
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Spring Cleaning

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Spring Cleaning!

Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth. There's a lot of out with the old to make room for the new. I went though my TBR and picked ten books that have been there for a while. I actually went through my Goodreads TBR not too long ago and was totally ruthless. I pared it down from over 1000 to about 300. I have been better about reading the books I own, but there's still some rather old ones festered on the shelf. I am looking for your input today. Let me know if they should stay, or if they should go. 
  • A Totally Awkward Love Story by Tom Ellen, Lucy Ivison - I have read a few of their co-writes, and found them on brand for me - fun and cute. The rating for this one is rather low, which is probably why I keep delaying it, but I still feel like I might like it. 
  • Hate List by Jennifer Brown - Though this is a bit heavy, I remember adding it because I saw a lot of good buzz, but I have to be in the right mood to read books like this. 
  • Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway - I love Benway. I ran out and bought several of her backlist books after reading Far From the Tree, and then, I didn't read them. 
  • Moonglass by Jessi Kirby - Kirby is another author I rushed out to buy, and I have enjoyed all her books. They are really quite beautiful. 
  • Camp Boyfriend by J.K. Rock - I have had this book forEVER! Again, sounds like a signature Sam book. I have no idea why I have not read it yet. 
  • The Way Back to You by Michelle Andreani, Mindi Scott - Road trip and grief, what more could I ask for? You all know I gobble up books like this. 
  • 738 Days by Stacey Kade - A young woman trying to recover from 738 days as a captive, and a fallen Hollywood idol trying to rehab his career are brought together. It sounds really interesting to me. 
  • Forget Me Not by Ellie Terry - A girl who love astronomy - she already owns me. She also has Tourette's Syndrome and is trying to hide that side of herself from her classmates at her new school. I already want to hug her. 
  • The Hidden Memory of Objects by Danielle Mages Amato - This one is a little different from my norm, but the idea of an artifact detective intrigues me, and there is also a sister trying to get to the truth about her brother's death. 
  • These Things I've Done by Rebecca Philips - Her best friend died in an accident. She had something to do with it. She has to face the friend's brother. The pain! The drama! I'm intrigued. 

Which books do you think I should read?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. It is hard to break down the TBR like that sometimes! Kudos to you for being able to get those numbers down. :) I love the sound of Forget Me Not.

    1. I can be ruthless, but I also have not made any such progress with my kindle library.

  2. I actually haven't read any of these, so I can't really help you out, but doesn't it feel so good sometimes to do a big purge?

    1. Sometimes you just need to sit yourself down and be realistic. If I can do it with clothes (which will probably never fit me again), I can do it with books (which I will most likely never read)

  3. I've only read Camp Boyfriend and I liked that one and think you would too!

    1. From what I know about the book, I agree with you. Sounds very much my speed.

  4. I wish I could give you advice on these, but I haven't read them. I do the same thing sporadically and usually let GR reviews help guide my decision if they're by friends.

    1. I will admit, I can be deterred by low ratings. There's so many books to read, I struggle with picking one up with an average rating below 3.5

  5. Congrats on paring down your Goodreads TBR from 1000 to 300!

    I've enjoyed the books I've read from Jennifer Brown. I remember the buzz about Hate List. I think it'll be good. I agree it sounds like you'd need to be in a certain mood to read!

    1. I have not read anything from Brown, but that book appeals to me. I just have to be in the right head space to read it.

  6. I’m sorry I’ve not read any of them but I’m feeling ruthless and I’m in the process of decluttering so I say purge!

  7. I've not read any of these so I'm not much help, especially since I'm sitting here fighting the urge to add them all to my TBR. If it were me, I'd probably purge the lower rated ones.

    1. I do hope to read them all at some point, since I own them. Maybe I will use them as my Books from the Backlog.

  8. I hope you love them all! I need to do a better job at reading my old books. I always get distracted by the shiny new ones!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Same. That's why I do Carole's Books from the Backlog. It ensures I am reading at least one old book every week.

  9. Welp, I'm no help. I haven't read any of these and none of them are on my TBR. :) I went through my TBR on Goodreads last year and dropped it from 1000 to 800. But now it's back up. Ha! I'm super impressed that you were able to get rid of so many! I'm determined to try again.

    1. I was ruthless last year. It doesn't mean I won't read something, because I am always cruising the elibrary and picking up random books. It's just a bit more focused, you know

    2. That's awesome! I guess being ruthless is what it takes. I'm going to start mentally preparing and then tackle it again. ;)

  10. It's been years since I read Audrey, Wait! but I still remember enjoying it. I think it was the first I ever read by Benway.

    1. I think Benway is a safe bet. Glad to hear you liked it though

  11. I can't help you out Sam as I haven't read these!!!

    1. I seem to be attracted to books nobody has read.

  12. I know I read A Totally Awkward Love Story but I can't remember what I thought lol. I did really enjoy 738 Days but it was very dark so maybe if you're int hat frame of mind.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I didn't anticipate 738 Days being really dark, but good to know

  13. I did the same with my GR TBR list last year and it was so liberating! I still have too many books on my list, but at least they reflect my current reading interests better.

    I liked FORGET ME NOT. It's an easy read, but a heartfelt one.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. I am all about the heart feels, so sounds like a good one for me

  14. I am laughing so hard because literally at least half of these are on my shelves and I have been going back and forth with them as well! 😂 Plus I am not sure what to DO with them if I cross them off the list! There was this awesome Little Free Library at my son's preschool at our old house, and people gobbled them up- I think I unloaded about 500 (at LEAST) over a few months before we moved! But now I feel... obligated or something! I wish you luck with this endeavor.

    1. I feel the same way about all the physical books I have. I know I won't pick them up, but I want them to go to a good home. I have read some of them in ebook form though.
