
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

It was a week. I work for the brokerage side of a bank, so no matter what, I have to go to work. But, it was super stressful being out there. We were told to contact HR if we or those we live with fell into a risk group, and they agreed that my dad fell into the high risk category. I am getting two weeks off, and my situation will be evaluated at the end of that time period. I feel a little guilty, because I cannot work from home, but then I heard someone on the campus tested positive, and I was out. So, for two weeks, I can run all my mother's errands, and keep my dad at home.

Hope all of you are safe, and if you have to go to work, that your place of business is taking precautions to protect your health.

Let's Discuss!
  • The Orangutan Librarian explains that is ISN'T YA. 
  • Wendy shares some books she won't be reading during these quarantine times
  • Nick showed us Bollywood actresses as 2020 romance covers

On the Blog:
  • Monday: Nutshells - The Perfect Escape & Late to the Party
  • Tuesday: TTT - Spring TBR
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Henna Wars & Under Rose-Tainted Skies
  • Thursday: One Old, One New - Unscripted & Jesse's Girl
  • Friday: Discussion - How I Hop


So, um, Berkley did a nice dump on Edelweiss. I actually did show some self control. I was so excited to get the approval for the new Katherine Center book, and then I got an email that it was "read now" for a time. Guess I wasn't that special. I am ecstatic to get the next Killing November book too. Book one was incredible, and I am looking forward to continuing the story.


What I Read Last Week

I went a bit off the TBR, because my loan for the new Kasie West came through. The book was wonderful! I also went gaga for my backlog book this week. I loved every second, except that really scary scene, and I was crying tears of joy, left and right.

I had a great audiobook week too. First of all, I feel like I should have been hearing about JANE ANONYMOUS more. The book was excellent. The kidnapping scene had my heart pumping and tears running down my face, and the Jane's struggle with adjusting to her old life was done so well. I was happy to find a fun sports romance series on Hoopla. These MOTHERPUCKER books are rather hilarious, and I am having a great time listening to them.


What I Am Currently Reading

I was just starting ONLY WHEN IT'S US, when I wrote this post, so, not much to say.

I am almost through PUCK AHOLIC, and I am at the dramatic part, which is still filled with lots of humorous bits. The attack pig already owns me.

What I Plan to Read

Do you see a pattern here?
How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Oh those penguins are the best. I love those animals. And that wombat is adorable! Thank goodness for animals, right?

    Your summer books look awesome. and Rose Tainted was a 5 star? Yesss.

    I NEED Hunting November. And all those teal- ish covers are amazing- I love teal covers. :)

    Glad to hear you were able to get off from work. It's just so risky and better safe than sorry.

    1. There was a whole string of penguins vids. I loved seeing their reactions, when visiting the zoo as observers. So cute. Rose-Tainted Skies was so, so, so good. Loved it! And, it's OwnVoices too.

  2. I'm so glad to hear that you were able to get 2 weeks off. Please don't feel guilty especially if someone has already tested positive. That's so scary!
    I have mom securely at home and am taking care of all of the grocery shopping and errands for us both. My brother and sister-in-law don't live in the house with us, but they live on the property and since they are still working, they take care of checking the post office and all of that stuff. I feel like our generation has suddenly become very protective of our parents right now. But like your dad, my mom is in the high risk category {both for age & medical conditions}.

    1. That's good, that your mom has a "team" to care for her. Trying to keep my mother corralled is a whole other story. She's the inspiration for those boomer videos.

  3. You've nothing to feel bad about as you do fall into that category and it's good that you are getting those two weeks. My dad and I are getting worried and might consider getting our newspapers delivered for the next few months so we can avoid even going to local shops. We're just waiting for it to get really bad here like Italy and Spain. It's all so horrible. Stay safe Sam and the same for your family.

    1. Our news guy is still delivering reliably, which is nice. I am trying to convince my parents to not make unnecessary trips. My mother cannot drive since they took the right replacement knee out, but she always wants to go somewhere. Extroverts are really struggling with this whole social distancing thing. My governor locked down our state last night, so only essential businesses are open. The toll in Italy is unreal. I hope you all are safe and healthy too

  4. I am so glad you were able to get a couple of weeks off to help keep your family safe. I am trying to make sure that we have what we need at my house and my mother's home. I don't like having to out in the midst of this mess and I know you are in an area that has been harder hit. St. Louis County has issued a stay at home order for the next month but I still am waiting to hear if I am expected to go to work or not. I hope you enjoy all of your new books and have a great week!

    1. I was so stressed out for the past two weeks. I struggle with going out in general, but I have to do what I have to do, and this just made me a total mess. I was having mini panic attacks - crying fits and chest pains. I have not been able to be on medication either, because my job has me away for 12.5 hours a day, and to get the prescriptions, you need to see a doctor on a weekly basis. I don't have that many sick days. NJ is not being slammed as hard as NY, but the city is huge with a LOT bigger population. One day at a time, Carole.

  5. I love that penguin video! So funny. I hope you get to relax a little on your two weeks off.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Not having to go out into this mess will help with my stress and anxiety, but now I am left to try and tame my mother. Not an easy task. She just does not accept this social distancing thing.

    2. Hahaha! I just happened to read this reply and had to jump in. My dad is impossible, so he's the one we've been trying to rein in. I can relate!

      Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    3. Good luck! The NJ governor said he will arrest people gathering, and I am not sure that will deter her card game

  6. That's nice that you get to stay home for a little while. I don't think my company would even give us that if we had someone in our family that was at high risk. Because in this case my mom kind of is since she just had surgery a few weeks ago, then had complications from that last week. Add in the fact that I work with well over 10 people--nearing the 50 mark really--and we have our guys who go out all day and interact with a LOT of customers and then come back to our building at the end of the day. It will be a miracle if none of us get sick! It just adds to my anxiety really since I had commuting downtown to begin with.

    Wow!! Lots of reads this week! I did notice quite a few drops of Edelweiss. I think I might have put one request in, but since there wasn't too much from my genre among them, I didn't go crazy either! I think I have 2-3 requests that are still pending and I just got one approved on Netgalley that made me happy so for books this week, it was a good one!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. HR screened people's circumstances, and I only got approved for the time off, because my father is high risk and I live with him. I cannot bring anything home. It would kill him. The Berkley titles were all read now. I have tons of open EW requests. Harper is the only one, who does them quickly on there.

  7. Don't feel guilty for staying at home. I think you've earned it in so many ways. I hope you, Kiersten and your parents can stay safe!

    1. From what I know, my daughter has been staying in her apartment, and now is happily playing Animal Crossing. I heard she has many bells, and her museum is busting at the seams. I must admit, I have some Animal Crossing envy right now, but as much as I would love to play, I don't usually have the time. That's a lot of money for me to spend for such a short term commitment.

  8. Also, I had already seen the other videos but not the dog one. It made me laugh out loud, which is something that we all need so bad these days - so thanks for sharing!

    1. I will always share the cute animal vids. They are vital for our mental health

  9. Knowing that someone at your campus tested positive just reinforces that your decision (and approval) to stay home is totally justified. Stay safe!

    1. That didn't play into HR's approval, but I am glad they are taking it at a case by case basis, and considering the loved ones we could infect at home.

  10. penguins are getting a great workout. lol
    sherry @ fundinmental

  11. I am happy they gave you two weeks off Sam! The elderly have to be protected. I also did some grocery shopping for my mom. Stay safe!

    1. I was out yesterday for our 85 year old neighbor, and now I can keep my dad from going to the crowded places for my mom. I hate that he had to take her to the hospital for her checkup the other day.

  12. I love your animal videos so much! We need a little cute in our lives right now, right?! I hope you stay well!
    All of us are staying in except the husband who, unfortunately, still has to go to work. I'm hoping that'll change soon.

    Christine @ Captivated Reading

    1. I will never not need cute animals. It's my pick me up. I they are doing what they need to to safeguard your husband. Be well!

  13. Oh those penguins!! And the sheer joy of that dog! I love it! I'm glad you are able to help out your parents. My dad is in the high risk category (both because of age and health) and my mom is high risk due to her age. Its super scary! I taught from home last week. It went pretty well actually. I'm thankful for that for sure! Hang in there and stay healthy!

    1. I am obsessed with that dog. That's job right there. My dad is high risk mostly because he is only two years clear of his lung cancer, and once you have cancer, your immune system is shot. Both my parents are also over 70, which I guess puts them in a risk group, but dad is high risk. The virus would definitely kill him. You stay healthy as well

  14. I love that video of the penguins! Every time I want to cheer myself up I rewatch that video because it's just so sweet. Loving the list of Edelweiss/NetGalley books, I'm going through all of them!

    Anika |

    1. Did you see the penguin vids, where they went to the zoo and aquarium? It was so fun seeing their reactions

  15. So glad you enjoyed both Moment of Truth and Under Rose-Tainted Skies. Looking forward to them. Best wishes for you and your family in this time!!

    1. I know people have been less than happy with the recent KWest books, but they were good for me. It seems this book was written like 6 years ago, so maybe that's why it rated a bit higher than her last for me. Whatever the reason, it gave me a shot of happiness during this rather grim period. It's shocking Rose-Tainted Skies isn't more popular. It was such a wonderful book, and a very honest look at OCD. The rep was as good as that in Turtles All the Way Down, which was another OCD OwnVoices book.

  16. I'm loving the penguin videos - so adorable. That's good you're able to be home and help your mom for a couple of weeks. Hopefully things are starting to look better in two weeks time. I'm lucky that I can work from home, so I am grateful for that.


    1. Every outlet keeps touting 14 days as the magic number. If I have to go back after two weeks, at least maybe things will be more under control?

  17. I'm sorry you're one of the businesses that have to still go into work. I'm happy you were at least able to get two weeks off, especially if you risk exposing your father.

    Hope we both love the Center book and I'm happy to see you loved Chasing Lucky! Stay safe and take care! :)

    1. I feel like I am abandoning my team. I saw the AM email this morning, and there are very few holding it down there. We usually have 12 on my function, and it looked like there were only 6 this morning. It actually took me a day to let me boss know what I would be doing. I was torn, but I am also not doing well mentally. You stay safe!

  18. That's great that your company recognizes your dad is in a high risk and has acted accordingly. Scary that someone on your campus has tested positive, so I'm extra glad you're out of there for a couple of weeks at least.

    Nice book haul this week too! I was excited to get approved for Vanessa Yu's Magical Paris Tea Shop. I couldn't resist that Paris setting.

    1. I get Berkley books as "read now", and I thought I showed a lot of self control by not downloading them all. I don't want to over commit myself, but I did enjoy Lim's debut, and am interested in seeing what she else she has for us.

  19. Those penguins and that adorable dog were just what I needed! Stay well and enjoy all of those amazing books while you are off of work.

    1. Even when they're not our pets, they bring us joy. I am trying to get ahead before I have to go back to work.

  20. I'm so glad you got a couple of weeks off of work. What a relief. My husband has been working, and I'm in the high risk group too, so I'm hoping he'll get some time off as well. It looks like you added a lot of great looking books to your kindle this week. I've heard great things about Killing November, and want to check it out. I can't wait to see what you think of all of your young adult summer reads Sam :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. We were told to contact HR with concerns, and they screened me, and made the determination. I hope your husband's place of business has this in place as well. My dad is sick again. He did called and got a prescription from the doctor. Hopefully, it is only a respiratory infection (he gets them a lot since the cancer). At least I am here to go to the pharmacy, and he can stay in.

  21. Safety definitely trumps loyalty to work at the moment, and I am so glad you're able to stay home and keep your dad safe by doing so, and also take care of your mum and help her out more. I hope you don't get too bored being at home (all the blogging and reading time?!) and that you stay safe and don't need to go back into work x

    1. I am a classic introvert, and on the weekends, I am always too tired to do anything. I am cool being home. I would love a work-from-home job, as I don't require a lot of interaction with people in general.

  22. I'm glad you get two weeks off to help your mum and dad. I'm betting not having the stress of the commute is also nice at the moment when there's so many other things to stress over!
    I hope you and your keep safe during all the madness.

    The Not Like The Movies cover is really eye catching! Love it. :)
    And the little dude thanks you for the penguin video. (He loves those weird birds.)

    1. It's odd, because I like my job just fine. There's no stress, and I like the people I work with, BUT I hate where it is. Forty miles (about 64 KM) is a long way to go. That's why I take the train to work, but it's such a time suck (same with traffic, when there is no pandemic).

      Yeah! I love that your son enjoyed the penguins. There were so many fun ones last week. I have a special affection for any waddling animals.

  23. I know I am way late but I’m still trying to visit/comment on last weekend’s posts *sigh* I am so, so glad you are at home now, Sam, (Do you and your parents live together? I’m not sure I knew that.) Hopefully that will get extended and you won’t feel pressured into going back too soon.

    That wombat totally made me smile. :)

    1. I live with my parents, that is why I am getting the time off. Otherwise, I would be in the office BAU, like most of co-workers. Wombat's for the win. They are super cute.
