
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

This week felt so slow. It shouldn't have, because I only worked four days, but it seemed to drag on forever. Probably because I feel like I have been banging my head against the wall with some of my cases, but at least it's now the weekend! 

I went Tuesday for my first dose, and I stayed conscious the whole time. So, gold star for me for not passing out. I won't say there was no drama. I had to put my head between my legs and was sweating profusely, but I never blacked out or ended up on the floor. It's progress. 

The weather is criminal this weekend. My sister is at Disney World, and it cooler there than here in NJ. Crazy! It needs to rain or something. I am not about 90+ temperatures in May. No thank you!

I am getting a bit excited and looking forward to all my concerts. I will be going to Chicago three months in a row now. August for Green Day/Fall Out Boy, September for RiotFest, and October for Dashboard Confessional. Dashboard was the concert I was supposed to go to right when everything locked down. We don't have VIP this time, but it's unplugged. Very excited. The kid got tickets to Motion City Soundtrack for January, too. I feel like I am coming full circle. Their show was the last one I saw in 2020. Same band, same month, same venue. It'll be like deja vu. 

In other news, WLABB celebrated our 8th birthday the other day. Being as I only recently sent the 2020 winner her book, it seems surreal to be another year older. Next Sunday post should be on my self-hosted blog 🀞

Let's Discuss!
  • Marie shares why book blogs are an asset today
  • Jen tells us how to use Mailchimp for blog updates
  • Laura talks about the pros and cons of rereading

On the Blog:
  • Monday: #AmReading - 10 Truths and a Dare, Better Than the Movies
  • Tuesday: TTT - Full Sentences Please
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Tragedy of Dane Riley, Beauty and the Mustache
  • Thursday: Isn't It Romantic? - The Soulmate Equation, Talk Hockey to Me


What I Read Last Week

It was a good reading week. There were a few books I expected to impress me more, but then there were some that surpassed my expectations. The Lucky List was really, really touching. Lots of tears. Jay's Gay Agenda was fun and adorable. It was such a good time. 


What I Am Currently Reading

The Nature of Witches is really good so far. It does get a bit heavy handed at times, but I am a big fan of the magic. All the weather events keep it very tense and exciting as well. 

Don't Go Stealing My Heart (are you singing, like me?) is cute. Like the last book in the series, there is this criminal element. I kind expected to be getting the HEAs for the other brothers from the first book, so I was surprised we had a new location and new characters. Still fun. 

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Yay for the weekend!! Happy blogoversary! I love concerts so those sound wonderful. Nothing better than live music in the summer. I hope they're all amazing.

    The Nature Witches sounds awesome.

    Wait For It- is that the cozy author?

    1. Just finished Witches. It was wonderful! I feel like hardcore fantasy readers may not enjoy it as much as me, because I was all about the characters journey to self-acceptance, while those readers might want more of the magic and collapsing atmosphere. Jenn McKinlay is a romance writer. I have only read two of her books, but they were great.

  2. It’s already 90+ degrees?! Noooo! I think the warmest it’s been here is the high 70s. I’m envious you get to see Green Day and Fall Out Boy. My high-school-aged self would have hitchhiked to Chicago for that opportunity. I hope you have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. The weather is so rude! This was the concert I was supposed to go to last year at Wrigley Field. I am excited to be able to walk to my first concert ever. It's going to be an epic show. Green Day, FOB, AND Weezer. So excited! I haven't seen Green Day in maybe 18 years? It was a long time ago with Saves the Day and Blink 182.

  3. I added some of the books you listed here to my TBR. Yay for first dose! I hope you felt okay afterward. I would love the Green Day/FOB concert!

    1. The top of my arm was sore, but that was it. Both bands are amazing live. I saw FOB not that long ago, when my daughter was an undergrad, but I haven't seen Green Day since 2002.

  4. Oh yay for fun trips planned! And yay for doing well with the first vaccine. It was the second one that threw me through a loop the second day. Ugh. And I had to take care of my parents' dog while they were out of town. Not fun. I still cringe when thinking about it. Hopefully you'll be among the lucky ones who is totally fine after the second one!

    Nice new reads! Those are all new to me ones. I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. None of my family members had an issue with the vaccine. My daughter claims you just have to think it would affect you and it will manifest πŸ˜‚ I am hoping for the best when I go next month.

  5. OMG, this weather! I can't deal with it! This is not normal! Last week I was still wearing hoodies, and now I'm breaking out the shorts.

    1. It could be worse. It could be humid, like July/August. There's a little breeze too. Not that I am spending my time outside.

  6. I'm so happy you have so many concerts planned!! Hooray! And happy blogiversary.
    The weather in OH is hot as well. It doesn't bode well for July/August if its already 90 in May!

    1. I am used to the crummy weather in July and August, but the 90s need to stay out of May, you know.

  7. Wow, it sounds like you have lots of fun concerts planned! Glad you're finally able to get back to the things you love!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Hopefully they all happen without a hitch. Regardless, I will still use those plane tickets to visit the kid.

  8. Yay for not passing out during vaccination! and all the concerts, and coming full circle.

    That dog with the duck 😍.

    And yes, I'm singing "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" now - both versions at once πŸ˜‚.

    1. Yes!!! I have been singing that song for days now.

      I can tell you some stories about me and needles. Yikes! This was progress.

  9. I am so not up for 90s in May but it's a common here in Southern California. It's going to be in the 90s tomorrow and high 80s the rest of the week.

    I've seen all the bands you've mentioned in concerts in the Los Angeles/Hollywood area at small venues and they were great. It's always fun to see band you've seen in the past, to know all their songs. Yay for Summer concerts! I hope you have a wonderful time, Sam! Happy blogoversary and congrats on switching over to a self-hosted site!

    1. I live in the northeast. I expect the spring to deliver some decent weather between the cold winters and oppressive summers. The 90s are not welcome here. This will not be the first time seeing any of these bands for me. I am happy to meet a fellow MCS fan. *high five*

  10. We are unseasonably cool. Some mornings it is in the 40s. Yay for the first shot & concerts.

    1. I want those cool mornings again. It was like 75 at 8am

  11. Ugh, I hate when weeks go by slow. I hope this upcoming week is better for you.
    I'm so jealous of all your upcoming concerts!!! I don't have any planned but I can't wait to see some live music again. I'd love to see the FOB/Green Day concert.


    1. Monday is not starting off well. I got booted from my work connection and you know Mondays are always busy. UGHHHHH. Definitely ready for live music again!

  12. Dashboard Confessional unplugged sounds fantastic. Man, Green Day & FOB concert sounds wild. I'm sure you'll enjoy all of these!! Happy blogoversary!! It's probably been a few weeks now since you ordered the book but TBD shipments here takes forever and with COVID, it'll probably be a bit longer. But I'm excited for it!! Thank you!! and Yay for your first dose! I'm getting mine tomorrow!!

    1. These are all bands I have seen, but not in a while. So, very excited. I have to check that tracking again, but I know shipping to some places does take longer. I cut and paste your address, so I can only hope it gets there.

  13. Yay for having so many exciting plans on your calendar! I just started replanning my son's first trip to NYC, which was cancelled due to COVID, and I was over the moon to finally add something to look forward to on my calendar. Congrats on 8 years blogging! I'm also really glad to hear you're enjoying The Nature of Witches. I'm starting that one as soon as I finish Malibu Rising and I'm really looking forward to it.

    1. I loved The Nature of Witches. I see fantasy readers a bit disappointed, but I embraced the character's journey and loved it.

  14. Glad you got your jab! I finally have a date for mine (first week in June) so I'm excited... Normal is coming closer. Inch by inch.
    I love Fall Out Boy! Your summer of concerts sounds awesome... Feeling plan envy over here! I really should look into doing stuff as stuff starts coming back online, lol. All I have on the horizon is heading to Edinburgh to see my mum in August (for the first time in 20 months!)

    I like the sound of The Nature of Witches. Think I'll add that one to my Amazon stalk list. :)

    1. It's astounding how many people won't get the vaccine in the US, and when I hear from my international blogging friends, they are clamoring to get it. A FOB live show is always a good time. I can't wait! I am so happy you are going to get to see your mother. That is way too long.

  15. Congrats on your vax! And so many concerts!! We have tickets to one in August that got rescheduled from 2020. I miss live music so much. Happy reading this week!

    1. Two were rescheduled (FOB, Riotfest), others were cancelled, and some are new. I am very excited to do a live show again though. It's something my daughter and I enjoy doing together.

  16. Happy blogoversary! And I so want to go to concerts like you will!

    1. Thank you! Hopefully you will be attending events again soon

  17. Sorry to hear work was tough last week. I think we've all had those weeks which have you banging your head against a wall and they drag on. I hope this week is better work wise. But yay for concerts to look forward to. I can't even remember the last time I got to watch live music, but I could say that about a lot of things at the moment. I'm excited to be able to look forward to things again. I got Don't Go Stealing my Heart this week, I hope you enjoyed. I've not started reading yet but I'm sure it won't be a purchase I regret (or I hope it won't be).

    1. Monday didn't start out well. I couldn't log in for over 2 hours due to an outage. So, hopefully it's only better from here on out. I am enjoying Don't Go Stealing My Heart even if it wasn't what I thought it should be.

  18. Poor you, what an experience with getting your vaccination. Are you like that with any/all shots? I guess not passing out is a silver lining! Jay's Gay Agenda looks so cute. And I have to sing when I see the title of Don't Go Stealing My Heart. :)

    1. Doctors, needles - hate them all! Can't even watch on TV or really talk about it. My kid held my hand when she was four and getting shots. I had to look away, and I was out on the wet ground in front of the LabCorp when the kid needed some tests. I am bad, but I did it! Jay's Gay Agenda was adorable. Loved it!

  19. Our weather is swinging all over the place. From almost 90 to 60 the next day and now rain.

    I'm glad you didn't pass out from your shot! I'm not afraid of needles but I sometimes have those panic attacks in weird situations. Especially if I ramp myself up about being nervous. I brought Kevin just in case.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I pass out when other people get needles. It's really bad. I usually vomit and pass out, so lots of progress was made.

  20. I am actually kind of ready for some heat. I want to get in my pool but I am a wimp so I need the water to warm up! You have so many concerts planned. We used to go to a ton of concerts but I am a bit hesitant to go to any just yet. Good luck moving to self-hosted! I hope that you have a fantastic week!

    1. Hush! We don't need hot days yet. We have July and August coming.
