
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Workin' for a Livin'

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Workin' for a Livin'!

This was an interesting topic for me to ponder as I still feel like I am trying to find a job I love or inspires me. I have a job that I don't hate, but I use neither of my degrees (BS Chemical Engineering, EdM Education - Physics/Chemistry/General Science certification). When I was scanning my read shelf, I found I clicked on many books, where the characters had outdoor jobs, creative jobs, and/or worked for themselves. Maybe subconsciously that's my heart's desire. Who knows? Regardless of the reasons, I thought these were some interesting jobs to have, and I enjoyed reading about them. This week I stuck with adult books I read, since jobs tend to play a bigger role in these books (normally). 
  • The Wedding Game by Meghan Quinn - Luna was a massive crafter, and she was able to forge a living via her Etsy shop and commissions. It was cool reading about all her projects, and the idea of being able to create full time and afford an apartment in NYC blew my mind. 
  • The Romantic Pact by Meghan Quinn - Hazel grew up and around a farm and became the driving force into making it a destination location. Super hard work, but you really get to enjoy the fruits of your labor, and organizing the parties and events would be gratifying as well. 
  • Sparks by Wendy Higgins - Harlow was a flight attendant. I have such wanderlust, and think if I was a certain age, I would enjoy the travel benefits that came with this job. 
  • Happy Singles Day by Ann Marie Walker - Paige was certified professional organizer. I love making things neat, tidy, and logically organized. I couldn't imagine the work I could do with a big budget. 
  • The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon - Shay was originally on the production side of the radio show, and I think I would love doing that. Being behind the scenes, but still being a part of creating something that people enjoy. 
  • Shipped by Angie Hockman - Graeme was the social media manager for a cruise line. I know this is a hard job, but the perks! 
  • Enjoy the View by Sarah Morgenthaler - Easton had his own business as a mountaineer. Being your own boss, communing with nature. Yes, it could be dangerous, but I sort of love the idea of not being trapped at a desk all day, and doing something that  can keep me fit. 
  • Crazy Stupid Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams - She ran a cat cafe. I am well aware how demanding running a restaurant can be, and I have absolutely no qualification for this job, but baked goods and cats sounds like a great way to pass the time. 
  • The Twelve Dates of Christmas by Jenny Bayliss - Kate was an artist, who designed prints for Liberty London. It was flexible, work from home mostly, and allowed her to bake on the side. 
  • Tools of Engagement by Tessa Bailey - Bethany was an interior decorator, who was branching out into flipping houses. Again, being creative and physical. I would love to have the sort of knowledge necessary for such a pursuit as well. 

Have you discovered any interesting job while reading?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Oh, man, so many of these sound so fun! Working outdoors, like a park ranger, could be fun, and I've always been interested in interior design. I totally hear ya on not actually using your college degrees in your current career!

    1. I am not creative enough for interior design, but I admire people with a knack for it.

  2. The cat cafe! That's my dream but maybe a corgi cafe instead! I like how unique the careers in Rachel's books are. Her next one has weather folks and I'm intrigued.

    1. I think corgi cafes exist too. I think the challenge in adult books, which will most likely include their work life, is coming up with something interesting. I like when the authors are really creative.

  3. I’m in the same situation with jobs. I don’t hate my job, but I didn’t spend 11 years in college to work at a campground. I would love to have a job where I could travel.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It's a shame. I had a job that required international travel when my daughter was younger, which was why I left. Now, she is grown and would love to do that job.

  4. I wouldn't mind being a crafter, too. It would be fun. I just finished that book yesterday and really enjoyed it.

    1. I crafted so much when I was younger. Now I have arthritis and no space, but I admire people who can turn a passion into a living.

  5. I could NEVER be a flight attendant! I have fear of flying!! LOL

    1. Really? I don't like take off or landing, but I am ok in-between

  6. I love when books truly incorporate a persons job. And I love foodie romances that really get into the cooking aspect. And anything gardening because that's my favorite hobby.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Foodie romances are fantastic, though, they leave me hungry and nothing I have will satisfy me.

  7. I love organizing, so I would love to be a professional organizer. Sounds fun!

    Happy TTT!

    1. I feel such a sense of accomplishment when everything is in its place, and the things I could do with a bigger budget.

  8. All great choices! I'll skip the flight attendant and mountaineer though, since I'm afraid of heights. ;) The cat cafe sounds perfect for me! Ha!

    1. I have never actually climbed a mountain, but I love the idea of conquering it and being outdoors.

  9. This is such a fun (and interesting) topic. I think radio would be fascinating (even though I imagine it's changed sooo much), and a cat cafe!!!

    Love the Huey Lewis song!

    1. You know you can count on me for some old song, but seriously, Huey was great. I thought this topic would be hard, but I have encountered some really interesting occupations in my reading.

  10. Ooooh, a mountaineer sounds fun! I loved Shay's job in The Ex Talk, too!

    1. I liked the producing side of Shay's job better than the on-air side. I am more of a behind the scenes person.

  11. "Being behind the scenes, but still being a part of creating something that people enjoy."
    That would appeal to me too! You know I work as a radio host, but I'm behind the scenes all the same that way. I could never be on TV.

    1. Being a host is being out there. I don't even want to be that much in the forefront. I want to be one of the little elves who make things happen.

  12. Lots of great choices here. I loved how Luna was able to make a living with her mad crafting skills and I also loved the cat cafe in Crazy Stupid Bromance.

    1. I am so jealous of people who can make their hobby/passion into a career.
