
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - Summer TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Summer TBR!

I never tend to stick to TBRs longer than a week, but I am going to do my best to read the ten books I list here. I have a lot of August releases to read, as well as a bunch of holds for upcoming releases. I always swears I am going to do more Christmas in July reads too, but I never seem to. This could be the year! 

  1. Business or Pleasure by Rachel Lynn Solomon - As a long time fan of Solomon's, I will always be eager to read one of her new releases. 
  2. Charlotte Illes is Not a Detective by Katie Siegel - A kid detective who is coaxed out of retirement - sounds like a good time to me. 
  3. The Traveling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa - I cannot lie, the cat on the cover had me wanting to read this book. I also am excited to read about these adventures from the perspective of the cat. 
  4. Welcome to the Beach Town by Susan Wiggs - I have really been enjoying Wiggs' books, so adding her upcoming release to my TBR was a no-brainer.
  5. The Summer Girl by Elle Kennedy - This has been a solid series for me, and I therefore, will happily continue. 
  1. The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston - Poston's adult debut was amazing, and I feel like this will be a stupendous follow up
  2. The Rachel Incident by Caroline O'Donoghue - O'Donoghue is new to me, and when I first read the synopsis for this book, I wasn't sure about it. As more reviews starting rolling in, I was convinced this could be a great book for me. 
  3. Little Monsters by Adrienne Brodeur - Another new-to-me author. This story is supposed to be about complicated families and secrets which I am super curious to learn more about. 
  4. The Shop on Royal Street by Karen White - This is a bit different for me, but Rachel's review had me convinced it would be a good choice for me. 
  5. The Museum of Ordinary People by Mike Gayle - This will be my first book by Gayle and it sounds really promising. We have that grief element I like so much plus this mysterious archive of letters.  

What's on your summer TBR?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I've been seeing a lot of buzz about the Poston book. I hope it's a hit for you. One of my sisters keeps pushing me to read Karen White but I've yet to give her a try.

    1. This will be my first by White. Rachel's reviews mentioned all the sorts of things I enjoy. It's a library book, so I am willing to give it a go.

  2. I'm very much looking forward to the new Poston and Solomon books! Great list, hope you love all of these!

  3. I will be looking forward to hearing what you think of Poston's and Kennedy's books. I've read those. I have also read that Karen White book. I have loved ALL her books. I will warn this the one you have hear is a spin-off of White's Tradd Street series. Although, you would probably be okay not having read that one. I think you would also love her non-series books.

    1. This will be my first book by White. A bit outside my norm, but I like the sound of it, and White is quite popular, so it must be pretty good, right?

    2. I don't think you will be disappointed.

  4. I have a copy of Little Monsters, but I don't think I'm going to get to it anytime soon. I'll be curious to see what you think of it. I'm really looking forward to The Seven Year Slip. It has such an interesting premise.

    1. I was intrigued. I have a hold at the library. I take a lot of chances with library books. If it doesn't work out, I didn't pay for it, nor do I owe a review.

    2. Being a bookseller has its perks. I get sent ARCs in the mail with no expectations of reviews. They're just hoping I'll decide to sell the book. :)

    3. I can understand that. In college, my daughter worked at the campus bookstore, and she got us lots of ARCs.

  5. I'd love to read from the perspective of a cat. How fun!

    1. I think I saw the sequel on NG and was excited to find the first book at the library. I think it will be fun for sure

  6. I never stick to my TBR either so we'll see how I fare LOL

    1. I like having a bit of guidance even if I don't stick to it.

  7. I'm excited (and a bit nervous!) you've added The Shop on Royal Street to your list! The audio is the way to go if you can. My library had it so maybe yours will too? I'm also planning on reading Business or Pleasure. I've loved the last two adult books by Solomon so I'm really excited for it too!

    1. I have not been listening to audiobooks as much, so I reserved the book. I tend to like to read vs listen when there are more details to take in

  8. Business or Pleasure was great, just like all of Solomon's books! I hope you love it too. I NEED to read Seven Year Slip, I keep hearing such great things about it! I hope you enjoy all of these, I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

    1. I am hopeful that Solomon's new book is less focused on mental health than the last. I thought that plot line went on too long.

  9. Other than ARCs that have a specific publication date, I try not to set myself up with a schedule. Typically I'm more of a mood reader, and summer usually means any book that I can devour in a few sittings. That used to mean mostly crime thrillers, but I'm finding with age that my tastes have become a lot more varied.

    1. Almost all these books are library holds that should start rolling in (probably all at the same time.) Oh, yeah, age has definitely had me changing my reading habits. Comfort reads have become so important to me

  10. What a great TBR you have there! I love building seasonal TBR's. I don't always stick to them but I do try to. I am sure that Elle Kennedy will make for a great summer read for you.

    1. The last Avalon Bay book was so good. I have high hopes for the third one.

  11. Yay for The Summer Girl! I hope we both love it. Solomon's is on my tbr but I didn't get approved for the ARC. I'll be excited to hear what you think about it. Happy summer reading!

    1. I didn't even request an ARC for Solomon's book after the last one, but I have a library hold that should come through. Actually, every book up there is a library hold.

  12. The Seven Year Itch, Business or Pleasure, and The Summer Girl are all on my summer TBR.

    1. We will have to compare notes once we read them.
