
Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Can't Wait Wednesday!

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

I am combining CWW with Books From the Backlog hosted by Carole at Carole's Random Life in Books. This will allow me to feature some newly "rediscovered" books, which I plan on reading, alongside a new release.

This week I can't wait for

The Good Part
 by Sophie Cousens
Published by G.P. Putnam's Sons on November 7, 2023
Age/Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Fiction

By the New York Times bestselling author of Just Haven't Met You Yet, a downtrodden twenty-six-year-old wakes up to the life she’s always wanted, but is it really a dream come true?

At twenty-six, Lucy Young is tired. Tired of fetching coffees for senior TV producers, tired of going on disastrous dates, and definitely tired of living in a damp flat share with flatmates who never buy toilet roll. She could quit her job for a better living, but she’s not ready to give up on her dreams. Not just yet. After another diabolical date lands her in a sudden storm and no money for bus fare, Lucy finds herself seeking shelter in a tiny shop, where she stumbles upon a curious wishing machine. Pushing her last coin into the slot, Lucy closes her eyes and wishes with everything she’s got: Please, let me skip to the good part of my life.

When she wakes the next morning to a handsome man, a ring on her finger, a high-powered job, and storybook perfect little boy and baby girl, Lucy can’t believe this is real—especially when she looks in the mirror, and staring back is her own forty-something face. Has she really skipped ahead to the future she’s always wanted, or has she simply forgotten a huge chunk of her life? And as Lucy begins to embrace this new life and new relationships, she’ll have to ask herself: Can she go back, and if so, does she want to?

I was so wowed by Cousens' last two books that I added this book to my TBR without reading the synopsis. Now that I have reviewed the synopsis, I am even more excited to read this book. Sliding Doors/What-If books are ones I tend to enjoy. I think we can all sometimes fall into that grass-is-always-greener/regret trap, and these books are great reminders to appreciate what we have. 

*Note: I had to skip my backlog book this week. I had too many library loans come through to ignore them. 

What are you waiting on?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I've seen the cover around and found it intriguing, but this is my first time reading the Cousens' synopsis and it sounds wonderful!

    1. She has surprised me in the best way with her last few books. I have high expectations.

  2. Sophie Cousens is becoming a go-to author for me! This one sounds incredible.

    1. Same. The last few were so good with such great twists.

  3. Library loans all coming through at once is so a thing. I completely get it. I hope this book makes you happy!

  4. I have authors that are pretty much an auto-read no matter the synopsis, too. Hope you love it!

    1. I have been burned by that, but it was with YA authors. So far, my adult authors have not let me down.

  5. I've got this one coming up soon, too. I look forward to your thoughts. Hopefully we both enjoy it!

  6. This does sound like a fantastic SLiding Doors read. The blurb kind of makes me want her to stay in that world -- it does sound good!

    1. I think Cousens will do a great job with this story

  7. Replies
    1. I love her books. They are a lot of fun. Hope you get a chance to check one out
