
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Things That Will Make Me Instantly Want To Read A Book

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is...

Things that will make me 
instantly want to read a book!

This week's topic made me think really hard about why I add a book to my TBR. I know, but the shear volume of books on my TBR, it seems as though I just add them all, but I really do have my reasons. After, examining some of my most recent adds, I came up with the following things. Note: This does not mean I will actually read the book, but it makes me want the book. 


It I've said it once, I have said it a thousand times: I am a shallow cover-ho. A pretty cover has the ability to stop me in my tracks, and make me read the blurb. When I go to Hoopla, Overdrive, or Amazon, I will scroll through the pages, and it's the pretty covers that make me stop. Every. Time.


I have a list of go-to authors, and I will add their books to my TBR even if there is no cover art available. It's unbelievable, but true. There are just those authors, who you can depend upon to deliver a solid read, and I will always show my loyalty to them.

I will also often add a lot of books after seeing authors on a panel. If I fall in love with the them or find them funny, I will immediately add their book to my to read list. You should see the growth in my TBR after BookCon!


Another piece of information about me that is NOT classified: I like cute, fun reads. If the club seems fun or the cover looks fun or I read reviews that use the word "fun", count me in. I find reality oppressive at times, and books are my escape. I yearn for fun, fluffy reads, and if I can get multiple sources to attest to a book's fun factor, I am clicking that add button.


I consider myself a contemporary romance reader. I am making an effort to diversify a little, while the other WLABBers are busy with school, but that is my niche. I love LOVE, and cold read romances 24/7. A good romance goes a long way with me, so if I see a cute contemporary romance, I will probably add it to the TBR.


What can I say, I like to finish things I start. If I enjoyed the first book in a series, I will auto-add the next book. And, once I am in a  series, I will probably finish it, because, well, I have already invested time and effort. I may as well find out how it all ends.


I love a book has a break-out auxiliary character, and an author opts to give them their own book. Why does this delight me? Usually, it's because I don't want to leave the world. This spin-off gives me more time with the world and some of the characters. It sometimes means I can get an update on my past favorite characters. I just have problems saying goodbye, ok.


I love Instagram. This is one of the social media sites I make an effort to visit daily, as I love looking at all the Bookstagram shots. When I keep seeing the same book over and over again, I want to know more about it. I want to add it to my TBR, because I don't want to be left behind. I know, it's a little irrational, but there must be a reason why everyone wants to take pictures of this particular book, right?


Sometimes, I just want to read a book, because I can get it in my hot little hands. If a book is added to Hoopla or Overdrive, that means I can easily get the book, without having to buy it. Why wouldn't I add it?


It's on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Everyone seems to be adding it on Goodreads. There were fifty blog posts this week for it. I MUST add it! Again, I don't want to be left out, so I add it. This does not happen as often as you think it does, because I am often leery of too hyped books. But, I would be lying, if I said it never happened.


Another author saying lovely things about a book, will often make me want to add the book. Why? Because they are writers, so they must know what good writing is. They have that professional expertise. Honestly, I will read a book, because an author I love or respect blurbed the book. That's quite an endorsement.

What makes you want to read a book?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Pretty covers are definitely something I love too! And I also have authors that I love whose books I am pretty much guaranteed to read no matter what they're about. I also love a good sequel.
    My TTT:

    1. If an author wins my heart, I will be their loyal fans forever

  2. Same here with covers. A good cover will make me stop and take a look every time. And fun is important- I mean I like a gritty thriller at times but sometimes I just want fun too. Great list. :)

    1. I make an effort to mix it up, which is probably how I avoid reading slumps. But I feel I am pickier if it's a more serious book, because if I am going to go deep, it better be worth my time.

  3. I have a confession to make after reading your post: I to am a cover-ho! A badly designed cover is a big turn off for me. Is it too much to ask that my book shelf looks pretty?

    ♡♡♡ Romance C:

  4. Romance is a big one for me! I don't mind books without romance, but books WITH romance will attract me. I really like hate-to-love romances, especially. :D

    Great post, Sam! =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. Ah .. so many things. A hate-to-love romance. A boarding school setting. Intrigue....
    Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. Boarding schools are this mystical place for me, and an interesting way to give the characters a lot of freedom. I am listening to Stand-Off by Andrew Smith right now, and it is set in a boarding school. =)

  6. Covers are one of my big things. A good cover will make me pick up the book and decide that I need it on my shelf. Great list!

    1. Exactly. I mean, if someone tells me a book is really great, I won't NOT read it because of its crummy cover. I will just weep silently for it.

  7. Overdrive is definitely my friend! :)

    1. I like Overdrive, but the wait for ebooks and audiobooks can be sooooooo looooong. I am glad my library card allows me to borrow from Hoopla, because it's transaction based - no waiting. I find that the audiobook selection is better than the ebook selection, but they do get some good titles, and Disney titles are readily available.

  8. Pretty covers always get my attention. I’m one of those awful people who judges books by their covers. :)

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. One day, I was reading some book newsletter, and they had this article about book stores that wrap the books in brown paper and write a description on the outside. They call it something-to-do-with "blind date". I was horrified! =)

  9. Book covers are definitely a major factor for me too - that's why I'm such a sucker for books published by Tor, because their art department is incredible! I'm a romance lover too, even if it's just as a secondary plot line. I'm usually disappointed when I hear there isn't a romance in a story!

    1. I am struggling to think of a story I have read that had ZERO romance. But, even if it's only a small part of the story, it will satisfy my need. =)
