
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Floral Inspiration

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Floral Inspiration!

Happy Tuesday! Today we have a floral freebie. I originally thought I would feature book where the main character is named after a flower. After finding a lot of Emmas on my shelf (I may revisit this), I pivoted. I have read several books recently where the characters were gardeners, florists,  botanists, or landscapers. The storylines featured flowers in some capacity and were also packed with some interesting information related to all that grows. 

  1. Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams
  2. When We Let Go by Rochelle B. Weinstein
  3. Old Flames and New Fortunes by Sarah Hogle
  4. Rules for Visiting by Jessica Francis Kane
  5. Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen

  1. In the Shadow Garden by Liz Parker
  2. This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune
  3. Bend Toward the Sun by Jen Devon
  4. The Garden of Small Beginnings by Abbi Waxman
  5. Malibu Summer by Libby Gill

Do you enjoy working in the garden?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I would love to have a bigger garden, but I'm not very good at it. We usually get some geraniums in pots. Henry and I are growing some marigolds and tomatoes from a little kit, so we'll see how that goes! Staci Hart has a series inspired by Pride and Prejudice and the family owns a flower shop in NYC.

    1. How fun to plant and grow stuff with Henry! I read one of those Hart books.

  2. The first book that immediately came to mind was Bend Toward the Sun! I loved that book so much. I can't wait to read the next one 😍 These covers are all so beautiful. Great picks, Sam! I also think it would be interesting for you to revisit your original topic—I'm curious to see how many Emmas you'd find!

    1. So many Emmas! But I saw some great flower-name posts. Learned that there are a lot of flowers out there that I didn't know.

  3. What a great take on the topic! I don't know that I've read that many books with florists, gardeners, etc. I did recently read one by Devney Perry where the male lead ran a landscaping company.

    1. I didn't think I read many, but then I found so many on my read shelf.

  4. Oh that's amazing! And once more I am amazed at how many details you recall of your reads because I often forget even the name of the main character!

    1. In all fairness, I just read three of these and several have "garden" in the title, but I do think I enjoyed those elements in all the books.

  5. I've killed every plant I've ever tried to grow, so I have a definite appreciation for those with a green thumb. I also like reading about florists/gardeners/etc.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. I am sure that is not true, Susan. My grandfather was a farmer in Poland before the war and he had an incredible garden in Brooklyn. I loved working in there with him though I don't grow anything myself. It's amazing to be able to nurture something that is beautiful or nourishes you.

  6. Nice take on this weeks TTT! I haven't read any on your list, but I've read and enjoyed Fortune's last book.

    1. Now that surprises me. We read the same books sometimes (we were both reading Happy Medium this week). Fortune's newest is lighter than her past two but still packs an emotional punch.

  7. I love flowers, so this post makes me happy. I'm still growing my new WA garden after having to say good bye to my FL one. I'm also getting better with my indoor plants. I only kill 50% of them now lol

    1. I am shocked to hear you kill indoor plants. You always post the most beautiful floral pictures. It's a whole different world going from FL to WA, no?

  8. Aw this is fun! WHy so many Emmas? I do hope you revisit this- Emma is more like... young Gen Z in my mind, not romance adult, but who knows. I do not like gardening. At all. But I do like these covers!

    1. I think the name thing goes with the age of the authors. Maybe you are hitting on something with it being a Gen Z name.

  9. Oooh, a TTT with floral character names would be fun, but does sound hard! I loved Bend Towards the Sun and I'm eager to get to This Summer Will Be Different. Great choices this week, Sam!

    1. A few people did the floral names. There were some that I didn't realize were flowers and a bit of stretching with trees, but still well done by a few people out there.
