
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Adventure Romance

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Adventure Romance!

Today we are supposed to talk about bookish goals, but I have already done that. I was inspired by an article I saw talking about adventure romances. I thought it was an interesting topic and was surprised to see how many of the books on the list I had read. I found myself really loving the adventure element, and though these books are not my norm, but they surprised and delighted me.

  1. The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker - It was wild seeing a city girl transplanted to Alaska. I admire how hardy people from those parts are. 
  2. Float Plan by Trish Doller - I loved being asea and was so proud of Anna as tackled the ocean.  
  3. Something Wilder by Christina Lauren - This was quite a wild west adventure. 
  4. Enjoy the View by Sarah Morgenthaler - The mountaineering element was fascinating.  
  5. Soulless by Gail Carriger - This is steampunk with lots of danger and action. 

  1. Raiders of the Lost Heart by Jo Segura - An archeological expedition with a suspense element. 
  2. These Broken Stars by Aimee Kaufman, Meagan Spooner - A fantastic space adventure. 
  3. The Blond Identity by Ally Carter - Non stop spy action
  4. Happiness for Beginners by Katherine Center -Wildness survival where I was cheering Helen on
  5. The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy by Megan Bannen - This is a cozy fantasy with a lot of battling baddies. 

Favorite adventure romance?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. What a fun list! I remember absolutely loving These Broken Stars.

    1. That whole series was great. They were a good partnership.

  2. Is Adventure Romance like Romancing the Stone and Jewel of the Nile? I love those movies and would love to read stories like those. Maybe Raiders of the Lost Heart!

    1. Not really since both the hero and heroine are archeologists, but along with the romance, there is a nefarious subplot as they search for the support of their theories. It was a lot of fun and interesting too

  3. What fun idea and topic! It made me think of a series Aurora Rose Reynolds wrote that was about an adventure company.

    1. I have never read anything by Reynolds though I know she is very popular.

  4. I ADORED Simple Wild! She writes great adventure themes. Cherry Adair has some great ones as does Loretta Chase with Mr. Impossible is a solid one too.

  5. Great topic! I love a good adventure story and romance is always a plus for any story. I even enjoyed the little bit of adventure we got in Noble Prince.

    1. I have been wanting to read more by Perry. I will have to check that series out

    2. Ugh! I don't know why it signed me out and made me anonymous again. That's a great series by Perry, though!

  6. The Simple Wild I've always seen good mentions of. and someone told me a while back that the carriger books were a lot of fun!

    1. The Simple Wild was a fantastic story! It had a little bit of everything. Carriger's books are great. If you enjoy steampunk, I highly recommend.

  7. I have only read 3 of these. Maybe I don't read a lot of adventure romances!

    1. I didn't read them all in one year. I had to go back a few years to get to ten.

  8. I loved The Simple Wild and Hart and Mercy!!! Great list Sam!

  9. I've read six out of the ten here and enjoyed them! I can't believe you read Soulless, Sam! It's not the genre I usually see you reading. It was fun, though! The audio was fantastic! Loved Float Plan and A Simple Wild, too. And did you know that Happiness For Beginners was somewhat based on Katherine's own hiking experience? I think she has the story up on Instagram. Possibly. I loved reading about it!

    1. I read a bunch of Gail Carriger. I used to read more fantasy/PNR because I was reading books my daughter read. Carriger has a great sense of humor and her dialog is whip smart. I did not know that Center based Happiness on her own experience. That's neat.

  10. Adventure romances definitely sound like fun! I enjoyed HAPPINESS FOR BEGINNERS and several of these others are ones I've had my eye on. RAIDERS OF THE LOST HEART looks especially cute.

    Happy TTT (on a Thursday)!

    1. I thought Raiders was a lot of fun. The mix of history and a bit of suspense was a good one. I sense more adventures for this pair too

  11. I read and enjoyed five of these with several others on my tbr. I love adventure romances, too!

    1. I don't seek them out, but I do find them delightful when they fall into my hands

  12. I have read a few of these and enjoyed them. I think that is why I enjoy romantic suspense because there is an adventure aspect. Thanks for the reminder about The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy, it is one that I have wanted to read, but couldn't find a copy. My library now has it, so it is going on my library list.

    1. I lean less suspense though I usually enjoy the ones I read, but the high adventure seem to really speak to me for some odd reason. Carla - Hart & Mercy is such a special book. I really hope you get to read it.

  13. I'm amazed I've actually read some of these books, i feel like I've spent my afternoon catching up on blog reading and been seeing a lot of books I'd not gotten to reading yet. It turns out I quite enjoy an adventure romance because I love seeing characters pushed out of their comfortzone trying new things or forced to adapt. Float Plan and The Simple Wild are a couple of my favourite reads and I still need to read the sequel to Soulless. Happiness for Beginners is going to be one of the books I read soon, I recently bought it.

    1. That's a good point. Seeing the characters grow in that way IS interesting. I agree that Float Plan and The Simple Wild are standouts. Tucker really pulled no punches with portraying life in the wild. I think I finished all the Souless books. That seldom happens, but I do feel Carriger has a way with steampunk romance. Yeah! Happiness for Beginners was a book that made me punch my fist in the air. It was a great comeback, rise from the ashes story.

  14. I love this topic! The Simple Wild and Happiness for Beginners are my favorite adventure romances and I also recently really enjoyed Raiders of the Lost Heart.

    1. Happiness for Beginners is probably one the tippy-top for me. That was such a great rise from the ashes story. I love a book that makes me want to fist pump
