Sunday, September 24, 2023

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

The east coast is feeling the effects tropical storm Ophelia as we speak. It seems like it's been raining non-stop, but at least it's nice and cool. Definitely feels like fall. Nothing too special to mention about this past week. 

I got my haircut on Monday. The thing is, I never know how long or short or what extra flair my stylist will give to my bob. I am really happy with the length this time. I was able to style it the way I liked right away versus how I sometimes have to wait two weeks for it to be the length I like. A win. 

My dad wanted donuts, so I drove over to Duck Donuts. They have a pretty exciting variety, and you know I had to get the bacon ones. Donuts don't really like me, but I had to have a taste. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: #AmReading - One True Loves, Before I Go
  • Tuesday: TTT - Fall into Reading
  • Wednesday: CWW - Do Your Worst, Rejected Writers Take the Stage
  • Thursday: Nutshell Reviews - Famous in a Small Town, Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore
  • Friday: Discussion - My Hot Take - Reading Slumps
  • Saturday: Sloth Goes Places - England

Let's Discuss

  • Carol wants to know if you are a stubborn reader
  • Krysta wonders why there are so many graphic novel adaptations

As a former Girl Scout, Girl Scout Leader, School Recruiter, Service Unit Director, and Girl Scout Camp Program Director, I loved this.

Stacking the Shelves

I was so giddy when I got the approval for the new Sarah Grunder Ruiz book. I loved her other books, and this is a highly anticipated title for me. A nice bright spot in a tough week. 




Read Last Week

My first Brenda Novak book was a hit! I really enjoyed Talulah's story and am looking forward to returning to this series. It seems I don't have to wait long either as the next book will be out in November, I think. 

Mike Gayle continues to touch my heart too. There is nothing I love more than books about people connecting with each other and making their lives better. There is also some great commentary about older people that I appreciated. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

I was hemming and hawing about clicking the widget, but I saw some great reviews for the new Bayliss and decided I needed something that would make me smile. So far, I have no regrets and am really enjoying A December to Remember

I have never read anything by Nicholls who is best known for One Day, but I am loving his writing. It's very smart and amusing, and I can't resist a story of first love. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I'm worried what kind of storms are going to come after this crazy weather year we've had. Bacon donuts! I think I need that. This is a new mission for me. LOL

    1. The bacon one was really good. My father, a donut purest, wouldn't touch it, but I feel like every donut place has a maple bacon on their menu. The weather wasn't that odd by me this year, but I wouldn't be sad if there next to no snow or that we have a mild winter.

  2. OMG! That hockey picture is hilarious! The look on her face! I'm glad you hair turned out how you like it. I'm getting mine cut on Tuesday and I'm hopeful for the same thing.

    1. Did you watch the clip? It was funny. Hope the haircut goes well.

  3. I'm not much of a donut person myself. I guess if I were to have one I'd want a cake donut style!

    Nice new reads too! All totally new to me ones! I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I am not really a donut person either, but these were really good. They have them plain and then top them for each order. I would choose cupcakes over donuts any day, but I did like these

  4. Well I went to the hairdresse on Friday! And I have a wavy bob now so great minds and all that Sam LOL

    1. I don't have a wave to my hair, but I have been rocking a bob for like 30 years.

  5. I'm so glad the weather has turned more fall-like, although I could do without so much rain!

    1. The rain is insane. I think it's supposed to move out tomorrow.

  6. The weather here has been beautiful- perfect temps, it's 74 now. I feel bad for everyone on the East coast getting the rain and storm effects. Donuts! I need Krispy Kreme now. Or just some good ole donuts from a cider mill or pumplin place.

    I love that gram as a huge Red Wings fan!

    1. It's raining a lot, a bit hard at times, but no wind. At least the rain is falling straight down, right? I love cider donuts. I considered going to this place called Delicious Orchards, but the weather has been terrible. I don't want to drive that far. And then the farmers' market in the next town was canceled due to the weather. Boo! It was the last weekend too. I am going to head to Krispy Kreme next weekend. My daughter would be mad if she found out I got them right before her visit. Now she can have them fresh

  7. I have zero control when it comes to donuts. It is probably a good thing that my husband can't have them so I don't buy them. I adored All the Lonely People and need to read more of that author's work. I hope that you have a wonderful week!

  8. A haircut can feel like just the refresh you need! Glad to hear it was one that you didn't have to settle into. Someone brought doughnuts to work a month ago and I had one. It was sooo good. I usually don't buy them myself, though. Bacon doughnut? Sounds intriguing. So nice of you to get them for your dad. I hope he's doing well.

    So happy to hear you enjoyed Talulah! It wasn't one I would've automatically picked up either, runaway bride doesn't sound like something for me, haha, but it worked! I'm looking forward to the next one too. Apparently, Novak wrote all three and the publisher held them to release one right after the other. Kind of fun because I won't have to think way back to remember the side characters when I pick up the next one.

    1. I have read runaway bride books before, but Novak isn't an author who was on my radar. I am glad I gave it a go. That's why they are coming out so quickly. I sometimes go back and read my reviews to refresh my memory. It usually works

  9. Bacon donuts... hm, I'd give it a try. Love the Red Wings player who traded a puck for Girl Scout cookies. :) So glad you enjoyed the Novak book. I'm sure I'll pick it up at some point.

    1. I thought it was adorable that the player interacted with the kid, though he seemed to be genuinely interested in the cookies. I hope you give Talulah a try. I loved her story

  10. I am always careful with my hair. I prefer it long to be honest. I know its easier to manage short, but I have super thick hair, so it just goes poof lol Glad you loved your new hairdo though. Love that its raining for you. That is perfect fall weather.

    1. I have had some version of a bob for almost 30 years. I am not gifted in the beauty arts, so I keep it simple. Do you have wavy or curly hair that you need the weight to keep it down?

  11. I'm glad you got a haircut you like.

    I love donuts. I told my daughter it's a good thing that we don't live real close to either a donut shop or a Starbucks because this low carb diet would be out the door. LOL Frappuccino's are like crack to me. lmao

    1. I am not a huge donut fan, but these were good. You would have trouble at my job. We have a starbucks kiosk right outside my wing.

  12. We are finally getting some rain here in Texas too. It will probably need to rain for weeks to make up for the drought we've had, but I'll take whatever we can get. Like you, donuts don't really agree with me either. Still, I can't resist at least a taste!

    1. We are on day 3 of rain with two more in the forecast. A lot of precipitation in these parts. I thought it had rained so much, and when I looked up the average rainfall, most parts of NJ was lower than normal. My area was +0.5 inches. Not that drastic

  13. We were dealing with Ophelia here too. It poured all night Saturday night but we needed the rain so badly that it was practically dry when I looked outside Sunday morning. I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoys those bacon donuts. They don't agree with me either but I still can't resist them.

    1. A guy at work was talking about this brand of coffee he gets, and they have a bacon flavor. I don't know about bacon + coffee, but I did like the donut

  14. I wish you could send some of that rain down to us in Texas. ;) Yay for new haircuts and donuts! My request for Last Call at the Local is still pending. I don't have a good feeling about that one. I'll look forward to hearing your thoughts instead. I hope you enjoy Friends Don't Fall in Love as much as I did. Happy reading Sam!

    1. Boo for making you wait, but it's still far off. Approval could still happen. Today was the first day of no rain since last week. I almost forgot what the sun looked like

  15. Okay, so bacon donuts are amazing. I had one in SanAntonio at Voodo Donuts and loved it. Being in Boston this past week, I had a lot of that drizzly weather. I really need to read a Mike Gayle book, I have only ever read great reviews of his books. I hope you love all your upcoming reads, Sam.

    1. I have heard of Voodo Donuts. They are not an east coast thing, but they are wildly popular. I have now read two by Gayle, and I really enjoyed them. I hope you get to it, too.
