
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! This week marks the end of physical therapy. My foot still hurts, but at least I got a massage twice a week, right? I go back to my doctor on Thursday. Who knows what he will say. I am trying to be patient, but it's been five months. 

I feel ahead of the game right now. I ordered my mother her gift for mother's day. I feel like I should make a reservation for dinner, but we have our Paper Mill show that day, so timing is tricky. Not sure what I am going to do, but I really need to make a decision soon, or we will not be able to get a table anywhere (that my mother would want to eat, at least). 

I am slowly rolling out those older reviews I copied over to here. Because I am lazy, I am updating those instead of doing my beloved memes. I mixed new reviews in there too, but it's going to take a while. I am happy to report that I only got one comment about commenting. It's an improvement, and it was about not being able to comment when I had my WP blog. Hopefully, that's the last of them. 

On the Blog

  • Monday: #AmReading - Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers, No Two Persons
  • Tuesday: Nutshell Reviews - We Are the Light, Authentically Izzy
  • Wednesday: Nutshell Reviews - The Love Story of Missy Carmichael, The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper 
  • Thursday: Nutshell Reviews - Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe, Pieces of Blue
  • Friday: Nutshell Reviews - The Storied Life of AJ Fikry, Elsewhere

Let's Discuss

  • Kit talks about animals in fantasy books
  • AJ shares what she does when not reading
  • Nicole discusses reading and buying habits

Stacking the Shelves

It was a quiet week. A book on my TBR was deeply discounted (under $1). I HAD to buy it. 




Read Last Week

My weeks seem to be a combination of highs and lows. Again, I had a few DNFs, but three books almost got the full five. Not even sure which of the three was my favorite. The Girl Who Chased the Moon was wonderful, as expected. The family focus, healing, and touch of magic delighted me. Same Time Next Summer gave me lots of what I love. The nostalgia and a great second chance romance made this one great for me. Family Tree was so lovely too! This was another second chance romance, but it was the heroine's journey that made this one special for me. 

Find all my reviews on Goodreads



Currently Reading

I guess I am on a Wiggs kick. This is an interesting one. I don't normally read Amish romances, and I suppose this isn't really one, but the hero is reluctantly Amish (?) I am enjoying it very much so far though. 

To Be Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Oooh, you moved to Blogger. I've been so out of the loop lately. That sheep dog picture! lol

    1. Moved back. If you look at the archive, there is a two year gap when I was self hosting. Mistakes were made.

    2. Whoa ... well as you might remember I had to abandon my Blogger blog when all my hosted photos got held for ransom back in 2015, so I am now self-hosted AND just now started reworking that old Blogger blog which is a MESS and has like 6-7 years of posts but I'm slowly working on it.

    3. oh no did Blogger eat my comment what?

    4. That's a big project with the posts. I am not that ambitious which is probably why I did not lose too much sleep over leaving two years of posts behind. Good luck with that!

  2. I am glad to see the healing has healed. You gotta do what you need to do for blogging right? Ironically I had the same issue but with blogger and not WP self hosted lol I do wish I could use jetpacks commenting system, but until they fix the issues, continuing using my sites commenting platform, it works so thats all that matters. Its just a pain replying haha

    I look forward to your weekly recaps every week!!! They always make my heart happy even if our reading tastes can be different. You got so much read this week, and thats a shame about the DNF's. Those are the worst. Susan Wiggs has such quaint charming covers, I just love them.

    Hope you have a great week darling!

    1. Jetpack is what integrates the site with Wordpress which skyrocketed in popularity for blogging. I didn't see the point of self-hosted if I was not getting that benefit. I was looking into one of the paid WP plans, but the server space is really small, and again, if I decided I don't want to pay, it's all gone. DNFs are part of life. I like to take chances on new authors. Sometimes, it doesn't work out. The other book was just really dark, and I was struggling too much mentally to do that last week. I will probably try that one again.

  3. I was contemplating buying some Mother's Day cards today, but decided against it, so you're ahead of me! I need to get on it.

    1. I don't buy cards. I find the price outrageous. I rather put it into the gift.

  4. "Reluctantly Amish" sounds interesting... Lol, I hope you enjoy it! I'm also really excited to get my hands on Edding's next book even though I still haven't read the first one. If it's as wonderful as Lizzie Blake though I have no doubt it's gonna hit me in the feels. Yay, for completing your PT and getting fewer comments about not being able to comment. I hope you have a great week ahead, Sam!

    1. The hero had left, but came back when his brother and sister in law were murdered so he could care for their children. He returned to the family farm, but didn't get baptized. There's a lot of other things he embraces which challenges the faith as well. Eddings first book was cute, but I personally liked Lizzie's story more. I have been hearing great things about Indira's story, so I am excited to give it a go

  5. You had me laugh with your "I only got one comment about comment" LOL

    1. It's an improvement, right? Have to find those positives in this mess

  6. I bought my daughter a candle for Mother's Day. It says, "I'm glad your my daughter. If I had another daughter I would punch her in the face and go find you."

    I've been told I have a dark sense of humor but I thought that was funny and since my daughter inherited my sense of humor I know it will make her laugh.

    I hope your foot will at some point stop hurting.

  7. It's a bummer your foot still hurts after 5 months! I hope your doctor has some solutions. Yay for no issues with commenting!

    I loved Jane & Edward so I'm happy to see you did, too. I'm looking forward to the Jill Shalvis one as well.

    1. I am sure my foot will never be right. I should have just done the little toe and left the bunion alone. I make poor choices. I was super happy with Jane & Edward. How could you not root for Jane?

  8. I hope you get good news from your doctor this week. Five months is definitely a long time and I'd be over it too. I look forward to your review of the Susan Wiggs book. She's one of those authors I see everywhere but have not yet tried even though all of her books sound fabulous.

    1. I picked up my first Wiggs book not too long ago when I was on a bookshop kick. It was so good, and so was Family Tree. I definitely enjoy her stories.

  9. "I only got one comment about commenting"
    😂 And I hope good old Blogger won't disappoint you...

    Sorry to hear the foot saga is going on...I agree, five months sounds like a lot...I hope your doctor can suggest something.

    1. The thing I dislike about Blogger is the commenting system. WP is so much easier in terms of following your own thread on a post. I think I tried the "notify me" once on someone's blogger blog, and I got notified every time anyone commented on the blog, not just responses to my comment. But at least am not hearing about commenting issues.

  10. I loved The Plus One and A Love Catastrophe. I hope you end up feeling the same!

    1. The Plus One has been getting very good buzz, and Lizzie was such a hit for me. I have high hopes for that book

  11. Five months is a long time. I hope there is still some improvement coming. I plan on reading The Sweetheart List in May. I like the sound of it.

    1. The best part of the day is when I take my shoes off. I get some relief. Glad to see you reaching for a Shalvis book. They always hit the spot for me.

  12. I really want to read Eddings series. I keep seeing so many great reviews for the whole series. Hope you enjoy book 3. Continued prayers for healing. Hate that it's taking so long for you!

    1. Eddings books are great. Book two was better than book one for me, so following that trend, book three should be amazing.
