That's a lot just to go shopping. Not that bad here, yet. Happy Easter. And what a fun way to visit with your daughter.

    1. NJ is second to NY for confirmed cases. They are doing what they can. It is fun visiting via the game, though she would not have me yesterday, because she was terraforming.

  20. I love traditions, and missed them and my family this Easter, so I know how you're feeling with missing your daughter. I'm glad you get to "visit" during animal crossing though. Congrats on all of the awesome book approvals you got this week Sam. I haven't been requesting or accepting any books lately, because I am so behind on the books I already have for review.

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I know a lot of people are struggling with reading lately, but I am pretty much hitting my normal numbers. I think a lot of my requests were old, though. Many release dates are being pushed, and I feel like I am going to end up with a billion ARCs with Sept/Oct release dates, because of pending requests.

  21. Happy Easter to you! <3
    I'm so happy you got approved for so many books, yay! It seems like you had a lovely reading week just as well, that's amazing. I've seen so many mixed reviews about What I Like About You, so curious to read that one. And By The Book, a 5-stars, yay! That one sounds amazing.
    I'm excited for you to read Most Likely, it sounds like such a great read. I hope you'll enjoy it.
    Happy reading :)

    1. What I Like About You had a lot of cute parts. I feel a bit awkward reviewing it, because the characters talk about how they don't want an adult reviewers "hot take" on YA books. I know a few people were put off by that, and it did come up multiple times in the book. There was still enough to keep me reading. By the Book was perfection. I loved it from beginning to end.

  22. All of our deliveries to our house are now zero contact and I'm happy for it to be that way. Local shops are getting shirty about taking cash so if they switch to no cash, I'm done for! Stay safe Sam!

    1. I never have cash, so, no problem there. I like paying ahead, and just getting my package. I wish the market was that easy. You stay safe too

  23. We got our first restaurant food on Saturday by ordering a half-baked pizza (it was a great option since cooking it the rest of the way kills anything). They brought the food out to the car, but they wore a mask and gloves, so I think it was all pretty safe. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. That is interesting. I don't know if any of our pizza places are offering half baked pizza, though, I understand the purpose.

    2. That's a normal thing around here, actually. You can order a stuffed or deep dish pizza half-baked and then finish it off at home.

    3. Look at that! All I remember about deep dish, was how shocked I was when the server asked if I had ordered ahead. This was before my daughter lived in Chicago, when we were there for BookCon/BEA. Very different pizza practices, than in these parts.

  24. Glad you're all okay over there! Shopping is so stressful with everything that's been going on. I've been wearing my mask and gloves. I'm glad you had a good Easter. :)

    1. I was checking my work email, and my co-workers working onsite have to wear masks now. Things you never expected to have to do with a desk job

  25. It seems like things have definitely been getting creative with how we can shop and order things lately. Glad to know you had a good Easter! And I also like that you've been all about Animal Crossing. I can't afford a switch but I do love that game in all the forms I own it already, and have been itching to play lately :D

    1. I probably should not have gotten the switch, since it's a time suck, but my daughter convinced me. She bought me Animal Crossing as an early Mother's Day gift too. I have not played in years (since the Wii), but I am as crazy about it as ever

  26. I'm the designated once a week supply gatherer, too. I go to one local store in town, and that's it. It all feels very strange. I'm glad you were able to do a special thing for Easter. :)

    1. Stressful being the hunter/gathering, huh? Stay safe!
