
Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

I didn't do anything notable this week, but I took care of some stuff. I let my optimism drive me to book my flights to Chicago for some of those rescheduled concerts from last year. The flights were over $100 less than I was paying before the pandemic. I had a voucher from last year for one canceled flight, and only had to pay an extra $43 combined. Not bad. Even if the shows are canceled, I will go. I want to see where the kid lives. She moved in right after my last visit in 2019, so I have yet to see the new place. 

I was happy to order a Mother's Day gift for my mother. It's something she would never think to buy for herself. Let's hope this is not a repeat of last year's disaster, and my dad doesn't throw her gift in the garbage again. 

I don't want to complain, since other parts of the country got snow, but I am not happy the cold is back. I had to turn the heat on. April really is a fickle beast of the a month. 

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

The kid and I love chonky animals, and I was delighted to find Round Boys.

Let's Discuss!
  • Carol shares what makes her pick up a book
  • Malka talks about bookish stereotypes
  • Nicole explains why she's impossible to box

On the Blog:
  • Monday: #AmReading YA - Where the Road Leads Us, My Epic Spring Break (Up)
  • Tuesday: TTT - Kiss and Make-up
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Nature of Witches, That Second Chance
  • Thursday: Isn't It Romantic? - Twice Shy by Sarah Hogle



What I Read Last Week

I read one of my most anticipated books this week and was happy that 10 Truths and a Dare was delightful. I did wish for more time with the crazy family and a bit more of the romance, but it still was a winner for me. 

My favorite book of the week was Better Than the Movies. You know how I often complain about the "rom-coms" not really being rom-coms? Well, this was a rom-com. It was nod to all those movies that won my heart when I was younger. I laughed out loud so much as I read this book, and I loved how Painter worked so many of those rom-com tropes in there. So fun! 



What I Am Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. That's good you're going to be able to see your daughter. I hope you have a great visit, concerts or no. And I love the turtle- I'm a big fan of them anyway. :)

    Good looking books as usual. Be well this week.

    1. The turtle is a better dancer than me. I am jealous

  2. I hope you get both to visit AND to attend your concerts! They're talking about restarting those here in a while, along with other activities...but people would need to be reasonable and comply with the rules, and half of them are already going around maskless...🙄

    Snow? Ugh. But we've had lower temps than average here too (no snow because it's extremely rare where I live). I hear you. I hate the heat, but the cold should be past us by now...

    All those videos were funny LOL. I didn't know one could train their turtles 😂.

    1. These are outdoor concerts. One would be stadium seating. Not sure how they would do that. The other is a four day festival in a park (I think). It's definitely outside. Fingers crossed they both happen. That turtle is amazing! I watched that video like 50 times. Makes me giggle.

  3. Chicago will be fun! I miss going places. I miss book signings and festivals. Right now the one I was planning to attend in June will be making a final decision this week as to whether it will happen or not. Previously they said they'd have it, then sometime after they said they would decide by Wednesday of this week. Fingers crossed it happens!

    Nice new reads! Those are new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I hope they can at least plan some smaller outdoor bookish events. With the warmer weather coming, I am hoping for more things to do

  4. Uh oh, I need to order something for my mom! XD Stay warm up there in the freezing cold! I've heard great things about Roomies! I hope you love it!

    1. I already bought something when we were on vacation, but I wanted to buy something more. Good luck finding something great for your mom

  5. Hope you'll have a fun time on your visit! I've honestly never been to a single concert (although I got close to going a couple of times) generally because I wasn't that invested to music to actually spend on them. lol. I like seeing artists and people post videos and generally about them though. That would be fun to see again. And how does your dad even mistake a gift for garbage? hahaha.

    Would love to read your thoughts when you finish People We Meet on Vacation and Roomies!!

    1. I went to my first concert in 1986. I love live shows and living in NY and then the tri-state area, I was lucky to be able to attend many. Last year, my mom was in the hospital when her gift came, so I left it in their entry near the garbage. Dad thought it was garbage. I didn't notice until the next day. That's how things go here.

  6. You got a lot of awesome books! So many that I want to read! We had to turn our heat back on here too. Supposedly might get some snow this week too. Yuck.
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Same. I woke up and it 67 in the house. I put that heat on. I will not allow it to get below 70 in my home

  7. Aw, I love those chonky dogs. I own Harley in the Sky, so I'm excited to hear your thoughts about that. This is the first time I'm seeing Better Than the Movies - I haven't been paying attention to new releases at all - and it sounds great. I'm definitely frustrated by publishers slapping the rom-com label onto every romance title, so I'm glad to hear this is a real one. :)

    1. Harley in the sky was good. I like Bowman's books, and I really enjoyed the circus aspect a lot. Better Than the Movies was almost a patchwork all the best parts of those classic rom-coms. I had the best time reading that book.

  8. I think I’ll be adding Better Than the Movies to my WTR :)
    My mum is tough to buy for, I sort of have an idea what I want to get so I should move on that soon

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. My mom buys herself anything she wants, so it's challenging to buy for her too. She's on a new tea kick, so I went that route. Better Than the Movies was so much fun. I enjoy every word I read of it.

  9. I am green with jealousy when I hear about your travel Sam! We are stuck inside our borders and so late for the vaccination campagne. As long as the whole world was stuck with us I didn't mind,'s difficult. But hey I'll get to live vicariously through you )

    1. I won't travel out of the US, but I feel ok after making my first trip. Hope you guys get to travel soon

  10. So glad you're finally getting that trip to visit your daughter!! I am so looking forward to getting to visit my grandmother this summer. It's felt way too long!!

    1. I am lucky the kid has been flying here, but I am excited to see where she lives. You haven't seen your grandmother before lockdown? Wow. That is too long

    2. Yeah, I haven't seen my dad or grandmother since lockdown. They both received their shots, so my dad said it's safe to go visit them now. They're abt 10 hrs away, so it's not something we can jump on without planning.

    3. That's tough. I hope you can get out to them soon

  11. We haven't even turned the heat off yet! I remember last year that it got really cold again and I had to turn it back on, so I figured this year I would just leave it on for awhile.

    1. I need to live with you. I live with polar bears who put the air on with it 50 out.

  12. I hope you get to see those concerts you've been waiting for!! At the very least, you'll get a visit to Chicago. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I don't care where I go as long as I get to spend some QT with the kid

  13. Chicago is such a neat city. I'm sure you'll have fun even if your concerts are canceled again. I need to check out the new Jamison book! I got a copy of The Love Hypothesis too. Hope we both love it!

    1. Not sure how much we will venture out, since I am not so keen on taking mass transit these days, but at least I will be with the kid.

  14. Yay for re-booking your Chicago tickets and finally getting to see where your daughter is living! I'm thrilled to see Better Than the Movies was such a hit for you. I'm starting that one this week and am so excited about it. I smile every time I look at the cover. :)

    1. I hope you are enjoying Better Than the Movies. That book made me happy

  15. Look at those little dogs! They’re like dust bunnies, but with more energy. I hope you have a great visit with your daughter!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  16. I hope the concerts work out, but that's great you plan to go to Chicago regardless to visit with your daughter! Always nice to have something like that to look forward to. And that's awesome your plane ticket was a lot cheaper than the original price. Woohoo!! Hope you have a great reading week.


    1. I think it's a win-win situation for me. Minimally, I will get to go somewhere and see the kid.

  17. I can't believe Mother's Day is almost here! I need to get my mom a gift, too. I'm glad you said something!

    1. The year is flying by. Good luck finding something great

  18. Yay for booking flights and saving money! Woohoo! And we are suppose to get some snow flurries on Wednesday. It's just getting silly even for unpredictable April!

  19. There's no harm in having a more productive week! Now that we're both vaccinated, we're cautiously starting to plan some travel for later this year. I was pleasantly surprised to see some great prices on both flights and hotels!

    1. That's great that you two are vaccinated. I still have to get an appointment, but just about everyone else in my family is vaccinated. Flights are super cheap, and it's great that you can change your flight for free.

  20. It has been so long since I took a trip! We haven't been on a vacation in over 6 years! I can't even tell you how long it has been since I set foot on a plane. (It's not that we don't want to's the fact that I have 3 dogs that I would have to find someone to watch) I am so glad that you are going to be able to see your daughter's place. Being apart is hard! I hope that you have a great week!

    1. It is hard to go away when you have pets unless you can go somewhere with them. My sister always asks us to watch her dog, but three would be a big ask.

  21. Yay for getting to reschedule your trip to Chicago! Fingers crossed the concert dates stick but if not there's so much fun stuff to do there with your daughter. And yesssss, we were in the 70s last week and this weekend we're getting a snow storm, oh joy lol. But by mid next week we're to be back in the 70s lol.
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. I have been to Chicago a few times, but I really want to see the kid's new place.

  22. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get to go to your concerts as well as see your daughter! I have hope for the latter half of this year but I'm terrified something will go wrong and steal the hope away...

    Hope you had a good week, Sam!

    1. We have to keep the faith that things are looking up
