
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Unread

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...


I am guilty of buying books and never reading them. I have been making some progress with reading my shelves, but there really are a TON of unread books on my Kindle. When I was looking through the 127 pages of books in my library, I found there were a lot of freebies I downloaded, a LOT of young adult daily deals from when the kid first got her kindle, and plenty of other books I personally purchased. 

For this list, I honed in on books I want to commit to read. I will make an honest attempt to read these books by the end of this year. Many of these books are from authors I love or part of a series I adored. I think a big problem is just remembering I have them. With ARCs and my windfall of library holds, I don't often check my own library. At least I have now identified some and set a goal. 

  1. Luck, Love & Lemon Pie - November 24, 2022
  2. Restless Waters by Jessica Park - October 11, 2015
  3. So That Happened by Katie Bailey - August 18, 2022
  4. Every Shade of Happy by Phyllida Shrimpton - August 18, 2022
  5. Fireworks by Sarina Bowen - January 27, 2019

  1. Homecoming King by Penny Reid - December 25, 2021
  2. The Single Dad's Handbook by Lynsey James - August 3, 2021
  3. The Secret Crush by Meghan Quinn - February 11, 2021
  4. Score by Victoria Denault - May 18, 2019
  5. The Bar Next Door by Katia Rose - April 18, 2020

What books are unread on your shelf?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Kindle books can be so hard, because they're not staring you in the face all the time! I often forget what I have on my Kindle. Hope you enjoy all of these! I think the only one I've read is Homecoming King.

  2. I remember when Left Drowning came out. It felt like everyone read that one. (Except me and you, apparently.) I enjoyed Fireworks... because Sarina Bowen. :) I will say that That Secret Crush wasn't my favorite of the series (I seriously wanted to smack Reid around a lot of the time) but it was still fun being back in Port Snow.

    1. You know what, I read Left Drowning. I meant to put the sequel in there - Restless Waters which I purchased in 2015 and still have not read.

  3. I have 154 ebooks on my Kindle right now. I am trying to get through some of them. lol

  4. I recall enjoying Left Drowning at the time...

    1. I read that book. I meant to put the sequel up there. I have to update this.

  5. Okay but you HAVE to do an update on how you do! I did this once and I would venture to guess that I *still* have not read a single one and I think I posted back in like 2016 heh. Sam. I think I probably have, between ebooks and physical, well over a thousand unread books. It is a true disorder at this point.

    I feel like I have heard good things about Every Shade of Happy. I hope you get through at least some of these!

  6. I read Left Drowning and loved it, but a few of my friends hated it. It was very angsty and I doubt I'd enjoy it now. Who knows. Loved Homecoming King!

    1. I liked Left Drowning too. I meant to put the sequel. Too late to change the picture. Penny Reid is always good for me. I tend to forget about the books I own. I need to try harder to read those books.

  7. I haven't read any of these, but looking forward to your reviews as you get through this pile.

  8. I'm the same, Sam. I downloaded so many freebies over the year to try a series and see if I liked it, and they are still on my kindle unread. I looked at my nonfiction NG books for this prompt and was very shame faced at what I had. I hope you do get to read all of these and that you enjoy them.

    1. You read so much. I am sure you will get all those books read. No shame

  9. I still need to read Restless Waters, too! Except I have a physical copy sitting on my shelf. I'm afraid I've forgotten so much from Left Drowning that I'd need to reread it, though. I have so many random books on my Kindle, too. I'm determined to clean it soon. Happy reading, Sam!

    1. I can still remember the sadness from Left Drowning, but yeah, it's been a long while since I read that book. My new Kindle came last night, and I did not download all those old books. There are some I really hope to read, and I made sure those and all my ARCs were downloaded.
