
Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Top 10 of 2019: Books I Wish I Read in 2019

It's the end of the year, and that means BEST OF lists! I find this task difficult, but I enjoy it so much.

Top 10 of 2019 is a hosted by Kimberly Faye Reads and Ginger. Today's  topic is...

Books I Wish I Read in 2019!

I have read over 400 books this year, but still, there are some that slipped through the cracks. Below are some of the YA 2019 releases, I wish I had read, and I hope to read as my #Throwback2019 books.

What 2019 release do you wish you had read?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I Wish You All the Best was a good one. I listened on audio and it was heartbreaking what Ben had to deal with family-wise but I loved the support he had from his sister and therapist. And the friends he made. I still think about Ben. :)

    1. I have seen your's and a lot of other stellar reviews for that book, and that's why it remains on my TBR. I feel like I would ugly cry when I read it, so I might have to do the book route

  2. Rebel was a good closure to the entire Legend trilogy (err, series). It felt like a final goodbye to June, Day, and the rest of the characters (also Marie Lu got me all teary-eyed when she also posted her goodbye to her beloved characters).

    1. I thought there were going to be more books. Didn't realize Rebel would be it. I always wanted, needed more after book 3, because of the circumstances with Day and June and their reunion

  3. I hope you have an opportunity to read all the books you mentioned in 2020. I wanted to read Rebel, but I've yet to read the first three books. Hope I can do it next year.

    Happy readings!:)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. I am such a fan of that series. I was lucky, because I was late to the party, and got to read them all in a row. I am on the waitlist for Rebel, so, maybe one of these days. I heard it's a great ending, and I am grateful Lu gave it to us, because the ending for Champion was painfully open.

  4. I am with you on Rebel Sam as I loved Legend!

    1. I heard it was a great wrap up, and I really need that, as the ending to Champion was hopeful, but way too open ended.

  5. I have Every Moment After and I need to read it too! I also want to read We Contain Multitudes and I Wish You All the Best (I have an annotated copy that will go up for auction soon though, FYI haha)


    1. Most of these are available via my library, which is a good thing, though Moment is not, nor is Screen Queens, but they may be at some point if I wait long enough.

  6. You've got a few I wish I'd read as well! You can check out what I wanted to read HERE.

    1. Hopefully we have time for them in 2020. I usually try to do one throwback book a month. So, it's doable.

  7. I am so impressed at your 400 books total -- how on earth did you manage that?! But yeah, there's always going to be some that we wish we'd got to.

    1. Audiobooks + books = LOTS OF BOOKS! Audiobooks have definitely been a game changer for me in terms of clearing my TBR, since they are listened to using time separate from when I would read.

  8. I like the look of Rebel! I really need to read the earlier books in the series at some point.

    1. That series was so, so good. I loved every second of it, and am excited Lu decided to do another last book. I needed more closure than I got from book 3

  9. OMG, 400 books!! I read almost half of that and I felt like I was reading all the time. That's incredible! But there will always be books we don't get to!

    1. I listen to audiobooks too. It really pumps up my numbers, though, I read between 5 - 6 books a week consistently

  10. Ha! I would have a really long list for this one even though I read ever so many already this year. Love seeing what made your regret list, but there is always next year. :)

    1. Oh, my list is LOOOOOOONG, but these were some I was eagerly anticipating, and still didn't get to. In all fairness, I don't own any of those books. I would have to borrow or buy

  11. See, this just goes to prove that no matter HOW MANY books you read, there will still be some you didn't get to that you really wanted to. Us poor bookworms are doomed!!! (And also very blessed with awesome books.) :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I have holds at the library for a few of those, but I own none of them. So, at least I am not ignoring books I own

  12. My list of books that I wish I had read is pretty long. I wish I had read everything that is still unread. :) Hope you enjoy these next year.

    1. Well, yeah, remember, this is the top 10. I have been culling my TBR, more and more, though. Most of these books are available to me via my library, and therefore, I really should have made more of an effort to read them. I had even checked two out, but was behind on review books, when the holds came through. I am going to prioritize them in 2020, though.

  13. Screen Queens is one I really want to read. I had actually forgotten about it until I saw your list so thanks for the reminder. :)

    1. That was another rejection book (Penguin really has no love for me), and it has yet to hit my eLibrary. I still want to read it at some point, but $10.99 for an ebook is too much.

  14. I read The How & the Why. It's one of my top 10 books of this year. You're going to love it when you get to it!

    1. My hold actually came through for the book, and I had to return it, because I knew I had too many review books to get through. I am going to do another hold at some point, because I have really enjoyed Hand's work in the past.

  15. I wish I had read Rebel this year too! I will have it on the top of my list for 2020 instead! And everyone seems to be adoring I Wish You All the Best too, so that is another one I hope we can both get around to.

    1. I thought there was going to be another three book arc, but now I see Rebel is the final finale. I am glad we are getting more of that story, because the end of Champion left me sobbing.

  16. All Our Broken Pieces was one of my favorite reads this year! I really hope you have a chance to read it in 2020. <3

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? ☃💬

    1. I know it's very emotional, so I need to make sure I am in the right mental state for it. I do actually have access to it via Hoopla, so once I am ready, I can just read it

  17. I am RIGHT there with you on Rebel! The How and the Why is SUPER good, I hope you love it when you get to it (and tbh I have a feeling you will!)

    1. I was mad, because my hold came up for The How and the Why, and I had no time to read it. I am going to try again soon. Hand destroyed me with The Last Time We Say Goodbye, and I sort of expect the same from The How and the Why

  18. I haven't read any of these either. :(

    1. I can now say I have read one, Gravity, and I rather enjoyed it.
