
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: You're Quite Clever

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

You're Quite Clever!

Today, we are supposed to be talking about funny book titles. I couldn't decide if I should go with funny "ha-ha" or funny weird, so I went in a totally different direction. I am all about being amused, and you know what amuses me? A fun spin on a classic saying or title. I am all about the wordplay, and I appreciate how clever some of these authors were when naming their books. Below are some that made me chuckle. Some I read, some I didn't, but all made me grin. 

The following are books I read and enjoyed. I liked the way the authors did a little wordplay in the titles, and how well they fit the books. 
  • Tools of Engagement by Tessa Bailey - Lots of tool with house flipping and all, but this partnership also led to romance, which is what I liked even more. 
  • War and Speech by Dan Zolidis - A great riff on a classic title, which captured the mood of these speech underdogs trying to take down the elite. 
  • Tweet Cute by Emma Lord - It's meet cute but modern, and Tweeting played a big role in this story. 
  • I Love You So Mochi by Sarah Kuhn - The titles says it all - romance and mochi. In fact, there was lots of great treats mentioned in this book. 
  • Beard Science by Penny Reid - Every book in this series give a nod to the bearded brothers in the title. I picked this one, because it made me break out in song, but also made sense since the brother of focus was known for his science inclinations. 

I have not read any of these books, but I loved how they borrowed from a classic. Some are retellings or have some sort of link to the original too. I am sure you all can identify the original classic referenced for each. 

Have any titles made you grin?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I love the Prom & Prejudice one, there are lots of good riffs on Pride & Prejudice out there!

  2. Replies
    1. Same. There's some really great ones out there too

  3. I love this! It was a fun twist. These type of titles always make me smile.

    1. I often see titles that make me giggle, and I applaud the authors for that

  4. Punny titles are so creative sometimes! I see so many cozy mysteries with them but I've yet to read one. :)

    1. The first thing I thought of were the cozies. Always cute titles. I haven't read any yet, though I always claim I am going to try one.

  5. I was just watching a Booktuber do a reading vlog on Tools of Engagement so it was already on my mind. And she loved it, so there's that. :)

    1. I liked that book. It was my favorite of the series.

  6. Of Mutts and Men and Withering Tights ! Bwahahahahahahahahaha

  7. Tweet Cute is a great title, and I like Love You so Mcoi too. Prom and Prejudice and Death and Sensibility lol.

  8. I love your take on this and people are so creative to come up with these titles! Tweet Cute, Tools of Engagement, Beard Science are all on my tbr, I love their titles!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. I actually read and LOVED all three of those books. I hope you get to them at some point.

  9. Mmmm . . . A Tale Of Two Cookies. That sounds much more delicious than the original.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  10. I've never tried mochi. Maybe someday. :)

    1. So yummy! They even sell mochi filled with ice cream. You must try some soon.

  11. Withering Tights cracked me up, but all of these are hilarious. I love a good pun. :)

    1. Great name, right? I love the Georgia Nichols books, so that is one I have a serious eye on.

  12. Withering Tights! OMGGG, I love these!!!

  13. This is such a fun post! I always love cozy mystery titles, even though I don't really read them. But the creativity that always goes into the puns they usually use for titles cracks me up every time!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. I have yet to read one either, but the titles really are great.

  14. Titles tend to hook me more than covers. I read the Prom & Prejudice and not the books you mentioned but others from the Reid and Baily's series.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. That is interesting. I am a total cover-ho, but do appreciate a great title. Long ones make me nuts. Prom & Prejudice seems like something I would like.
