
Sunday, May 9, 2021

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

If you found this post - CONGRATULATIONS! Like I said, the migration might not go well, and it did not. I am really living up to that nickname they gave me as a kid (black cloud), but seriously, why are things easy for most people but not me? I am back at this URL for a while. I ending up going to a service recommended by Nick after failing miserably to follow those directions that tell you how easy it is to migrate to self-hosted WP. Easy for some, but not Sam. This was just compounding my epic feelings of failure this week. 😔 I have a scheduled migration on the 29th, but until then, my domain is in some sort of limbo. 

Anyhow, enough kvetching. To everyone who is celebrating HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! I am delighted to have my own child here with me. She is making me a pistachio cake and a wonderful chicken dish. She's a good cook, so I am excited. I will have to post photos next week. 

Let's Discuss!
  • Nick put on a bookish fashion show
  • Tracy talked about special editions
  • Sabrina tells us why she gives books star ratings

On the Blog:
  • Monday: Blog Tour - This Is For Tonight by Jessica Patrick
  • Tuesday: TTT - Recently Read
  • Wednesday: CWW - Kind of Sort of Fine, The Rules for Disappearing
  • Thursday: #AmReading YA - Sunkissed, Counting Down with You
  • Friday: Five Star Friday - April 



What I Read Last Week

It was a decent reading week. The ratings are ok, but I expected a few to wow me more, you know? 


What I Am Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Happy Mother's Day! I hope you have a very nice one and awesome that you get to spend it with your daughter. But oh no about your migration- sadly, I'd be the same, which is why I never do it. lol. But I hope all goes well for you and the next time is smooth.

    Nothing like a nice soak!! :)

    Rules for Disappearing looks good...

    1. I think now that I have someone doing the migration for me, it should be ok. I wish I had never tried to do it on my own though. I fell for all those articles that said how "easy" it was. The Rules for Disappearing was good. I even bought the second book.

    2. I would definitely use someone who knows what they're doing if I tried it :)

    3. That's what I will tell anyone who asks me

  2. Wow, well I feel like I've missed a lot while I've been gone, you're moving to WP? Well, fingers crossed the service you're using runs smoothly. I wouldn't feel bad, they say it's simple but they are also computer people writing the guides so they know what it means when stuff goes wrong unlike the rest of us.

    Happy mother's day (you americans really confuse me with this as I totally panicked thinking I'd forgotten it but the UK one was in March so thankfully didn't forget mother's day here) enjoy the day with your daughter I'm sure she'll be treating you to all good things.

    1. BECKY!!!! How you doing?

      I have been going back and forth about migrating to self-hosted, and when blogger said it wouldn't support feedburner any longer, it seemed like an omen. But, I should have known better than to think it would be simple. I trust it will go well with someone else involved.

    2. I'm good. I'm still not back blogging despite telling myself I would return at the start of pretty much every month this year but I'm getting there. Who knew working from home would leave me less motivated to do my usual fun free time things?

      I saw blogger was removing some feedburner support when I logged on my blog for the first time in 5 months and I was like what? Yet another thing I need to figure out, who has the time? But I've seen a few people making the move and this explains why. Here's hoping it runs smoothly second time around.

    3. I am happy to see you around in any capacity.

  3. Ugh, sorry to hear about the migration issues. I am so not techy enough to attempt that. I just know I would be totally lost. Pistachio cake sounds delish! I'll be interested to read your thoughts on The Soulmate Equation. I'm curious about that one.

    1. I thought with a step-by-step guide and knowing other people who successfully migrated, that it would be ok. I should have known better. Lesson learned. That's what I get for being cheap.

      I liked Soulmate. Single moms have a special place in my heart and I loved the nerdy science stuff.

  4. Sorry about the migration problems! I really want to move to self-hosted Wordpress, but my site is so messy I’d have to hire someone to do it, and I’m terrified. Happy Mother’s Day! Enjoy your time with your kid.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. My advice would be to just hire someone. I went with a hosting service that handles all the updates too. My lesson was learned quickly.

  5. Yeah I have no tech savvy in me when it comes to computers, which is why I'll likely always stay at my little blogspot blog...despite the issues I have with Blogger at times. Mostly when they want to change things constantly after how many years of smooth sailing? Why ruddy the waters? To drive me insane, that's why! Lol!

    Nice new reads! Those are all new to me ones but I hope you will enjoy each and every one of them! Happy Mother's Day!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Blogger really was so easy, but with support for many features disappearing, I am afraid of what else will disappear.

  6. One day I tried to move my blog to WP, but it was not what I wanted AT ALL, so I was back within 2 hours...

    I was SO anxious when I moved my domain from Blogspot to a self-hosed one. I do still use Blogger to make my blogposts, because I think it works just great.
    But I'm now hosted by Go Daddy and I'm quite happy about it!

    TBH.. I have no idea how I did it back then.... My boyfriend is really good with IT and ICT, so he helped a bit too.

    I hope it will all work out eventually :) Good luck!

    1. I bought my domain back in beginning of 2020, but that is a simple redirect. This was a mess.

  7. Happy Mother's Day, Sam! So glad you get to spend it with your daughter.

  8. Back when Arlene was on the blog more she wanted to try to go over to WordPress and we tried, but it was so completely confusing to me and the rest of our team we gave up. Maybe someday? You can have someone switch it over for you? I'd be up for that. Good luck on your switch over. Happy Mother's Day!

    1. I am signing up with a hosting service that will do the migration and make sure any updates are installed. I got stuck so early in the process, I don't want to risk anything else. It comes to $10 a month, which really isn't much money when you talk about a hobby. Happy Mother's Day to you too!

  9. Sorry to hear the migration didn't go smoothly but glad to hear you and your daughter are spending Mother's Day together. Hope you had a wonderful day and that the pistachio cake was delicious. I hope all of your reads this week. I've got Heart & Seoul coming up this week on my TBR and am a little nervous about it after seeing ratings on GR.

    1. The pistachio cake was amazing! It's nice to have a dessert I actually really enjoyed. I heard the issue with Heart & Seoul is that it's not an HEA/HFN romance. So, I am going in with the expectation of women's fiction. That might help

  10. Ugh! I finally got your site to work. I tried several times and with several browsers yesterday to be able to come comment. Now I know why. Sorry you're dealing with all of that! I guess I'm paying $20 a month to have mine hosted by Nose Graze, but with all the migrating to wordpress from Blogger and all the help I get with things, I've decided it is worth it for me with my limited html/techy abilities on that front. Hope you get yours figured out, because I'll hate missing your posts!

    I'll be reading Made in Korea later this week I think. And Last Chance Books is one I really want to read! Also glad to see the new Christina Lauren book got 4 stars. Have a great week and good luck with your blog woes!

    1. I am actually not sure why you couldn't comment. I removed my domain and it's just the old blogspot blog. Not sure what the issue was. I am paying for a service to finish my migration and they will do the hosting and updates too. I actually bumped Soulmate up to 4.5 while I wrote the review. I realized it touched me more than I originally thought after I sat with it a bit.

  11. I am so intimidated by switching to WP. I don't know if I'll ever do it! XD I'm glad you got to spend Mother's Day with your kid. This year is so much better than last, isn't it? Enjoy your upcoming reads!

    1. I definitely shouldn't have tried to do it on my own. Oh, well. Lesson learned. This mother's day was much better than the last. It's nice to be with your kids for that holiday.

  12. I was wondering if there was an issue, because I cannot open your site on Chrome. Yesterday it was a different error, then today it tells me its not secure. But, Safari let me open it just fine! I had Ashley at Nose Graze transfer my site when I made the jump years ago. Otherwise, it would have never happened!
    Hope you have a great week and Happy Mother's Day!

    1. I don't know, all those articles I read made it sound so easy. At least I gave up quickly and didn't waste too much time.

  13. Better luck with the next transfer attempt. Hope you had a great Mother's Day, though!

    1. With someone else doing it, it should be just fine 😂

  14. Happy belated Mother's Day, Sam! I am so sorry to hear that you had trouble migrating your blog! I didn't even attempt to do it myself. I am sure that I would have had trouble too. I have my daughter home but she hasn't been cooking for me. I might have to show her this post! I hope that you have a great week and enjoy all of your new books.

    1. Hope you had a nice Mother's Day, Carole! I mean, if I was willing to spend more time and still fail, it would have been worse. The new service has a good rep, and they get back to me very quickly every time I open a ticket.

  15. Blogger is taking its revenge on you! LOL. Seriously, I'm glad you found a way around it and your migration is in good hands. So, will you be able to import your followers as well?

    Haha, those cats must be the original models for the Lion King's protagonists!

    1. I have no idea about followers or anything at this point, but my URL will point to the new site once it's up.

  16. Well sam I found you LOL And I hope your migration will get smoother next time!

    1. I did get my domain DNS settings fixed so I could point here. I have other people in charge, so it should be fine. I guess we will find out on the 29th.

  17. Happy Belated Mother's Day!!!!

