
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Spring Reading

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Spring Reading!

Although I have not right to complain too much about this winter, I am still excited for the advent of spring. Along with autumn, it's one of my favorite seasons. It's warm, but not hot, and all the greenery returns. Spring never fails to lift my spirits! Along with sprouting leaves and spring blooms are a ton of amazing books. The following are ten books I am very excited to be reading this spring. The first five are YA, the last five adult. Pretty sure they are all contemporary (surprising, I know). 

What's on your spring TBR?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I haven't been following much new releases at all. I'm only familiar with The Soulmate Equation and I'm quite curious of that. But wow, I'm judging these by cover and I'm absolutely digging the covers of My Ride or Die and Everyone Dies Famous in a Small Town.

    1. Have you read any of Christina Lauren's more recent books? I love them. They are so fun. Hitchcock impressed me so much with The Smell of Other People's Houses, I just know her new book will be great.

  2. I love the colours on these covers -- they just so bright and lovely andd scream spring and summer ! Dial A for Aunites is on that has been on my list for a bit and I cannot wait!

    1. That book sounds so awesome. I expect it to be a hit for me

  3. I do love spring! I may have to pick up People We Meet on Vacation.

    1. I always enjoyed Henry's books, but she really impressed me with her adult debut. Looking forward to having her manhandle my heart again

  4. I'm really excited for the new Christina Lauren book!

  5. I hope you love them all! I need to get my hands on the new Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock book for sure.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I almost cried when I got the approval for that book. her last book was phenomenal.

  6. I'm also excited for Sunkissed and Heart & Soul. I should have included them on my list this week.

    1. Heart & Seoul is finally here! It's a year late, so I am really excited about it.

  7. The Soulmate Equation is on my list today, today. In a Holidaze was so good that it really reignited my love Christina Lauren.

    1. All their books have been good if not fantastic for me, and the whole premise sounds like a winner.

  8. I'm curious about People We Meet On Vacation and Dial A for Aunties! Hope you're having a great time on your vacay.


    1. I am crossing my fingers that Henry punches me in the feels the way she did with her last book. I am anticipating greatness here.

  9. People We Meet on Vacation and Soulmate Equation are on my list too. Hope we both love them. :)

  10. We share several - the Christina Lauren, Heart & Soul, and People We Meet on Vacation, which is one of my most anticipated reads of the year. I didn't include it on my list but I'll also be reading Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry. I just couldn't resist that title, lol.

    1. I have a billion review books coming out this spring, so I think I had more overlap with you too.

  11. I'm excited for DIAL A FOR AUNTIES. It just sounds super fun! I have an ARC that I'm hoping to get to soon. I hope we both love this book and that you enjoy all your others.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. *high five* Hope we both love it. I mean, it sounds like it's going to be a good time.

  12. I just added like 85% of these to my TBR. I'm so out of the loop, Sam!! Moving, COVID, family issues - I feel like I've missed so much in the blogging community. I've definitely missed visiting blogs and chatting with everyone. <3

    1. Hey, you have to take care of things sometimes. Don't worry, the books will wait for you

  13. I'm currently reading The Soulmate Equation and loving it so far! And I can't wait for Henry's, of course. But I'll be excited to hear what you think of Dial A for Aunties, as well. I've been hearing good things about it and I'm intrigued! <3

    1. *clapping* Glad to hear the new CLo is going well. I am hoping Aunties is as fun as it sounds.

  14. I am really looking forward to spring when it comes! I have an arc of excuse me while I ugly cry and I am excited to read that one! Especially as I have been reading a lot of contemporary YA romance again in March. I also want to try the new emily henry book. I hope you love all of these x

    1. Yes! I feel really good about that book. I hope it's a hit for both of us.
