
Friday, June 30, 2023

Discussion - I Just Want to Read

This Week's Topic

I Just Want to Read

This post is inspired by a Top Ten Tuesday topic I missed - things that stop me from reading. 

I am a single mom with an adult child, so I no longer have all the mom-ing to do, but I still have to got to work. Let's be honest, going to work is more than the 8.5 hours I have to be in the office. It's the time to shower, get dressed, prep my clothing and food, pack for my travels, and drive to the train station. I would say work deprives me the most of my reading time. 

Coming in second would be chores. I do the bulk of my chores on the weekend. Most of Saturday and Sunday is dedicated to cleaning, shopping, laundry, and meal prep. I also do all my blogging on the weekend. All my posts are prepped and scheduled, so I don't have to worry about them during the week when things can be more hectic and unpredictable (NJ Transit - I'm looking at you). 

There's this misconception among people I know that my weekends are for reading, but honestly, I read more during the week, mostly in the morning and during my commute. Really, getting to read is the only upside of my commute. I don't read much at night either because my eyes are so tired. I sometimes try to shift some of my weekend chores to later in the day, so I can sneak in more reading time earlier when the eyes are fresh. 

Though I am off the games and do not watch TV, I have one other "distractor" that sucks up some of my reading time - Instagram. I wouldn't say I spend a ton of time there (my phone puts me at under 1 hour each day), but I easily find myself watching reel after reel. I find them amusing or super cute (come on, animals!), and when I look up, 30 minutes has elapsed. 

Looking at this list, I would say that adulting in general is the biggest obstacle to my reading. Do you agree?

Now it's your turn!

Do you have to sneak in reading time?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Big yes to almost all of this, Sam! Same for me... it boils down to adulting. That's what keeps me from reading more. I'm not a tv watcher, I'm not a gamer, I don't have kids or pets - but basic adulting is a major time suck. Work being the major culprit, of course. I can listen to an audiobook to and from work, Otherwise, my reading is squeezed in when I am winding down for bed in the evenings.

    1. Adulting is a serious problem, and it must be stopped. People raise their eyebrows when they hear how early I wake up, but I get some reading done then. I am usually too tired at night. I woke up the other night on the patio with my kindle in my hand. LOL

  2. Yes, adulting in general takes up way too much time! I agree, weekends are hard for reading sometimes, too - chores and errands and Henry is home all the time, so that cuts into a lot of it, too.

    1. If only we were wealthy and could pay someone to do all that "stuff". It would free up so much time. I remember having a wee one. They are a lot of work (well worth it, but still).

  3. I read mostly in the morning or at night because during the day I take care of my grandson, and the dog. And since the dog wants to go out every 3 hours or so I'm outside quite a bit. I also have to make lunch and dinner for me and my grandson and put away a plate for my daughter. I do the chores like cleaning cooking laundry etc during the day when I'm already busy with the dog and my grandson so that I can have the morning and at night to myself to read.

    1. Seems like our days are shot for sure due to work and chores. BOO!

  4. My blog has a built in goal of 52 books a year, so finding/prioritizing the time to read has always been something at the top of my mind. There have been years where I've done really well, and other years where I don't even hit my goal. This year, I'm well ahead of my goal. I attribute that success to listening to audiobooks as I do the things that would normally prevent me from reading. Commuting, doing chores, exercising, cooking, etc. I've constantly got an audiobook playing in my AirPods. Now the only real obstacle is when my headphones run out of battery!

    1. Audiobooks are definitely a great way to squeeze in reading. I listen in the car and as I do chores, shop, etc. It's awesome to be able to multitask, though I prefer reading vs listening. I tend to miss stuff.

  5. My reading is SO off and I finally realized it's because of Kevin's new schedule since we moved. He used to do shift work and a lot of nights. So I would make my dinner and start reading late afternoon or in bed. Now he's home by 4 and it throws everything off. I don't like/can't always read during the day.

    Audiobooks have helped me at least get a few hours in during drive times but unfortunately I can't multitask while listening.

    I used to easily read a book a da. Now it takes me weeks.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. It's kind of nice that you actually get to spend time with your husband. Kind of a plus. You can't do chores and listen to an audiobook? I do find it harder to multitask when the book is more complex. That's why many of my audiobooks selections are contemporary romance. Easy listens.

  6. Replies
    1. I am glad that I don't have the desire to spend much time on social media because it's easy to get sucked in

  7. "I do the bulk of my chores on the weekend...I also do all my blogging on the weekend."
    I don't know how you manage to accomplish so much in two days! Though I suspect that getting up early helps. This last year has been hard for me due to having to tend to for my husband, but I mostly read before bedtime (and blog during the day), so my reading hasn't suffered. All the rest though...*sighs*

    1. It's called I-have-no-life. I am so tired during the week, I just cannot bring myself to do much outside work. I have to use my weekends wisely. I am glad you are still able to find some Roberta-time -- it's important, especially when you are a caregiver.

  8. oh yeah I feel that. Normally my weekends are either chore work or blogging stuff for the week so I am like you normally I tend to read way more during the week. And I normally go do family stuff too or stuff with my church so I can normally listen to audiobooks at work so I can easily read 2 books a day haha Although normally Sunday is a good reading day for me. I try to do everything on Friday and Saturday so I can have at least one peaceful day of reading.

    1. I think it's the routine of a workday. That structure guarantees these chunks of reading time for me. I don't get quite as much reading done as you, but I get 5-6 books a week. I am happy with that.

  9. Yep - adulting. Work is the biggest thing that keeps me from reading, too. It's not just having to go to work... it consumes my mind when I'm at home, too :/

    1. That used to be my problem when I was programming and teaching, but I stepped back from demanding careers, and my life has been a lot better

  10. Work gets in my way and social media and making art but I love making art so it's win-win LOL

    1. Art is such a wonderful outlet. If I had something like that taking up my time, I would be ok about it, but not work. LOL

  11. I have started listening to audiobooks while I do chores, get ready for work, and I even listen at work. But yeah, I don't have the time to read that most people would think. I read in the early morning and usually a chapter or two before falling asleep but the rest of my life is busy keeping the household running, working, caring for my pups, paying bills, and creating content for my blog and Instagram.

    1. Your dogs alone are a full-time job, Carole. The walks! And keeping up with IG is a lot of work too, that why I quickly abandoned it. If I enjoyed it more, I would keep it up, but I didn't

  12. Oh I could not agree more. Freaking adulting! Like- idk HOW I read ever, honestly. Between the kids and all their activities, work, and classes, and homework, and household stuff... dude. I am actually now wondering if I DO read while typing all that out bwhaha. I will say, the Kindle Paperwhite was a game changer for me, because now I can read in the bath! I am impressed that you get all your blogging done on the weekend, that is pretty awesome! This is why I am always playing catch up, I suppose! Though now I have started trying to get some done while in class, that... can't be good heh

    1. You are able to find time to read because you are SUPER WOMAN! It is hard to juggle it all. YES! Reading in the bath. Nice. I bet with younger children it's a space where you can be alone. School + moming + blogging -- it's a lot. You are doing awesome!

  13. When it comes down to it, it's less "no time" for me and more "no energy", because Capitalism has dictated my priorities. Well, that and all the things I need to do to keep my body functional. And having a dog. And depression (for some reason, when I'm in a depressive funk I can only focus on fast-paced thriller murdery books). We need to have one day a month devoted to JUST reading. Everyone, everywhere, do nothing but read.
