
Monday, April 17, 2017

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus.

This post is for sharing what I read last week, what I am currently reading, and what I plan to read.

What I Read Last Week

I had a decent reading week. No 5-star reads, but plenty of good, solid books. I was quite delighted by Duels and Deception, and it was my favorite of the week. Keepsake is the last book in the True North series, and it was another solid addition to a series that has surprised me. Who knew I would love all these damaged heroes so much?

Is it me, or does there seem to be so many books that have social media outraged? Ramona Blue appears to have been a victim of the 1 star reviews due to one of its plot points, that was reveal in the original blurb. It's kind of a shame, because for me, it was story with this positive message about not putting yourself in a box and living beyond the labels. That you can grow and change and that your future is not predetermined. The main character's sexually is just one of the things about herself that she begins to question, but it's become the focus. -- sigh --

What I Am Currently Reading

I am listening to Stand-Off for my Monthly Motif Reading Challenge. For April, the book must have won a literary award or be written by an author who has been recognized by the bookish community. I selected this book, because I read and loved the first book (Winger) and Andrew Smith is a Printz Award winner. I am super excited about my reading selection: A Million Junes. Emily Henry debut, The Love That Split the World was one of my favorite 2015 reads, therefore, I was so excited when I was able to get an early copy of AMJ via the First to Read program. I am about one third into this book, and it is beautiful and magical. *heart-eyes*

What I Plan to Read

Of my reads this week, I am most excited for Eliza and Her Monsters. Once again, I was fortunate enough to get approved for one of my WOWs. I swear! I squeed out loud when I saw my approval notice.

What are you reading?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. OOh, I really, really want to read Ramona Blue, there's a lot of anticipation for that in the community, and I'm excited about it, as well. I didn't really enjoy Made You Up, but I'll look out for your review on Eliza and Her Monsters, because it sounds fantastic. Also, I just read 180 seconds, and it was SO well-done. There were two aspects of it I didn't like, but it was still a 4 star read.

    Hope you'll enjoy your books!

    Veronika @ The Regal Critiques

    1. So glad to hear 180 Seconds is good, because I am a Jessica Park fan. I should be starting Eliza tomorrow, and I can't wait!

  2. All of your books are new to me. I have the Cogman book on my TBR mountain but haven't had a chance to put it on my reading calendar yet. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. The Invisible Library was pretty good. It really had all the elements I love. I think I was not in the right move to read it, but I pushed it ahead, because it was an Overdrive loan. I am looking forward to read more of the series, though.

  3. Happy Reading! I'm visiting from the Reading with Beth blog.

    1. Thanks! May your reading week be most fulfilling. =)

  4. I have had to limit my social media time because there just seems to be so much anger and so many attacks, and it makes my head spin! It's sad - I wish we didn't have such a natural inclination to fit people into boxes or categories, especially young people who are often still exploring, testing and trying things out! Not everyone fits neatly into boxes, and many people move from box to box over their lives, and that should be OK. Sigh.....

    1. Amen to that, Jane. I pretty much quite Twitter because of that. I just do posts for books, but I do not do any chats or check my feed. Exactly! I am in my 40s, and I still consider myself a work in progress. I just ask that before we pass judgement, we at least read the book.

  5. I really enjoyed A Million Junes. Such a good book. Ramona Blue is new to me. I don't pay too much attention to social media but it sounds like the attention this book is getting isn't warranted.

    1. I am almost finished with A Million Junes and I am in love! This book is joining Henry's first book on my favorites shelf. I hope people will have an open mind about Ramona Blue, because there is such a bigger message in there.

  6. Ramona Blue is on my wishlist.

    I'm back from my trip. It didn't turn out as planned but we had fun. Come see what we did and what I read.

    1. If you liked Murphy's other books, you will most likely enjoy Ramona Blue. She tackles so many issues in this book, but it works. Looking forward to reading about your adventures.

  7. Glad to hear that Duels and Deception was good, it looks fun. And I liked The Invisible Library but haven't read the sequels yet. I hear you about social media- there's always outrage about something.

    Songs About A Girl looks interesting too, I'll have to go look at that one.

    1. Ugh! Social media = all the drama. There is so much I love about social media: keeping in touch with far away friends and family, bookstagram, cat videos, but the when I see someone being ganged up on, it just makes me sad. Duels was so much fun, I am jonesing to read more from Cindy Anstey.

  8. Andrew Smith is hit or miss for me. I was gobsmacked by Grasshopper Jungle, but Winger didn't impress me so much.
    I am excited to see I Believe in a Thing Called Love on your to read list. It's on my #MustReadIn2017 list. I'm looking forward to reading what you think of it.

    1. I really liked Winger. I just thought the way Smith handled THAT part was perfect. It left a good impression. I have heart Thing Called Love is super-cute, so, that equals super-Sam to me. ;)

  9. I am so jealous right now of AMJ! I wanted that book SO BADLY but alas. I shall have to wait for it to be published. I want to read Ramona Blue too- I think it is ridiculous that people just lambasted it based on a blurb, ugh. And Eliza and Her Monsters was really good, I thought! Hope you enjoy!

    1. I am starting Eliza right now!!! Super excited about it too. I adored TLTSTW and I HAD to read AMJ. My daughter and I were both sitting there trying to get through to the First to Read site when they released the monthly list. I thought I was going to cry when we were able to guarantee a copy. It was everything and more. Henry weaves in the magic and the beauty with very real and down to earth stuff so beautifully. My heart is bursting from AMJ!

  10. Hooray for Duels and Deceptions! I thought it was delightful, too. Lydia and Robert, be still my heart! *swoons* I've been meaning to read The Invisible Library for ages, and I've heard that the series improves over time so fingers crossed. :)

    1. I want to read Cindy Anstey's other books now. It was such a treat to read. I will definitely continue with the Invisible Library, because I did find the concept quite interesting, and I really liked the MCs.

  11. Ramona Blue sounds very intriguing! I can already see my TBR pile tipping over...C:

    1. I liked it a lot. I have enjoyed all Murphy's books, and look forward to more from her.
