
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Back to Nature

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Back to Nature!

Today, we are highlighting those books that have nature of their covers. I feature those books from my read-shelf, but I also found some that incorporate a lot of "nature" in the story. 
  • The Secrets We Bury by Stacie Ramey - The two main characters meet while hiking the Appalachian Trail. I would never make such a journey in real life, but wow! It was incredible. 
  • Moonglass by Jessi Kirby - The ocean was almost like another character in this book and played a big role in this story. 
  • Sunkissed by Kasie West - Nothing like camping in the woods...with no wifi! Still a fun back to nature setting. 
  • The Lying Woods by Ashley Elston - Woods is part of the title, but much of this story takes place on a pecan orchard. 
  • Starry Eyes by Jenn Bennett - Our characters get stranded in the woods during a glamping trip, and I had a great time navigating wilderness with them. 
  • Things That Grow by Meredith Goldstein - This book took me to some incredible gardens in the New England area as they searched for the perfect resting place for grandma. 
  • Destination Anywhere by Sara Barnard - Barnard took me on a tour across Canada and featured many of the country's natural wonders. 
  • Up to this Pointe by Jennifer Longo - Longo always infuses some fantastic things in her books, and this one took me to Antartica for a scientific study. 
  • What I Carry by Jennifer Longo - The main character was named for the Father of National Parks, John Muir and explored environmental ethics. 
  • Squashed by Joan Bauer - This was a book about a young woman raising a squash, and I loved it. 

How do you get back to nature?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Okay, the book about the woman raising squash has grabbed my attention.

    1. I don't read enough YA books set in rural or farming communities, but the few I did have been hits. I really loved Squashed.

  2. Things that Grow is such a glorious colourful cover! And on the other en dof the spectrum, The Lying Woods is such an ominous cover!

    1. I think they both fit the stories very well. Flowers were EVERYWHERE in Things That Grow.

  3. I love the covers for Starry Eyes and Sunkissed. I also loved the road trip across Canada from Destination Anywhere. That kind of trip really appeals to me.

    1. I am good with road trips if someone else is driving. I hate driving

  4. I love that you carried the theme into the stories as well. I loved the way nature was incorporated in What I Carry.

    1. I have been reading more and more stories that feature the outdoors in fabulous ways.

  5. The cover for What I Carry has always caught my eye. It's so gorgeous. And I still need to read Starry Eyes.

    1. I think Starry Eyes is my favorite Jenn Bennett book. I loved the characters so much, and their journey back to each other warmed my heart. There were some surprises in the story too

  6. I like that you talked about books that had nature in the story as well as jut on the cover. Fun! I went a little different for my theme this week, did my top 10 Asian authors for the Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month HERE.

    1. I like covers, but I like them even more when they represent the story

  7. I used books that have nature inside them as well! Great minds think alike!

    1. *High Five* It just made it more fun for me to do it that way, because I have read some fantastic books that feature nature in meaningful ways.

  8. What I carryis also on my list!! And I had read it thanks to you Sam!

    1. I love any opportunity to feature that wonderful book

  9. Sunkissed and Starry Eyes are both on my tbr! Great choice for this week. <3

    1. Starry Eyes remains my favorite Jenn Bennett book (and I did a re-listen recently). I am all about second chances. I recommend Sunkissed when you are looking for something fun and light. West's books always fit that description

  10. Starry Eyes was the first one that popped into my mind when I saw this topic! I really really want to read Up To This Pointe ASAP, and The Lying Woods. And I hadn't heard of The Secrets We Bury, but it sounds like something I'd like so I'll have to add that one to my list too!

    (Oh and to answer your question... Lena just bought a sweatshirt that says "Indoorsy" and that is a HARD yes for both of us. I can tolerate no more than a couple hours of nature per... decade? 😂 I do like it but in small doses- the only reason you'll see me camping is because the apocalypse has hit!)

    1. They *really* enjoyed the wilderness. I am such a fan of Longo's books. All three were wonderful. She always has some real interesting elements in her stories. I loved The Secrets We Bury. It was very moving.

      The kid and I were just trying to plan the 2022 trip, and she's like, I don't really want to go outside and I need wifi. --sigh--

  11. Starry eyes is such a beautiful cover, and I like the nature angle of the story too. also love Moonglass and Pointe.

    1. A lot of that beauty is described in Starry Eyes too

  12. UP TO THIS POINT sounds right up my alley. STARRY EYES as well.

    I'm not much of an outdoorsy person, but I do love sitting in a comfy chair and gazing out at a beautiful view while I read. How's that??

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. All Longo's books were such big hits for me. I want more people to read them. Funny, I don't consider myself outdoorsy, but I enjoyed my very much outdoors vacation. And reading with a view is a great thing

  13. So pretty! I feel like I see The Lying Woods on your blog all the time, which definitely seems like a sign that I need to read it soon!

    1. Elston's books are so good. I really enjoyed The Lying Wood
