
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - Popular!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...


Today, we are talking about main stream popular authors we have yet to read. This is a hard one as it is pretty subjective. There are the classic authors, and then there are the still-living authors. I googled a bit to try and come up with this list. I will really surprised by this article about the best selling books of 2023. I was surprised by how many of the books I had read, as well as the number of authors I have read in the past. The YA book on there, If He Had Been with Me, was a book I read back in 2014. Amazing to see if surge almost a decade later. The magic of TikTok. 

Below are ten authors from these list who I have yet to read. I noted a popular book by each author as well. Do you notice a trend? I am pretty sure almost all these books have adaptations. Many of Steel's books have been adapted, but not the one I noted as one of her most popular books. 


  1. I've read from all of these authors except John Grisham and Anne Rice. I think Stephen King might be my most-read author.

    1. I think most people have read from all these authors (except me). You like those scary stories, AJ. I am not about that, but I can appreciate King's talent.

  2. I've read most of these authors! I'm actually a little surprised that you haven't read Harry Potter or The Hunger Games! I read a ton of Stephen King as a teenager, but not so much anymore.

    1. I had seen all the Potter and Hunger Games films with my daughter. Once I see the adaptations, I have no interest in reading the books. Rowling has been rubbing me the wrong way for years too. No interest in reading those books. Wow! Why is it that we like scary stuff as teens? That was when I used to watch the slasher films that I am terrified of now.

  3. I've read at least one book from these authors except #s 3 and 8.

  4. I have not read Dan Brown or Agatha Christie. I think I've read a John Grisham back in the day. The others I have for sure read. Agatha Christie is the only one of these three that I want to read.

    1. My mother loves Christie. She had read all her books. I have never been compelled to pick up any of their books. Though, I did almost pick up a Grisham book for my state reading challenge.

  5. I've read an loved most of Agatha Christie's books. I have mixed feelings on The Hunger Games trilogy. I'd like to try Stephen King, John Grisham, and Jane Austen. I love her stories on film and have watched so many versions of all of them!

    1. I think having seen so many adaptations of their work actually kept me from reading their books. I feel like all the big plot points are included in adaptations. Where's the fun in reading if I already know the story?

  6. I've read Stephen King and Anne Rice.

  7. I've only read the first rowling book. Oh wait, Hunger Games. I read those too. I'm doing pretty good! Many of these lists I've read no one

    1. I am surprised you haven't read more from other lists. You read some popular authors (Becky Chambers?)

  8. I am giving you The Look™ about Suzanne Collins, just so you know! Though I think she is the only one I HAVE read, other than my attempt at reading Harry Potter with Lena (we both got really bored and quit like halfway through the series heh), so I am right there with you for most of these! Odd because I like Stephen King stuff in general, and have watched several adaptations. His books seem so daunting though!

    1. You are the dystopian reader over there, not me. But, I did see the films. King's books are HUGE! I don't like big books. It's a fact, but I thought would have read more of these authors, so I am surprised.

  9. I have only read half of the authors that made your list. I haven't gotten around to Rowling, Rice, Steel, Christie, or Austen yet.

    1. I am not shocked by the ones you have not read (maybe Rowling, you do read fantasy, or Rice, you know, vamps)

  10. I've read at least one book by all of these authors except Steel and Rice. I adore the Harry Potter series, the Hunger Games series, P&P, and several books by Gaiman. I used to be a huge Stephen King fan, but now that I'm an old lady, I'm too wimpy for his books! LOL. I hope you enjoy all these books and authors when you get to them.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. I think that is a thing. When I was a kid, I loved watching those 80s slasher films. Now, I don't want to see anything scary. So, this old lady thing tracks.

  11. I do agree that "popular authors" are super subjective and really depends on the genres you read and what you consider popular. For me its Brandon Sanderson or Steven King, etc.

    1. King seems to be considered popular by many, and if we look at book sales, he is up there. I think Sanderson has a good following.

  12. Wrell I still have to read 4 authors from your list!

    1. Look at you! I want to guess - Rowling, Collins, Gaiman, and Christie? Wonder if I am right.

  13. I'm surprised to see that I've read 8 of the 10 authors. Sometimes multiple books, sometimes just one - but still, color me surprised!

    1. I am trying to figure out who you didn't read - King and Austen?

    2. Nope, I read a lot by King back in the early 90’s. And I’ve read a couple by Austen. Nothing by Gaiman and Brown.

    3. Not that shocked by Austen (fits with a romance reader), but King is.

  14. Oh wow! I'm surprised by some of these. I've read and enjoyed 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, and 10!

    1. I think a lot of this is that I won't read a book if I have already seen the movie. I feel like my time is better spend reading a story I don't already know.

  15. I've read The Shining! Though I usually stay away from King because he's the...king of extreme body horror (I tried one of his anthologies and had to stop reading because of that), and I don't care much for his writing style.
    I've never been interested in The Hunger Games or HP - and about the latter, even if I were now, I'd stay the heck away from its author...
    I've watched Good Omens 1 & 2 (of course, because DAVID TENNANT 😂), but I've never read Gaiman yet. I guess I should...
    Brown, Grisham and Steel - not my thing.
    I think Rice is another problematic author? Anyway, I'm not into vampires that much.
    Agatha Christie - I've read EVERYTHING she wrote. Her books were in the house (because of my mum), and I proceeded from there...
    I read Pride and Prejudice for a uni course...not really my thing though.

    1. Anne Rice is dead, so she's not being problematic any more. I don't remember anything about her, but I was not a Rowling fan ever before all the stuff that got her negative attention. My mom loves Christie too. Look at that! Moms of all nations love Christie. All right.

  16. I completely blanked out on this topic since I read so many mainstream popular authors. From your list, the only ones I've not read are Anne Rice and Danielle Steel.

    1. I am not surprised that many readers I know have read books by these authors. They are popular for a reason. I now Steel released a new book a few years ago, but I remember her being huge in the 80s.

  17. I have read at least one book by 8 of these authors. I have not read Jane Austen or Anne Rice. I only read one Neil Gaiman and was not impressed. Nice list, Sam.

    1. Rice seems to be one many in my circle have not read though her Vampire series is wildly popular.
