
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Recently Added

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Recently Added!

I sort of always share my stacking the shelves via my Sunday Post. I cannot really remember the last time I added a physical book. I think I won one last year, but I sent it to a blogger in Puerto Rico for her classroom. Therefore, I want to talk about books I've added to my TBR, since I sort of just do that (a LOT) on the DL.
  • Fly for Both of Us by E. Mellyberry - I saw someone talking about this book on Twitter, and when I read the description, I knew it was for me. The book is described as "geeky and tender story about falling in love, fulfilling family duties, and chasing dreams." How could I NOT want to read something like that. 
  • The Bridge by Bill Konigsberg - It's Konigsberg, which a big selling point to start with, but I also love that he explores four variations of this jump, and we get to see the different outcomes. Sounds amazing! 
  • The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling by Wai Chim - This book had been featured, left and right, by international bloggers, and I was sort of jealous, that I couldn't read it. I was very excited to learn it was getting a US release, and how can I resist a book, that has garnered nothing but raves? 
  • We Are the Wildcats by Siobhan Vivian - Stay Sweet was such a hit for me, and this book appears to also explore girl power and female friendship, which are things I love to see in a book. 
  • Most Likely by Sarah Watson - I featured this, not too long ago, for Can't Wait Wednesday, and it's another book focusing on female friendship with the twist, that one of the young women is the future president of the US. So. Much. YES!
  • I Think I Love You by Auriane Desombre - A hate-to-love rom-com? Yes, please! I so want to see these two young women duke it out as they battle for the film festival slot AND fall in love. 
  • The Heir Affair by Heather Cocks, Jessica Morgan - OMG! This was featured on someone's anticipated reads list, and I had no idea it was a thing. I was super excited though, because I have SO much love for The Royal We. I cannot wait to get back into this world! 
  • They Wish They Were Us by Jessica Goodman - Murder and prep school, and name dropping Gossip Girl, One of Us is Lying, and The Secret History. Sounds like a winner to me. 
  • Bookish and the Beast by Ashley Poston - I was beside myself, when I heard we were returning to ExcelsiCon! I adored both Geekerella and The Princess and the Fangirl, and this time, we are getting a Beauty and the Beast retelling. *happy dance* 
  • You Know I'm No Good by Jessie Ann Foley - I read my first Jessie Ann Foley book, Sorry for Your Loss, last year, and it made me want to read them all. I love her characters, her storytelling, and she's an auto-add for me now. 

What books did you recently add to your TBR?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I am so excited for The Bookish and the Beast as well!! And I've been eyeing We Are the Wildcats. I hadn't heard of a couple of these, but now I am intrigued.

    1. I am so glad Poston is continuing that series. I adore it!

  2. I added about 200 books this week so I had plenty to pick from for this TTT!

    1. I am too scared to add all the books I own to my GR TBR

  3. I love this because I do it a lot on the down low too LOL! In fact, unless it's an ARC or a blog tour, I rarely even review my TBR pile on my blog and I really need to change that. I do post reviews usually on Goodreads though so I guess that's something. ;)

    1. I keep track of books I want, and by adding them on GR, I get notified of giveaways. I review every book I read, even if only to capture a few thoughts about the book

  4. Any book that gets compared to The Secret History immediately gets my attention. I’ll have to look that one up. I hope you enjoy all these!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I am so easily pulled in by comparisons, even if I don't necessarily trust them 🤷‍♀️

  5. I love the cover of Fly For Both of Us. And the synopsis totally grabbed me. I’m already pulling for Ben and Kai!

    1. I saw that book on a blog or Twitter and it sounded like something I would enjoy

  6. The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling- I love that title, and kinda want that book sight unseen. Ha! And I think I better take a look at The Bridge- that looks interesting!

    1. I saw tons of posts for that book. I am so excited we are getting a US release.

  7. i used to be so afraid to drive across a bridge, but living in florida, i've learned to get over it. lol
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I always drove across them, growing up in Brooklyn and NJ, but I like getting from one side to the other quickly

  8. I never heard of The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling but now I'm curious.

    I don't keep TBR lists on Goodreads. I tend to forget about the books anyway lol

    Since using the library more though - I keep a wish list and request the books whenever I have time to read and that works out nicely instead of just requesting them all at once and not having time to get to them.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. My main objective is to get notified of giveaways, but I go in and do a cleanup here and there to remind myself about books that caught my attention

  9. Second person choosing the TBR instead of recently added and I'll say it again, I'm totally cool with that. Love nosing at folks latest addictions to the TBR as they are usually a mix of old and new as we discover new authors. We Are the Wildcats looks good and Ashley Poston has another book coming out? That's going on the ol' TBR.

    1. I do a STS every week, I'm just trying not to repeat myself. I think I saw the announcement for Poston's book on Twitter. I love that she is writing more books in that world. They tend to be fun and smile inducing. That's what I need most of the time.

  10. I am always amazed at the amount of books you haul and read Sam!

    1. I wish I hauled these books, but sadly, they are just on my TBR for now.

  11. I'm a little surprised that I haven't heard of a single book on this list! GASP. I have so much reading to do! The Royal We/The Heir Affair and Bookish and the Beast are the top picks for me from this list. I'll have to check them out.

    1. I read The Royal We because it was available at my library and was getting a lot of hype. I am so glad I did. It was fabulous! Did it come out around the time all that William and Kate stuff was going on? It has shades of that. But, it's also a story sisters. Poston's retellings are always the level of fluff I adore, and I liked the way she incorporated elements from the original tales.

  12. OOh nice picks! Lots of new to me ones but I will admit that Bookish and the Beast caught my eye with that title! Lol. Hope you enjoy all of these!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Poston's retellings are fun. Geekerella remains a favorite

  13. I remember seeing Most Likely on your blog recently but the rest of these are new to me. I hope you enjoy them, Sam!

    1. I love adding books to my TBR. It helps me remember I want to read them

  14. Recently added Lucky Caller by Emma Mills and Finding Mr. Better than You by Shani Petroff; but Fly for Both of Us sounds good too!

    1. Lucky Caller was so wonderful! I will push and all Emma Mills books. I can't even remember how I found Fly for Both of Us - my GR feed? Twitter? A blog post? It sounded great though

  15. One of Us is Lying is on my list. I really like the sound of the one about the two females who are friends and one of them ends up as the US president. That sounds great. I also like Shani Petroff so I want to checkout out Finding Mr. Better.

    1. Petroff's books have all been solid for me. None have been My True Love Gave to Me (my favorite), but all had that cute-fun thing I adore so much

  16. I also was super-excited to find out about The Heir Affair!

    1. It's been quite a while since I read The Royal We, but I will happily revisit

  17. Ooh, I didn't know about Bookish and the Beast. How exciting (and that title is just perfect!). Most Likely is one I'm really excited for. It sounds so good.

    1. I think the announcement was only a week or two ago, but I was all over it.

  18. I have yet to read a book by Bill Konigsberg (despite the fact that I think I own a couple of his books), but The Bridge looks interesting. I Think I Love You also looks fun! I hope you get the chance to read these books!

    1. I am reading another Konigsberg book soon (The Music of What Happens). I like his books, and the concept is one I have enjoyed in other books. Curious to see how he does it. I don't even need to read further than the word "rom-com" and I click add, so I Think I Love You was a no brainer for me

  19. So many fun new books. Happy reading!

  20. Bill Konigsberg was at the Colorado Teen Literature Conference last year, and he talked about The Bridge there, and I immediately had to add it. He had me in tears as he described it.

    1. It sounds like it will be both interesting and powerful

  21. Darn it, Sam, ALL of these sound good and I do NOT need more books on my TBR mountain chain! LOL. I need to read more Foley, too. I adored SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. I am hoping I can either get galleys or get access via my library. There is one more Foley release I need to read, and I heard good things about it. I hope to get to it soon

  22. Replies
    1. It's cute, and leaves no mystery as to what story it is retelling

  23. Bookish and the Beast sounds absolutely AWESOME!!

    1. The other two books were super fun, and I am really curious to see how Poston spins Beauty and the Beast

  24. Oh my god, Bookish and The Beast! I loved Geekerella and The Princess and the Fangirl as well and I'm SO EXCITED! I had no idea there was a third book being released and now I'm already obsessing and it's not even out until June.

    1. I happened upon a post on Twitter, otherwise I would not have known either, but I am happy it's coming

  25. Ooh! I have to add You Know I'm No Good and Bookish and the Beast to my TBR too!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I really like Foley, and Poston's series is a fave of mine. Hope we both love these books

  26. I love how your lists are almost always completely new to me! :)

    Geekerella is one I plan to read this year but Beauty and The Beast re-tellings are much more my thing than Cinderella re-tellings so I can see why you're excited for the new one!

    1. Read Geekerella when you are in the mood for something super cute. It's a make-me-happy book

  27. Ahh so many great additions! I can't wait to read Most Likely, I think I Lov You and They Wish They Were Us either, they all sound SO good :D

    1. I have some long shot books on there, since those pubs seldom approve me and my eLibrary doesn't tend to carry a ton of the books from those publishers either, but I do wish to read them all

  28. I hadn't heard of any of these books, but The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling caught my eye from this list. It looks interesting!

    1. That one made the rounds on a lot of international blogs, and I was immediately interested. The reviews and the synopsis convinced me that this would be a great fit for me

  29. So much goodness to look forward to! I hope you enjoy them all!

  30. A lot of these are new to me except for E Mellyberry's book! I actually have been long time friends with her on instagram because she does fitness and is a big reader too. I was so surprised when it turned out she was a writer and then was going to be publishing a book soon too! <3 I hope you enjoy her book ^.^

    1. Maybe I saw you mention the book? I have no clue how it come on my radar, but it's very "me"
