
Friday, March 20, 2020

Discussion: How I Hop

This Week’s Topic:

I have lamented quite a bit about my new work schedule. An hour or so less per day doesn't seem like a ton of time, but it really adds up during the week. I have found it difficult to keep blogging the way I had in the past, and one thing that has taken a direct hit is blog hopping.

Blog hopping is something I really enjoy. I am a book blogger, because I love books and interacting with other readers. Reading other book blogs is a way for me to discover books or get input on the books I am considering. It's also a way to support people in my community, especially ones I interact with on a regular basis.

I had eliminated TV and stopped writing reviews during the week, but I refused to give up visiting blogs. I have a one hour allotment each evening. That's not a lot of time considering the number of blogs I follow. Therefore, I had to adapt how I did it, and there is a method to my madness.

I am currently prioritizing posts as follows:

  1. Day Memes - I try to read posts of memes first. On Tuesday, I try to read all the Top Ten Tuesday or Tell Me Something Wednesday post, Can't Wait Wednesday/Waiting on Wednesday on Wednesday, Sunday Posts on Sunday, and so on, and so forth. I feel like I need to read these on the intended day (I KNOW it's not a rule), and when they are theme driven, I like reading them all at once to look for patterns and whatnot. 
  2. Reviews - Reviews tend to take longer to read, than most memes, and I like to take my time to really go through them, so they come next. 
  3. Discussion Posts - Though these post may not take a great deal of time to read, it usually takes me a while to ingest, read through the other comments, and formulate my own response. Therefore, discussions are left to the end. 
  4. My Posse - There are blogs I have marked as "favorites" in Feedly. They are displayed in a separate section, and I will visit these blogs first while still sticking to the other three guidelines. So, on Tuesday, I visit all the TTT posted by my favorite blogs, and then the others. Then, if I am short on time, I guarantee the blogs of "my people" have been visited.  

Look, I am a little anal, but it's my love of regiment, that allows me to get so much done in so little time. It's also a lot easier to keep track of all the posts I have yet to read since switching to Feedly. I usually fall behind during the week, but am alway caught up on the weekend.

So, if it seems like I am not visiting your blog, please know - I am not ignoring you. I am simply reading posts in my "special" way. 

Now it's your turn!

What are your hopping habits? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. It can be tough to keep on top of everything at times! There are days when I realise I'm five days behind on answering comments and it takes time to catch up!

    1. I try to reply to comments the next day, but like you said, it's tough keeping up on things

  2. Interesting! I have a post reading method too. I use Bloglovin’ instead of Feedly, but I visit my posse first because I gave them their own section on Bloglovin’. Then I scroll through my uncategorized feed and click on anything interesting. Then I get on my own blog and try to comment back to anyone who left me comments. If I’m doing a meme that day, I also try to comment on blogs in the link-up. I don’t always have time for that though.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I didn't include that, but I also try to comment back right away, if they are new visitors. Otherwise, they are usually one of my regulars and already getting visited. I don't do the link ups any more, because I don't have the time. I did enjoy hopping that way, though. Maybe my circumstances will change, and I can leave work at 4pm again after this virus thing is over.

  3. You seem very organized! I'm glad this system works so well for you. :)

    1. I have so little free time outside of work, I have to be organized.

  4. I have my blogs sorted into different lists on Bloglovin' and hop according to my lists. I start with My Circle, which is similar to your posse and holds all of the blogs/bloggers I interact with regularly, then I go to memes, then discussions, etc. I'll throw cat blogs somewhere in the middle most days because they are usually mostly photos and super quick to read.

    1. Cat blogs are always a good idea. I don't need to visit any, because my daughter send me cat pics all day. She has a special affection for chonky cats.

  5. I tend to focus on commenting back first and foremost. Then I visit what you would probably term "my posse" (you're definitely included in that). Then I also prioritize people who've linked up to the Discussion Challenge or the Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up. I still don't manage to blog hop every day, though, so I'm very impressed with your dedication!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Most of my visitors are the regulars, so they are getting comments from me no matter what, but I will immediately comment back to someone, who is new or doesn't visit regularly. I might hop every day, but it's only for an hour. After I get home and eat, I have about 1 hours before I stop with any screen time. I wouldn't ever fall asleep if I stayed plugged in too late.

  6. You sound so organised - I just sort of float about, and mostly use Bloglovin and memes - I need to get more direction! Tagged you in a liebster award if you fancy it :)

    1. Keeping organized is the only way I get stuff done. Thanks for the tag!

  7. It can be hard to keep up with blogging, and given how much you post, it's a wonder you're able to blog hop as much as you do. :) You're an inspiration to us all, I swear.

    I agree with you 1000%, for me, reading others' blogs and interacting with them is a key part of blogging, and one of the main reasons why I love blogging. :) Great discussion!

    1. I gave up TV, when they changed my schedule at work, and my mother, who loves TV cannot believe I would do that. She wondered, why not give up blogging. I told her I get so much more from blogging, and would rather do that with my time. Organization is the key for me. I do well with plans and schedules.

  8. I don't often have time to do a ton of blog hopping during the week, either - sometimes I don't even get on the computer after work! I do try to get to the daily memes; reviews I usually leave until the weekend to read, so I can really concentrate on them.

    1. I feel like I need to give more time to a review too, because I really want to read and not skim.

  9. In this crazy new world I do not judge anyone! We are all just doing our best.
    I have had a harder time on Instagram lately because it's such a happy, glossy place and I do not feel happy or glossy at the moment.

    1. I think you just nailed why I never belonged on Instagram.

  10. I have a method for blog hopping too :) First, I try to return comments, then I visit the regulars or my favorite blogs, and then if time permits, I'll visit, blogs I haven't interacted with in awhile, blogs linked up to a specific post, and new to me blogs.

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I am having more and more trouble finding new blogs. My regulars are usually my commentors, but if there is a new visitor, I return the comment right away too

  11. I try to visit the blogs I have on my page listed as "My Blog List" on the right side of the blog. To me it's easier to see new posts by having them there. I'm limited on time during the week so I try and catch up Friday, Sat & Sunday. I've also been trying to write shorter/mini reviews for readers so they don't have to take a bunch of time to read through my thoughts or a recap of the book. Great post and thoughts, Sam! :)

    1. I say, write the review you want to write. Mine usually are not super long, because that is just not who I am. However, I take the space I need. Nobody needs a loooooong retelling, I mean, recap of the book, and if a short summary is not available, I go and read the GR synopsis.

  12. I have my handful of faves, too, that I visit very regularly. Then I work on visiting all the bloggers that stopped by my site, and then I work on a list of blogs and try to mix up the ones I stop by depending on the time I have. But I so agree with you - talking about books with the other bloggers is the best!!

    1. That's what keeps me here. The interactions. I look forward to it

  13. This is impressive! My blog hopping is more... panic-visits, tbh. Like "oh CRAP I haven't been to X's blog in at least a week!" and then I go visit. Honestly 99% of my blogging in general is panic-induced, I am a bit of a mess 😂

  14. I try to visit the blogs that have commented on my blog. I would love to get around to see everyone everyday but I just don't have the time most days. I am thinking that I should maybe try to be a bit more organized :)

  15. I love seeing how you do it Sam! I try to visit and blog hop once a day or once every two days if I didn't get the opportunity! I will go from the Wordpress reader and visit what catches my attention. And then I have "my" favorite bloggers that I will visit once or twice a week and read all their posts of the week. If you wondered, you are among them! Oh and also I visit the blogs of people who left a comment. That's the nice thing to do don't you think?

    1. Now I feel special. Most of my comments are from my "circle", and I visit them regularly, but if a new person comes by, I will comment back ASAP. I need a method to get it all done.

  16. I LOVE that you have a system! Honestly, I don't have system that organized... I just go through emails first--my favorite blogs. And then I kind of go from there and comment and read as much as possible. :)

    Christine @ Captivated Reading

    1. The emails were overwhelming me, that's why I switched to Feedly. I like the way I can organize my blogs there. A system is so important for me. I like order and to have a solid plan.

  17. I like your method. Mine is somewhat similar and I'm guilty of always running behind when it comes to blog hopping. I tend to prioritize my regular visitors, hitting their blogs first and getting caught up. From there I usually branch out to the TTT and Can't Wait Wednesday memes I take part in, and then I save my more sporadic visitors for last and squeeze those in as I have a few minutes of spare time here and there.

    1. I miss hopping the meme Linky, but I have no time. I always need the weekends to blog ahead and write all the reviews for the books I read (usually 5), in addition to normal weekly chores.

  18. I've had too much going on this past week and I haven't visited anyone or even read. I'm dipping my toes back in and trying to get out of my own head now.

    I'm big on the posse method lol I try to go through my regulars everyday and then hit up links I see on twitter or new followers and that kind of thing.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. You have had a tough few months. You need to take care of you first. My crew always comes first. I want them to know they are not screaming into the void.

  19. Argh, I SUCK at blog hopping. As an introvert, I feel really awkward making small talk with strangers. So while I can bop onto your blog and really enjoy interacting with you, when I try to respond to a bunch of TTT or Sunday Post blogs, or even respond to people who've commented on my blog, I sometimes feel like all I have to say is, "Interesting post!" or "That book sounds good!" which feels like a dumb thing to say.

    I've been really lax about blog hopping the past year or so, in large part because I just haven't been blogging as much. My ideal for myself is much lazier than yours though. It looks like this:
    1. When I participate in a link-up, visit 5 other links and respond. If I can't think of anything to say about their link, I'll read a few other posts and see if I can respond to those. If their whole blog really just not a good match for me, then I go back to the link-up and find someone else. It doesn't count if I don't comment.
    2. If someone comments on my blog, visit their blog and find something to comment on. Even if it's. struggle, I feel like it's only polite to leave them something cheerful in response.
    3. I am less organized than you and AJ in terms of using Bloglovin' or Feedly for my "posse," so I just go to my own blog and click on everyone on my blog roll and visit from there. Some of you I get email notifications for, which makes it even more automatic. My tried-and-true list of blogs I love is the easiest and most enjoyable way to blog hop, and the one thing I have kept up on even as I've done less with my blog in general.

    1. I felt guilty about the links, so I only link to the discussion challenge now. Some of those posts are really fantastic, and as for the memes, most of my "people" do them. I might hop some memes, while I am home to find some new blogs. I think I have more luck looking at who comments on blogs I already visit. I have seen other people mention using their blog rolls. Seems like a good way to keep track to me.

  20. I don't have much time to blog hop and it makes me so sad because I LOVE reading everyone's blogs and you guys all make such good content. So what I do is I have time for two allotted days in the week where I can spend a few hours hopping. One day is for my 'posse' and I go through their posts because I love them. Then the second day is for replying to comments left on my blog and blog hopping back to the people who take the time to discover my blog.

    I haven't had the time to find new blogs to follow for people who don't check me out first in a while, and it breaks my heart. But when I am busy with booktube, blogging and bookstagram, and hopping across all of them, well, my time is too limited :(

    1. You have so many platforms! I know you are on BookTube and Instagram and Twitter, and you blog too. It's a lot to keep up with. I like blogging best, and focus my time there. As far as other SM goes, I really only go on Twitter, and not even that much, because I am easily annoyed. I hope you are doing the parts of it, that you really enjoy, because that's what's important

  21. I have no method whatsoever. I just read the recent posts on Feedly but I do do it by blog. Then I mark all as read per blog as I finish. If that makes sense lol

    1. Feedly in and or itself is a method, because you can prioritize your feed. It's all about what works for you

  22. I need to get better at sorting posts from my "people" too!! I love reading blogs and definitely want to do it more efficiently... as my method right now is not great. You're definitely in my "posse" when I get around to sorting my feed!!

    1. It's nice to be part of your crew. I like being able to easily group my blogs. It helps me easily see who should be read first.
