
Sunday, July 2, 2023

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! I am glad to put last week in the rearview mirror. It started out fine. I went and watched my daughter's rehearsal. I love seeing her dance. Then we went to Chinatown for dumplings. They were very yummy. 

Monday, I made my way to O'Hare. My fight took off fine, but I noticed we were still in the air when we should have landed. There was lots of terrible weather on the east coast, and apparently, we had been diverted. The pilot said he needed to get some gas, so we landed in Charlotte, NC. They said we would probably be there 45 minutes, and it all went downhill from there. They kept us in the airport for about 10 hours before they canceled the flight. Then they began giving all of us hotel rooms. I had to go to South Carolina for mine. I had no clothing or anything. It was frustrating. They told us we were rescheduled for 1 pm Tuesday, but that time came and went. We eventually took off, and I got home 24 hours from my original arrival. 

I was so thrown by this. I could not recover for the whole week. It messed with my plans. I never got to go shopping or do laundry, and I had to take another day off work. I hate burning days this early in the year. The rest of the week was uneventful. 

I love that I can request holds for books, but why do they always roll in all at once? I had 7 holds come through this week. I checked three out to read this week, but deferred the others. One was a book I had on hold for months. I wonder when it will be available again. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: #AmReading - You with a View, Hello Stranger
  • Tuesday: TTT - So Excited!
  • Wednesday: Nutshell Reviews - This Is How It Started, First Frost
  • Thursday: Nutshell Reviews - You Me Everything, The Little Italian Hotel
  • Friday: Discussion - I Just Want to Read
  • Saturday: Nutshell Reviews - The Music Shop, Goodnight June

Let's Discuss

Stacking the Shelves

Did anyone else see all those Read Now books on NG? I was good and only clicked two. I have enjoyed books by Snowe, and this is a holiday book. Early reviews aren't great, but I am hoping it's good for me. I also clicked When Grumpy Met Sunshine - that title really called to me. The author is new-to-me, but it sounds like a fun one. I got approved for one of my anticipated books too which made me so happy. 



Read Last Week

It was a solid week. There were a few books I thought would wow me more, so I was a bit disappointed, but I still enjoyed them all. Not sure if it was because my travel fiasco put me in a bad headspace. It could be. Nonetheless, Higgins wins the week for me. I was fully engrossed in Life & Other Inconveniences. I developed a soft spot for most of the characters, but especially Emma. There was this one chapter where she talks about when she got pregnant and how her life changed, and I listened to it with tears in my eyes. It read almost like a chapter from my own life. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

I am just getting going on The Seven Year Slip, but about a third of the way through Sugar and Salt. This is quite a story. As with other books in this series, Wiggs explores multiple timelines, and these characters have so many complicated stories to tell. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I am so sorry you had such nightmarish flight home! I would have been beyond stressed!! I have fear of flying... Now on the bright side you have Beth O'Leary's next ARC! I requested it but will no doubt be turned down. I hope next week will be better for you.

  2. Oh, for crying out loud. What a horrible experience. I know you're used to commute issues, but this is on a whole different scale. Also, they should have let you retrieve your luggage at least...

    That cat 😂.

    1. Our luggage actually got to Newark before us. When we went to the baggage claim, there were piles of bags all around, and the representations just told us to check each group of bags to find ours. They didn't seem to know which flight belonged to which pile. Good times.

  3. Glad you enjoyed that Susan Wiggs, I do enjoy some of her stuff and love that cover too. So happy you got to see your daughter and celebrate with some chinese dumplings, those are so good!

    1. There is definitely a difference between older and newer stuff from Wiggs, but I am still enjoying the stories. The dumplings were great! This place is very popular and was packed.

  4. Oh no! What a travel nightmare. I am glad that you are now home and it is behind you. I am proud of myself for resisting all of the read nows this past week. It was tough though! Have a great week!

    1. That was my first overnight delay. I can say, I did not enjoy it. I only clicked on read now, so I proud too

  5. Oh my goodness, that sounds absolutely awful. There's a reason why I don't fly anymore, I'll never get on a plane. The airlines just treat people so horribly nowadays even if we don't have bad weather. And they know they can get away with it because so many people fly they're not missing out on any money.

    1. My kid lives 700 miles away, and I cannot do a 13 hour drive alone. Flying it is.It's not the airline's fault that there was weather chaos in the northeast.

  6. That's crazy about the travel! I can totally see where that would be disorienting for the rest of your week. I would not react welll lol.

    Chinatown certainly looks delicious.

    1. I wanted to stop at every shop in Chinatown. So much good food! We did go to a bakery, and I was excited that they had had mooncakes. I never had fresh ones. Such a game changer

  7. Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry for your travel woes! That sounds quite traumatic!! I leave for Spain tomorrow, so hopefully my flight will be much less eventful. LOL!

    1. I am sure you travel with go well. It should be an amazing trip for your family

  8. Oh, wow - that sounds like such a nightmare! I can't even imagine. :/

    1. Far from optimal. I would rather have had them cancel and leave me in Chicago than what happened. It's over. I survived

  9. Sorry you were affected by the flight cancellations. What an awful way to end your trip. Glad you enjoyed that book by Higgins too!

    1. What can you do about the weather? The Higgins book was good. Very touching and thoughtful

  10. Oh, my goodness! That sounds like a nightmare. I'm so sorry that happened to you!

    1. I don't tend to travel during the height of hurricane season or the winter for these reasons. Just some bad luck with the weather.

  11. Wow. That sounds like quite the return trip home. Sorry it was filled with so much yuck. I'm glad you finally made it home safely. Hopefully things will return to more normal for you. I also hate when holds all come in at once!

    1. I had even more holds come in! LOL! I think it was 10 total within a few days of each other. At least we can delay now.

  12. What a miserable trip home! I mean, a delay is one thing, but a full 24 hours later is crazy. Nothing you do about it, though. It's out of your hands. I'm looking forward to Good as Gold. Bowen never disappoints me. :)

    1. Good as Gold was good. I was a fan of the hero and we all love the Rossies. They were fun in this one

  13. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that flight nightmare! I've had bad delays, but nothing over like 10 hours, but my husband had a more than 24 hour delay last month and they didn't offer any credits or even cover a hotel for a night since it was supposedly "weather related". Luckily, it was a business trip, so the extra costs went to his employer and not us. It does sort of ruin the rest of the week because you're playing catch up. Not to mention you had to take extra PTO! That sucks!

    Yes! I loved Life and Other Inconveniences too! Higgins writes messy relationships/complicated characters in a way I can usually relate. I've loved most of her newer releases. I'm about to start her newest tonight.

    1. Mine was weather related, but they did get us hotels, transportation, and a meal credit. I guess it depends on how long they made us wait? There was so much to glean from from Life & Other Inconveniences. I have to be honest, her books are a little long, but that's why I listened to it. Hope her newest release is another winner for you
