
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - You're My Hero!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

You're My Hero!

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my Valentine's freebie, but lately, I have encountered some exquisite unicorn men in the books I have read. These men really earned the title of "hero", and they each won my heart for one reason or another. Mostly, it was because they were kind, generous, patient, and openly loving. I was surprised by how many best friend's brothers and brother's best friends earned a spot, but I guess that trope has been very present in my recent reading. I hope you all get a chance to meet some of these wonderful heroes if you have not already done so. 

  1. Nathan from The Good, the Bad, and the Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto - Nathan has been a sweetheart from the start of this series, and the fact that he survived the Aunties earned him extra points. 
  2. Cal from The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley by Courtney Walsh - Cal was such a doll. He was the exact opposite of that wretch Isadora had previously dated. He was so lovely and patient with Isadora and gave her the attention and affection that she deserved. 
  3. Bo from Out on a Limb by Hannah Bonam-Young - Bo was a cancer survivor who found himself in a situation he never though would happen, and what did he do? He cried openly in front of this woman. I loved how in touch he could be with his emotions, and he was another hero who doted on the heroine. 
  4. Jack from Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood - I actually wasn't sure about Jack at first, but by golly, he was wonderful. The way he always put Elsie's needs first, encouraged her, and helped restore her confidence after terrible people stole it from her. That's a beautiful thing. 
  5. Nate from One Moment by Becky Hunter - Nate was an interesting hero. He entered Evie's life after being there when her best friend was tragically killed. Their relationship began as a friendship with each mourning Scarlet. Here's another hero who was everything that the heroine's previous boyfriend was not, and I really appreciated the way he supported and encouraged Evie. 

  1. Shep from Ready or Not by Cara Bastone - Shep is winning an award for being so incredible. He really stepped up when Eve found herself unexpectedly pregnant. In my review I called him "a beautifully formed cinnamon roll." That's pretty dead on. 
  2. Hugh from The Last Love Note by Emma Grey - Hugh was Kate's boss, but he became her rock following her husband's diagnosis and subsequent death. It wasn't just what he did for Kate that made me love him, it was the friendship he developed with her husband when he was deteriorating. And he waited for her, until she was ready to open her heart again. He was just one of the most kind and understanding people. I adored him. 
  3. Ollie from Last Call at the Local by Sarah Grunder Ruiz - Ollie was doll! The biggest thing that impressed me about Ollie was that he not only accepted Raine as-is, but he understood and supported her needs even if they didn't work for him. He loved her so much, he was willing to compromise because he wanted her and no one else. 
  4. Dax from This Spells Love by Kate Robb - Dax was a high quality brother's best friend. In the alternate timeline, Gemma didn't have their long friendship to lean on, and I simply loved seeing their relationship take root and grow. 
  5. Jacob from The Second Chance Year by Meilssa Wiesner - Another brother's best friend who was kind enough to give Sadie a place to stay when her life was unraveling. Though the romance isn't front and center, it was a fantastic and swoony friends-to-more one that had me grinning like a fool. 

Who are your latest book boyfriends?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Shep from Ready or Not... what a perfect, precious specimen. Some might argue he's unrealistic but ask me if I care? :) His sweetness, his thoughtfulness, his care - he's a 10.

    1. Why would I want realistic men in books? I want the unicorns. He was something special

  2. I haven't read any of these, but these guys all sound pretty wonderful!

  3. I haven't read any of these books but I'm so eager to pick up Bastone's, Grunder Ruiz's and Hazelwood's romances 😍 I can't wait to meet these heroes! Great list and choice of topic this week!

    1. Ruiz's series, all the books were fantastic! Did you read those dog ones by Bastone? I they were set in NYC. They were great, too.

  4. Loved Cal from Isadora and Jack from Love, Theoretically!

    1. Cal was such a bit sweetheart. He did so much to help Isadora see what he and everyone saw. I loved him!

  5. Jack in Love, Theoretically was definitely a keeper!

    1. I slowly grew to adore him. He had a huge heart and was another hero who wanted the heroine to see herself how others saw her. It's beautiful when people see the best in you

    2. Yes, he really saw the best in her and did a great job at building her up.

  6. These sound good!

    The LAst Love Note has a rather clever cover.

    1. It is a great cover because there was this part at the beach which was a turning point for the main character.

  7. This is such a great topic and I love all of your choices!

  8. Aww, this is lovely to celebrate the heros! Jack was such a gem in Love, Theoretically :)

  9. Great topic choice! I adored Jack from Love, Theoretically and Ollie from Last Call at the Local. I'm loving the new trend of more patient and sensitive men in romances.

    1. It really is a great trend. Even my dad who is almost 80 has a soft side. These men do really exist
