
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - The DNF Files

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

The DNF Files!

Happy Tuesday! This week we are talking about those books we did not finish and reflecting on why. I know a few of these will be popular reasons, but I also know that some are unique to me. 

  1. Too slow to start - If a book cannot capture my interest within the first 10 - 15%, I usually give up. If it's an author I love, I may hang in there a little longer, but you know, too many books, too little time. 
  2. Too dark - I DNFed this one book that had this really cheerful cover, and then it had murder, abortion, lying nuns, abuse, and all sorts of other dark things. I like to know what I am signing up for and don't like be surprised like that. 
  3. Terrible characters - I tend to read a lot of books with little plot. If the plot isn't there to capture my interest, the book has to have characters I can care for. Sometimes, there is no one to like, and I find it difficult to keep reading. 
  4. Pacing issues - When a book starts to drag, I can tire quickly. I always hope it will pick up, but sometimes, that just doesn't happen. 
  5. Too boring - I am ok with slice of life books, quiet books, but something has to happen. I have started and not finished a few books where NOTHING happened in 50+ pages. Come on!  
  6. Too political - When I am reading a book that is not about politics, and the author keeps injecting political things in the book, I will DNF. I know some people like this stuff in their books, but I am not a fan. 
  7. Too much slagging - I know it's popular to drag certain groups of people, but hatred of any group of people kind of wrecks the vibe of the light and fluffy books I love to read. I will let a comment or two slide, but three strikes and I am done with that book. 
  8. Too much soapboxing - I read for entertainment, not for lectures on what I should do/say/believe. I know some people are all about this but I am not. 
  9. Incongruent with synopsis - This hasn't happened often, but I have read books that did not match their summary at all. 
  10. I'm lost - Another one that is rare, but I have felt so lost that I gave up. I did not have the patience to try and figure out what was going on. 

Why have you DNFed a book?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. "I'm lost" - yep, that's a big one for me! Sometimes I start reading a book and it feels like I've actually been dropped in the middle of it, and I'm so confused! I also DNF for obnoxious characters and too many typos.

    1. That definitely happens to me more with audiobooks, but I have honestly been so confused reading a book, too. I don't think I have encountered too many typos in finished books. I let it go with ARCs.

  2. Great list, Sam! I agree with so many of these and while I don't necessarily always DNF the books I want to, a lot of the reasons I want to DNF are the ones you mention. I really dislike when 7 & 8 happen and 3, 5, 9 and 10 are ones I also had on my list today :)

    1. I am glad to see I am not the only one who can do without the lectures and soapboxing when I read. I always feel like I am the grumpy old lady when it comes to that.

  3. I also DNF books that confuse me. I don't have the patience for weird, artsy stuff. I just want a good story.

    1. YES! I joke that I am too middlebrow for that stuff. I have started and quickly stopped a few books that fit that description. I find it annoying when literary fiction will have stuff in there just for shock value, too. It turns me off.

  4. I was completely lost with The Atlas Six LOL Also I learned a word today: soapboxing!

    1. Do they have a term in your language for soapboxing?

  5. Yes, I don't to read a book that's really dark. I like mysteries and thrillers, but if they're too graphic and dark I can't handle that. Not a fan of politics or soapboxing either. I don't read to be lectured. Yes, if it's slow and doesn't change by 30% I'm out. This is a great list, Sam!

    1. If I know it's darker, I can get in the right frame of mind, but the book I am thinking about gave no indication that it would be like that. *High five* for not wanting to be lectured. I am with you.

  6. These are all reasons I can relate to! Great list! ~ Carol @ ReadingLadies

    1. I was glad to see we had quite a few major ones in common

  7. I agree with all of these. The biggest reason I DNF books is just that they're boring. They're not engaging me because they move too slowly, the characters are blah, and/or the writing's just flat and dull. Life's too short to read books I'm not enjoying!

    Happy TTT!

    1. That is absolutely the most likely reason for me as well. I read for entertainment. I did my time with boring school/text books.

  8. I skipped this week because I ran out of time, but I'm with you on books where the plot doesn't match the synopsis. Very frustrating. I feel like I've been tricked. Happy reading, Sam!

    1. I do not like deceitful books. I get made at myself for being duped into wasting time on it.

  9. All great reasons, Sam. I will add if they are full of vulgarity or steamy scenes that don't add to the story for me. I get lost if there are too many characters, and that was one reason I DNFed a very popular book.

    1. I find as I get older, I simply skip past the open door scenes, but it does not hamper my enjoyment of a book. I find it easier to keep track of a large cast when reading versus listening. I have very particular criteria for audiobooks because I do tend to get lost if the story is too complex.
