
Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - You Made Me Read It

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

You Made Me Read It!

Happy Tuesday!  I was thinking hard about this topic. I know I love to scan TTT lists for shared books, and I often mentally make note of books I see on multiple lists, but I am not sure if I have read any books lately that I have seen on a Top Ten Tuesday post. I was able to assemble the list below of books I have picked up because someone in my blogging circle blew me away with their review. I did a similar topic here, and though it was hard, it was fun to find books for this list. It also reminded me to be better about keeping track of these things. 

  1. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig - Nicci
  2. Always, In December by Emily Stone - Tanya
  3. The Shop on Royal Street by Karen White - Rachel
  4. Lucy Parker books - Nick
  5. Breaking All the Rules by Amy Andrews - Carole

What book were you convinced to read?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. There's too many to list haha. We share a title in that The Midnight Library was one I read based on multiple reccomendations. It was so good!

    1. Such an amazing book! Really made me think about stuff

  2. Hope you enjoy reading all of these. Book recs from fellow reader friends are always the best.

  3. I'm happy to have pushed you to read Jaqueline Snowe's books. I hope they continue to be winners for you.

    1. Even though the early reviews are meh, I am excited for her holiday book. Looks fun

  4. I've heard good things about the Matt Haig one.

    1. It is SO GOOD! If you need to think hard about life, read that book

  5. Oh my goodness, Always, in December broke me, but I loved it. I remember reading the last chapters of that one, certain that my heart would break.

    1. Mine cracked open for sure, but it was a good kind of pain

  6. Yay! I'm so happy you enjoyed both The Shop on Royal Street and The Lonely Hearts Book Club! I have The Midnight Library on my TBR because of you. It's on hold at my library and I bought a physical copy at a thrift store a couple of weeks ago. I can't wait to dive into it!

    1. I feel nervous when people tell me they are reading a book because of me, though I am confident that The Midnight Library is a good one. I hope you love it

  7. Yeah, I skipped this topic because I felt bad not being able to remember who recommended what! I definitely need to be better at keeping track of this.

    Happy TTT!

    1. I am trying to remember to make notes. You can do that in Goodreads. I should take better advantage of the feature

  8. I haven't read it yet, but I have She Wouldn't Change a Thing on my TBR because of your review!

    1. I want everyone to read that book. It was such an emotional story and unexpected. I hope you get to read it

  9. Nick turned me onto Lucy Parker's books too and I'm so glad she did 😍 I love Jaqueline Snowe's books as well and can't wait to read more by Bannen cos I loved Hart & Mercy so much. Great list, Sam!

    1. Can you believe we are getting a sequel to Hart and Mercy. I almost had a heart attack

  10. I'm determined to get better at keeping track of who helped me to discover books. I'm at least going to try. Ha! Good job this week!

    1. I was thinking that I can put in on GR. There's a place you can do that, I am pretty sure

  11. I've been starting to add the "book pusher" to my reviews because I'm reading so infrequently now, that I rely more on friends rec's than I have in the past.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. If it's a person who tends to like the same stuff as you or understands you as a reader (like my daughter does with me), it's a great way to find books

  12. Thanks for picking up Breaking All the Rules based on my recommendation. It was such a fun book. I also loved The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy!

    1. So much fun! The hero was so good in Breaking All the Rules. Did you see that we are getting a sequel to Hart and Mercy?

  13. Oh yay I am glad I made you read it heh! I am also very glad that Kiersten made you read Hart & Mercy, that is such an amazing book! I am bad at keeping track too, but you are right that I should! It is fun to tell people when you loved stuff they influenced you to read, makes them so happy!

    1. H&M was a bit outside my norm, but I trust the kid - she has known me her whole life. It is nice to hear when your book pushing works, well, if they liked the book at least.

  14. A very inviting and eye catching list, Sam. I have read three of these and have a couple on my TBR because of recommendations as well. Hart & Mercy has been on so many lists for this week's TTT.

    1. Hart & Mercy was amazing, so it makes me happy to hear it's on many lists. I highly recommend.

  15. I swear my TBR is always growing when I see your posts Sam!
