
Monday, January 20, 2020

Blog Tour: Tweet Cute - Emma Lord

Tweet Cute
Emma Lord
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Publisher: Wednesday Books
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Meet Pepper, swim team captain, chronic overachiever, and all-around perfectionist. Her family may be falling apart, but their massive fast-food chain is booming — mainly thanks to Pepper, who is barely managing to juggle real life while secretly running Big League Burger’s massive Twitter account. 

  Enter Jack, class clown and constant thorn in Pepper’s side. When he isn’t trying to duck out of his obscenely popular twin’s shadow, he’s busy working in his family’s deli. His relationship with the business that holds his future might be love/hate, but when Big League Burger steals his grandma’s iconic grilled cheese recipe, he’ll do whatever it takes to take them down, one tweet at a time. 

  All’s fair in love and cheese — that is, until Pepper and Jack’s spat turns into a viral Twitter war. Little do they know, while they’re publicly duking it out with snarky memes and retweet battles, they’re also falling for each other in real life — on an anonymous chat app Jack built. 

  As their relationship deepens and their online shenanigans escalate — people on the internet are shipping them?? — their battle gets more and more personal, until even these two rivals can’t ignore they were destined for the most unexpected, awkward, all-the-feels romance that neither of them expected.

A Twitter war was ignited, when the popular Big League Burger chain dared to rip off small business, Girl Cheesing's, grilled cheese recipe. What ensued was pure joy for me, as the two teens behind the tweet storm became friends, and eventually, more-than-friends.

This book was sweet, charming, a little goofy, a LOT of fun, and it simply made me smile. So, I say, Emma Lord, job well done! I think I started this book with a smile, and ended it in happy tears, and here are five things that delighted me as I read Tweet Cute:
  1. #PepperJack - At one point during the book, the internet began shipping these two, but I was shipping them way before that. Both Pepper and Jack felt a little bit lost and out of place. Jack lived in the shadow of his popular identical twin, while Pepper lost part of herself, as she tried to adapt to NYC prep school life. However, when they were together, they were able to shed all pretenses, and be themselves. Why wouldn't I want that!
  2. Secret penpals - You are going to see a whole lot of You've Got Mail comparisons, and here's another one. Not only were these two tweeting at each other, they were also anonymous friends on a secret app. I loved their exchanges, and was eager for an unmasking, since they were never as honest with each other in real life. It was hard knowing what they didn't know, but it was also lovely seeing their feelings for each other, IRL, change without that knowledge. 
  3. Predictable and unpredictable - The predictability was with something I really valued, so I had exactly zero problems with that. It's what I wanted, and what I came here for, but Lord threw in a few surprises towards the end, which I found made great additions to an already fabulous story. 
  4. Delicious Desserts - One of the things Pepper like to do was bake. This girl took her desserts seriously. I mean, she carried emergency dessert condiments in her backpack in order to doctor up dishes she purchased. I looked forward to all her culinary delights. They had fun names, and were made from the most incredible combination of ingredients. I personally lean more savory than sweet, and even I was salivating from the descriptions. 
  5. An AMAZING Ending!!! - When I saw this book had an epilogue, I was very excited, but I nearly jumped out of my pants, when I saw it was a jump-ahead epilogue. Let me tell you, it was perfection, and Lord tied up those ends in such an epic and masterful way, that I actually have tears in my eyes just thinking about it. 

A fitting end to the cheesiest romance ever told, and a love we can all brie-lieve in.
This book easily earned a place on my made-me-happy list. The combination of romance, family drama, teen antics, and food seemed tailor made for me. Tweet Cute was like a gooey grilled cheese on a brisk fall day. It left me extremely satisfied, and all warm on the inside.

* ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

Pepper was a dessert queen! She ran a blog, which featured amazing desserts with cute names, and she was also known to carry "emergency" dessert condiments with her, at all times, in order to doctor any sweet snacks she bought. I googled "outrageous desserts", and this is a sampling of some of the incredible confectionary delights I found. It seems ice cream is used a LOT, when assembling delicious masterpieces. What's the most outrageous dessert you have ever had?


Emma Lord is a digital media editor and writer living in New York City, where she spends whatever time she isn’t writing either running or belting show tunes in community theater. She graduated from the University of Virginia with a major in psychology and a minor in how to tilt your computer screen so nobody will notice you updating your fan fiction from the back row. She was raised on glitter, grilled cheese, and a whole lot of love. Her sun sign is Hufflepuff, but she is a Gryffindor rising. TWEET CUTE is her debut novel. You can find her geeking out online at @dilemmalord on Twitter.

Favorite dessert?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. This looks so cute and I've seen so many good reviews for it. So glad you loved it too!

    1. This book lived up to it's name. Cute, fun, wonderful - simply loved it! And, look! I wasn't the only one, who liked it either, right?

  2. Oh my goodness, look at those delicious desserts here to tempt me at the end of this post! I have had one of those huge ice cream smoothies with doughtnuts and cookies piled on top before. I love it hahaha but it is sooo much sugar to eat. I have heard that this one is so cute and also so relevant and topical too! I think I would like it. I love when contemporaries are a bit predictable but have hidden unpredictable moments too. I think Silvera usually does that quite well!

    1. The things I found, when I googled were crazy! I used to harass my daughter, when we went for frozen yogurt, because she put so much candy on it, but look, she was just making an outrageous dessert. Yes, this book had lots of cute, but it had a lot of very "real" moments too. I feel like all YA books do. Some just have more, while others have less. I like a balance myself.

  3. #PepperJack - how perfect! It seems like everyone loves this book, I should move it up my TBR!

    1. The book is fun and cute, and it's filled with great banter. It's something that will make you smile, so I really understand it's appeal. I think even those readers, who like meatier book, would enjoy the book.

  4. YES to all these points! But omg, Sam! It is too early in the morning for me to be craving desserts! Those look ridiculous but I would definitely try them out. :D

    1. I think I would fall into a sugar coma, if I tried any of those. Though, I would totally be willing to share with someone

  5. Ahhh! I think this one better make a move up on my TBR! It sounds amazing and those desserts are calling my name. So happy to hear that you loved it so much.

    1. There are a massive number of places out there making some really over the top desserts. I was drooling as I googled.

  6. I can't WAIT to read this one, I've seen such good things.


    1. It's YA perfection for me, and hits the trifecta of cute, fun, and fluffy

  7. Sounds like a super cute book! And any story that features food, especially desserts piques my interest for sure!

    1. It's a war between two restaurants, so lots of food, and all the stress baking and blogging is great too

  8. I keep seeing good things for this book, glad it was good. And an awesome ending, even better!

    1. I loved the ending, because I feel like I got so much closure. I need that in a book. It was a rather fun ending too.

  9. I've seen a few bloggers talking about this one and was kind of figuring I'd give it a miss as the reading slump is strong and I have about a million books to read... but then I read your review and OMG I need this book in my life. It sounds so fun! And you mentioned baking and I love baking in books, even though it makes me hungry. It might inspire to crack out my baking skills. Thank you for convincing me I need to read but I don't thank you for making me hungry with all those pictures of cake!

    1. There's stress baking and blog baking and it really all sounded delicious. It was super cute, and was a very much needed pick me up the day I read it

  10. glad you loved it. most of the time i would just skim over the book, but your review convinced me that this could work for me.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I know this is far from your normal reading, but if you are every looking for something fun and fluffy, this book is a fantastic choice.

  11. Adding that one when I want a "make me happy" book Sam!

    1. I was in a pretty rotten mood, when I read this book, and once I finished, I was grinning for the next few hours. Then I was smiling again, when I wrote the review. It's just that kind of book

  12. #PepperJack is the best :D This definitely felt like the perfect 2020 version of You've Got Mail with all the dramatic identity reveals you could ask for. And I always love an adorable happily-ever-after epilogue! This book is definitely going on my made-me-happy list too, and I loved reading your review!

    1. It definitely reminded me of You've Got Mail, but was still, very much, its own story. I am always begging for epilogues. It was just icing on top of an already fantastic read for me. Yeah! for the made-me-happy list getting longer

  13. Everything about this one sounds just amazing and I can't wait to meet Pepper and Jack. I am hoping that my library is going to carry it.

    1. I have my fingers crossed for you, because this is a book I will recommend to anyone, who needs a little pick-me-up. I promise, you will smile and laugh and feel lots of happy feels.

  14. I want to eat all of those desserts and more??? Omg, that is insane. So much goodness. But I loved your review for it! It was great, and I agreed with so much of it. Great post :)

    1. I was drooling as I googled. There's so many OTT desserts out there. Glad you enjoyed the book too

  15. This was a great book and I loved Pepper's desserts! The jump ahead epilogue was perfect. Great review!

    1. The baking was a cool part of her personality. I loved her passion for sugar, and I will never turn down a jump ahead epilogue. They're my favorite!

  16. I keep seeing this one and think I might be interested. Then, I read your review and I think I'm going to have to read it!

    1. So sweet, cute, fun, fluffy - I would prescribe this book to lift the spirits, if necessary

  17. You've Got Mail is one of my all-time favorite rom-coms so I put a hold at the library for this one as soon as I heard the comparisons. And jump ahead epilogue?!! Yes, I'm such a sucker for a good epilogue! Fab review, Sam! :)

    1. *cheering* You have chosen wisely. I cannot imagine anyone being disappointed by this book

  18. This has sounds like it has so many elements that appeal to me. I just love the sound of Pepper and Jack and the way they can be themselves together. This is the first review I’ve seen that mentions the You’ve Got Mail comparison and that’s definitely a big plus in my book!

    1. It's so adorable with that whip-smart dialog, that never fails to pull me in. If you need something to make you smile, read this book

  19. Okay, your review sold me. I don't read a lot of romances or chick-lit books, but lately I've been craving them. This is officially on my TBR now!

    So, what would you carry around with you to "emergency" doctor up dessert?

    1. It's a YA romance, but there's so much other stuff in there, that it's more than that. I think during the book she pulled out like sprinkles and some sort of syrup, and it was a hilarious scene. It was told from Jack's POV, which added to the humor of it all too.

  20. Awww, this sounds adorable and desserts are always a plus. :)

    1. So cute! No need to question the truth in advertising here, the book earned every letter of the "cute" in its title

  21. This sounds like such an awesome read. I can't wait to get to it. Great review!!

    1. I hope you get to read and report back to me about it

  22. I love your images of outrageous desserts! Those are so perfect for this book!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. This was by far one of the most amazing Google searches I have ever done

  23. Ooh, I'm so happy to see that you loved this, Sam! I've been hearing incredible things about it, and it's definitely on my to-buy-soon list. I especially love what you mentioned regarding the ending - I *love* jump ahead endings, especially ones that make one so happy/excited, haha. Wonderful review! :)

    1. The ending was so cute and precious and satisfying. I loved what Lord did there
