
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Top 10 of 2019: New-to-Me Authors

It's the end of the year, and that means BEST OF lists! I find this task difficult, but I enjoy it so much.

Top 10 of 2019 is a hosted by Kimberly Faye Reads and Ginger. Today's  topic is...

New-to-Me Authors!

I am always on the look out for new authors to try, and I get even more excited, when their book wows me. It makes me happy to see my go-to list grow, and these are few new-to-me YA authors I discovered this year, who dazzled me with their books. **I am excluding debuts, as I will be writing a separate debut author post.

Did you discover any amazing authors this year?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I haven't tried any of these authors yet but I've heard good things about Hannah Moskowitz.

    I hope you had a merry Christmas!!!!!!

    1. Sick Kids was PHENOMENAL! and it has me wanting to check out more of her books. I hope you had an awesome Christmas too.

  2. With the amount of Indie books I read every year I'm discovering new authors! I've already got a few piles of new authors to try next year.

    1. That's wonderful! I love expanding my sources for reading material

  3. It always amazes me how many books and authors are out there - I've only heard of one of these books!

    1. These are all authors, who have more than one published book, so, non-debut authors, and now I go and read their backlist

  4. Those are still all untried authors, but the 10 Blind Dates and Sick Kids did go on my list after I saw yours and others' thoughts on it. Great list, Sam!

    1. Those two books gave me the best happy feels. I really hope you get to read them some day

  5. it's always nice to discover new authors. I have read a bunch of books this year by promising ones and I can't wait to check out their other works.

    I've been familiar of Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka since last year because of Always Never Yours but never read it. I did read If I'm Being Honest this year and LOVED it.

    1. I had heard of these authors, I had just never read their work until this year. Wibberly/Siegemund-Broka book was a request reject (all three books!), but my library finally got their first book, and I picked their 2nd as my book of choice for a win. I like the YA they are writing, and will line up for all their books.

  6. I haven't read any of these so far Sam! But 10 blind dates gets all the hype and praise these days!

    1. 10 Blind Dates deserves it, because it's a book that makes people feel happy, and we need those kinds of books too

  7. I read Sick Kids and Sorry for Your Loss, and both of those were my first experiences with the authors too. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I had gone on to read another book by Foley, and it was excellent too. I hope to read Neighborhood Girls at some point. I remember Wendy saying good things about it.

  8. I really badly want to read If I'm Being Honest, 10 Blind Dates, and Sick Kids in Love so I'm happy to see them and their authors highlighted here!

    1. Those are some fantastic examples of made-for-me books. I loved every second of them

  9. I do love finding new authors. I haven't read any of these yet but have heard great things.

    1. The beauty of having a great library and getting ARCs is that I can afford to try new authors. I will always be on the lookout to try someone new.

  10. I haven't tried any of these authors yet, but several of them are on my TBR. I think my favorite new-to-me author this year was probably Fiona Davis and I also really enjoyed my first Emma Mills read.

    1. I just went to her GR page. Her historical fiction seems well loved. And, now you have a decent sized backlist to tackle too. BONUS! I discovered the awesomeness that is Emma Mills with her Foolish Hearts release, and I swear, it was love at first page.

  11. I've only read SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS and I LOVED it. It just felt so authentic and real. I loved the MC (can't remember his name) and his big family and just everything. Such a good book. I definitely want to read more by the author.

    1. I thought that was one of the most beautiful portraits of a family battling grief and loss. I loved Pup (the MC), and his family was everything. I read the author's debut, The Carnival at Bray, and it was also very good. I heard good things about Neighborhood Girls and plan to read that at some point as well.

  12. Gosh, I haven't read any of these! I need to find a couple to try.

    1. I hope you discover something wonderful from this list

  13. Hannah Moskowitz was on my list as well for Sick Kids in Love. You can check out the others for me HERE.

    1. I want to make time to read Not Otherwise Specified. It sounds like something I would like

  14. I read one of Hannah Moskowitz's earlier releases and she's incredible, her characters are beautiful and so engaging, I'm looking forward to reading Sick Kids in Love as well. Shivaun Ploza is an Australian author and we've been lucky enough to have Tin Heart published here for a few years now, it's been one of my favourite reads. Wonderfully funny and so tender, looking forward to seeing what you think of it Sam!

    1. Which Moskowitz book did you read? I was thinking about Not Otherwise Specified next from her backlist. Sick Kids was everything. I am get all happy as I type this. I won Tin Heart in a giveaway, but I had been wanting to read Frankie for a while. Those are the only two books available in the US, but I hope we get more. There are quite a few Australian authors I want to read, but, you know, publishing rights, etc.

  15. 10 Blind Dates was such a fun read! I really liked the book, but wish her dates had ended sooner. I wanted to see her relationship develop with THAT GUY before the book ended. It was a minor thing though. The others are on my TBR!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? ☃💬

    1. More of the romance would have been fun, but the dates were pretty hilarious and I guess the author felt like she had to deliver 10 dates like the title said. Can't wait to read the sequel

  16. You basically put my whole TBR up on this post hehe :d I am so glad to know you loved all these new to me authors because it means I am probably going to love them too ^>^

    1. I am glad they are all on your radar, because they were wonderful!

  17. I haven’t read any of these authors! Discovering a new (to you) author is such an awesome feeling. Especially when you click with their writing and they have a big backlist. :)

    1. Most of these authors had been on my radar, and my TBR, for years, but this was the year I finally read one of their books, and these were all solid hits. I will happily read their backlist and await their new releases
